Fall 2017 Timetable

This timetable has been updated with changes made up to and including:
Oct 5, 2017

Changes are in RED; additions are in BLUE.

                                                                 FINAL EXAM PERIOD:  December 6 - 16 -> includes Saturdays

Adult Education
Art History
Business Administration
Child, Youth and Family Studies
Computer Information Systems
Computer Science
Criminal Justice
Critical Analysis & Study Methods

Early Childhood Education
Education & Career Planning
Engineering Physics
English for Academic Prep
First Nations Studies
and the Environment
Global Development Studies
Graphic Design

Hospitality & Event Planning
Human Services

Indigenous Peoples Knowledge
Interdisciplinary Studies

Kinesiology & Physical Education
Latin American Studies
Library and Information Tech
Media & Communication Studies

Mennonite Studies

Peace and Conflict Studies


Political Science
Social Work
Teaching English as a 2nd Language
Visual Arts
Women's Studies
Workplace TASK

 HYBRID format -       Some of the classroom instruction time has been moved to online. For example, one class in four
                      will take place online, or in-class time is significantly reduced and replaced with online activities. 
                      Online components can be accessed at http://myclass.ufv.ca/ or http://my.ufv.ca

ONLINE -              Online courses open on Sept 5. Students are expected to login soon after that.
                      Students MUST login by noon Sept 7 or risk losing their spot in the course.
-- Start the online course at http://myclass.ufv.ca/ or http://my.ufv.ca --



 Subj Crse#  Course Title                  Credit      Fee  Requisites

 ---- -----  ------------------------------------ --------  ------------------------------------------------------------

      CRN   Sec Instructor                     Bldg   Room       UMTWRFS Begin End   Start Date  End Date       Max

      ----- --- ------------------------------ ------ ---------- ------- ----- ----  ----------- ----------- ------

                                                                                     Major                          Resv

                                                                                     ------------------------------ ----


 Adult Education


 ADED 215   FOUNDATIONS OF E-LEARNING        3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None.


      91564 ON1 TBA                             ONLINE UFV            R   1800  1900    05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      25

                                                ONLINE UFV            R   1800  1900    14-SEP-2017 14-SEP-2017

                                                ONLINE UFV            R   1800  1900    28-SEP-2017 28-SEP-2017

                                                ONLINE UFV            R   1800  1900    12-OCT-2017 12-OCT-2017

                                                ONLINE UFV            R   1800  1900    26-OCT-2017 26-OCT-2017

                                                ONLINE UFV            R   1800  1900    23-NOV-2017 23-NOV-2017

            Online course - Please see explanation above                           MAJOR:  Adult Education                10

            This course meets five Thursdays for one hour.

            Sessions are conducted in Blackboard Collaborate for both distance and local students.  NO CLASSROOM sessions.


 ADED 305   PORTFOLIO DEV FOR PLAR           3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30-university-

                                                             level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education

                                                             program) or (permission of the Adult Education

                                                             department). Note: Students who do not have 30

                                                             university-level credits will need to contact the Adult

                                                             Education program advisor for permission to register.


      91565 AB1 Janice Johnson                  ONLINE UFV                              05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      25

                                                ABD    225              S 0900  1300    09-SEP-2017 09-SEP-2017      

                                                ABD    225              S 0900  1300    14-OCT-2017 14-OCT-2017

                                                ABD    225              S 0900  1300    04-NOV-2017 04-NOV-2017

                                                ABD    225              S 0900  1300    02-DEC-2017 02-DEC-2017

            HYBRID: Please see explanation above.                                  MAJOR:  Adult Education                20           

      Although this course is primarily conducted on-line, it does require participation in class meetings on the days and times
      noted above. Distance students not within the UFV district may be approved to participate in the above sessions synchronously
      through Blackboard Collaborate.  Those wishing to be considered for this option should contact
corinne.richardson@ufv.ca well
      in advance of the start of classes.


 ADED 390   RESEARCH IN ADULT EDUCATION      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30-university-

                                                             level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education

                                                             program) or (permission of the Adult Education

                                                             department). Note: Students who do not have 30

                                                             university-level credits will need to contact the

                                                             department for permission to register.


      91566 AB1 Seonaigh MacPherson             ONLINE UFV                              05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      25

                                                ABD    225            R   1730  2130    14-SEP-2017 14-SEP-2017     

                                                ABD    225            R   1730  2130    12-OCT-2017 12-OCT-2017

                                                ABD    225            R   1730  2130    02-NOV-2017 02-NOV-2017

                                                ABD    225            R   1730  2130    23-NOV-2017 23-NOV-2017   

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                                  MAJOR:  Adult Education                15           

            Although this course is primarily conducted on-line, it does require participation in class meetings on the days and times
            noted above.
Distance students not within the UFV district may be approved to participate in the above sessions synchronously
            through Blackboard Collaborate.  Those wishing to be considered for this option should contact
corinne.richardson@ufv.ca well
            in advance of the start of classes.


 ADED 407   ORG'L & WORKPLACE LEARNING       3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30-university-

                                                             level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education

                                                             program) or (permission of the Adult Education

                                                             department). Note: Students who do not have 30

                                                             university-level credits will need to contact the Adult

                                                             Education program advisor for permission to register.


      91567 AB1 Geoffrey Soloway                ONLINE UFV                              05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      36

                                                ABD    225          T     1730  2130    12-SEP-2017 12-SEP-2017     

                                                ABD    225          T     1730  2130    03-OCT-2017 03-OCT-2017

                                                ABD    225          T     1730  2130    07-NOV-2017 07-NOV-2017

                                                ABD    225          T     1730  2130    28-NOV-2017 28-NOV-2017

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                                 MAJOR: Adult Education                  15

            Although this course is primarily conducted on-line, it does require participation in class meetings on the days and times
            noted above.
Distance students not within the UFV district may be approved to participate in the above sessions synchronously
            through Blackboard Collaborate.  Those wishing to be considered for this option should contact
            in advance of the start of classes.


 ADED 408   ASSESSING ADULT LEARNING         3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30-university-

                                                             level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education

                                                             program) or (permission of the Adult Education

                                                             department). Note: Students who do not have 30

                                                             university-level credits will need to contact the Adult

                                                             Education program advisor for permission to register.


      93237 AB1 Zhi Li                          ONLINE UFV                              05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017
    225          T     1730  2130    19-SEP-2017 19-SEP-2017      25

                                                ABD    225          T     1730  2130    10-OCT-2017 10-OCT-2017

                                                ABD    225          T     1730  2130    14-NOV-2017 21-NOV-2017        

            ONLINE: Please see explanation above.                                 MAJOR: Adult Education                  15

            This course meets four Tuesdays for four hours, including Tuesday Sep 19, Oct 10, Nov 14 and 21.

            Blackboard Collaborate will be provided for distance students. All remaining classes are conducted online.                                        


 ADED 410   ADULT EDUC & SOCIAL CHANGE       3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30-university-

                                                             level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education

                                                             program) or (permission of the Adult Education

                                                             department). Note: Students who do not have 30

                                                             university-level credits will need to contact the Adult

                                                             Education program advisor for permission to register.


      91568 AB1 Roselynn Verwood                ONLINE UFV                              05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      25

                                                ABD    225            R   1730  2130    07-SEP-2017 07-SEP-2017     

                                                ABD    225            R   1730  2130    05-OCT-2017 05-OCT-2017

                                                ABD    225            R   1730  2130    09-NOV-2017 09-NOV-2017

                                                ABD    225            R   1730  2130    30-NOV-2017 30-NOV-2017

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                                  MAJOR:  Adult Education                15

            Although this course is primarily conducted on-line, it does require participation in class meetings on the days and times
            noted above.
Distance students not within the UFV district may be approved to participate in the above sessions synchronously
            through Blackboard Collaborate.  Those wishing to be considered for this option should contact
            in advance of the start of classes. 


 ADED 425   CURRIC DESIGN: ADULT LEARNING    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (30-university-

                                                             level credits) or (enrolment in an Adult Education

                                                             program) or (permission of the Adult Education

                                                             department). Note: Students who do not have 30

                                                             university-level credits will need to contact the Adult

                                                             Education program advisor for permission to register.


      91569 AB1 Seonaigh MacPherson             ONLINE UFV                              05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      25

                                                ABD    225           W    1730  2100    13-SEP-2017 13-SEP-2017     

                                                ABD    225           W    1730  2130    04-OCT-2017 04-OCT-2017

                                                ABD    225           W    1730  2130    01-NOV-2017 01-NOV-2017

                                                ABD    225           W    1730  2130    29-NOV-2017 29-NOV-2017

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                                  MAJOR:Adult Education                  15           

            Although this course is primarily conducted on-line, it does require participation in class meetings on the days and times
            noted above.
Distance students not within the UFV district may be approved to participate in the above sessions synchronously
            through Blackboard Collaborate.  Those wishing to be considered for this option should contact
            in advance of the start of classes.




 AGRI 123   HORT SKILLS/TECHNIQUES - FALL    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None.


      91570 CH1 Tom Baumann                     CEPV   107          T     0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     23

            Off-campus field trips such as the annual field trip (which         MAJOR:Agriculture Technology Dipl  I    2

            may be on a Saturday) will be required at student expense.          MAJOR:Hort Crop Prod & Protection  I    1

            All students must have steel-toed work boots, rain gear,            MAJOR:Agriculture Technology Dipl      10

            work gloves, hand pruners, grafting and pocket knives.              MAJOR:Hort Crop Prod & Protection       5

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Horticulture                      5

      93402 CH2 Tom Baumann                     CEPV   107         M      1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     23


 AGRI 124   INTRO TO HORTICULTURE            3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None.


      91571 CH1 Tom Baumann                     CEPV   107            R   1530  1820  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     23

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Agriculture Technology Dipl  I    2

                                                                                MAJOR:Hort Crop Prod & Protection  I    1

                                                                                MAJOR:Agriculture Technology Dipl      10

                                                                                MAJOR:Hort Crop Prod & Protection       5

                                                                                MAJOR:Horticulture                      5


 AGRI 142   AGRIBUSINESS PRINCIPLES          3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Students should be familiar with basic

                                                             word processing, spreadsheets, electronic mail, and the

                                                             worldwide web before entering this course. Those with

                                                             limited or no experience with PCs should take CIS 100 or

                                                             equivalent before enrolling in AGRI 142.


      91572 CH1 Renee Prasad                    CEPA   0024          W    0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     40

                                                                                MAJOR:Agriculture Technology Dipl  I    5

                                                                                MAJOR:Livestock Production  Int'l St    1

                                                                                MAJOR:Hort Crop Prod & Protection  I    4

                                                                                MAJOR:Agriculture Technology Dipl      17

                                                                                MAJOR:Livestock Production              8

                                                                                MAJOR:Hort Crop Prod & Protection       5


 AGRI 143   INTRODUCTION TO AGRICULTURE      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Automation and Robotics

                                                             Technician diploma program or departmental approval.


      91573 CH1 Tom Baumann                     CEPV   115         M      0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     20

            All seats reserved for Automation and Robotics Technician           MAJOR:Automation & Robotics Tech Dip   20

            program students.  Field trips may be required.


 AGRI 163   PEST BIOLOGY & IDENTIFICATION    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      91576 CH1 Renee Prasad                    CEPA   2201        M      1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     50

            Field trips will be required.                                       MAJOR:Agriculture Technology Dipl  I    5

                                                                                MAJOR:Livestock Production  Int'l St    1

                                                                                MAJOR:Hort Crop Prod & Protection  I    2

                                                                                MAJOR:Agriculture Technology Dipl      25

                                                                                MAJOR:Livestock Production              7

                                                                                MAJOR:Hort Crop Prod & Protection       5

                                                                                MAJOR:Horticulture                      5

  Choose one of the following labs:

      91574 C#A Renee Prasad                    CEPA   2105          W    1300  1550  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       25

                                                                                      MAJOR: Agriculture Technology     3

                                                                                      MAJOR: Livestock Production       1

                                                                                      MAJOR: Hort Crop Prod & Protec    1

                                                                                      MAJOR: Agriculture Technology    11

                                                                                      MAJOR: Livestock Production       3

                                                                                      MAJOR: Hort Crop Prod & Protec    3

                                                                                      MAJOR: Horticulture               3

      91575 C#B Renee Prasad                    CEPA   2105            F  0830  1120  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       25

                                                                                      MAJOR: Agriculture Technology     2

                                                                                      MAJOR: Hort Crop Prod & Protec    1

                                                                                      MAJOR: Agriculture Technology    14

                                                                                      MAJOR: Livestock Production       4

                                                                                      MAJOR: Hort Crop Prod & Protec    2

                                                                                      MAJOR: Horticulture               2


 AGRI 220   PLANTS IN THE LANDSCAPE          3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None.


      91577 CH1 Jennifer Ryan                   CEPV   107          T  F  1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Field trips are a course requirement at student expense.            MAJOR:Agriculture Technology Dipl  I    3

                                                                                MAJOR:Hort Crop Prod & Protection  I    2

                                                                                MAJOR:Agriculture Technology Dipl      15

                                                                                MAJOR:Hort Crop Prod & Protection       5


 AGRI 237   INTRO:HEALTH/NUT FARM ANIMALS    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      91578 CH1 Paul Gumprich                   CEPV   115          T     0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25


 AGRI 238   EQUINE PRODUCTION AND MGT        3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None.


      91579 CH1 Maureen Walters                 CEPV   115            R   1530  1820  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Field trips are required.


 AGRI 247   ENTERPRISE PROJECT: PART I       3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): A C grade in AGRI 142 or BUS 100 (Note:

                                                             Students should take CMNS 125 before taking AGRI 247)

                                                             Co-requisite(s): CMNS 251


      91580 CH1 Eric Gerbrandt                  CEPA   0024            F  0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25


 AGRI 256   MGT & PROD OF POULTRY & SWINE    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None.


      91581 CH1 Paul Gumprich                   CEPV   107            R   0930  1220  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Students will be required to participate in the care of

            departmental livestock outside of regular class hours.  Field trips are required.


 AGRI 272   AGRICULTURE SEMINAR SERIES       3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      91582 CH1 Paul Gumprich                   CEPV   107           W    1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25


 AGRI 311   SUSTAINABLE SOIL MANAGEMENT      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): AGRI 204 or 30 hours university credit,

                                                             or instructor’s permission


      91583 CH1 Dieter Geesing                                                          05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017   25
CEPV   107         M      0830  1120    05-SEP-2017 02-OCT-2017     

                                                CEPA   2105        M      0830  1120    16-OCT-2017 23-OCT-2017                                           
CEPV   107         M      0830  1120    30-OCT-2017 04-DEC-2017

            Field trips will be required.                                             Agriculture Technology Dipl      25


 AGRI 323   FRUIT CROP PROD:SCIENCE & PRAC   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): AGRI 124, or 30 hours university

                                                             credit, or instructor’s permission


      91584 CH1 Tom Baumann                     CEPA   2201          W    1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Field trips are required outside regular hours, including           MAJOR:Agriculture Technology Dipl  I    2

            Saturday, September 16, 8 am - 4 pm.                                MAJOR:Hort Crop Prod & Protection  I    1

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Agriculture Technology Dipl      12

                                                                                MAJOR:Hort Crop Prod & Protection       5

                                                                                MAJOR:Horticulture                      5

      93401 CH2 Tom Baumann                     CEPA   2201          W    1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25




 ANTH 102   INTRO TO SOCIAL & CULTUR ANTHR   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      91592 AB1 Christine Elsey                 ABD    136             F  1000  1230  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36
HYBRID - Please see explanation above


      91593 AB2 Douglas Hudson                  ABD    136           W    0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


      91594 ON1 Christine Elsey                 ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 ANTH 130   ANTHROPOLOGY - WORLD RELIGIONS   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None.


      91595 AB1 Nicola Mooney                   ABD    134           W    1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 ANTH 220   GLOBALIZATION & DEVELOPMENT      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None. One of GDS 100, ANTH 102, or LAS

                                                             100 are recommended.


      91597 AB1 Douglas Hudson                  ABD    119         M      1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     18

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above.
            This course is offered as ANTH 220 and GDS 220.  Students may only take one of these for credit.           


 ANTH 240   INTRO TO ARCHAEOLOGY             3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None, ANTH 101 recommended


      91598 AB1 Douglas Hudson                  ABD    134         M      1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 ANTH 255   INTRODUCT. TO SOCIAL RESEARCH    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of ANTH 102, SOC 101, or MACS 110


      91599 AB1 Gabriela Pechlaner              ABD    215            R   1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      7

            This course is offered as MACS 255, ANTH 255 and SOC 255.           MINOR:Anthropology Extended             1

            Students may only take one of these for credit.                     MAJOR:Sociology/Anthropology            6


 ANTH 303C  PEOPLES AND CULTURES OF INDIA    4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): 45 credits, to include ANTH 102 and at

                                                             least three additional credits of anthropology.


      91600 AB1 Nicola Mooney                   ABD    136          T     1300  1640  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25


 ANTH 355   QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS    4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): (One of STAT 104, STAT 106, or PSYC 110)

                                                             and (ANTH 255/MACS 255/SOC 255).


      91602 AB1 Katherine Watson                ABD    221             F  0910  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      5

            This course is offered as MACS 355, ANTH 355 and SOC 355.           MAJOR:Sociology/Anthropology            4

            Students may only take one of these for credit.


 ANTH 360   FOOD, IDENT & PWER IN GLOB SOC   4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): ANTH 102 or SOC 101 required; ANTH/SOC 230

                                                             recommended; in addition to 45 university-level credits.


      91603 AB1 Gabriela Pechlaner              ABD    139          T      0910  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     10

            This course is offered as ANTH 360 and SOC 360.  Students may only take one of these for credit.


 ANTH 363   PROCESSES OF DEV & UNDER DEV     4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): 45 credits, to include at least 6

                                                             credits of Sociology, Anthropology, LAS, or GDS. (SOC 250,

                                                             ANTH 220, LAS 200 and GDS 100 are recommended.)


      91604 AB1 Stephen Piper                   ABD    136         M      1300  1640  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      6

            This course is offered as SOC 363, ANTH 363, LAS 363, &

            GDS 363 - Students may only take one of these for credit.


 Art History


 AH   100   HIST OF ART & CULT GLOBAL CONT   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      91585 AB1 Geoffrey Carr                   ABC    1420           R   1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36



 AH   101   VISUAL CULTURE IN WEST TO 1400   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      91586 AB1 Aleksandra Idzior               ABC    1420          W    1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 AH   102   VIS CULT IN WEST 1400 TO PRES    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      91587 ON1 Aleksandra Idzior               ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 AH   205   ART PRACTICES & POP. CULTURE I   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): AH 102


      91588 AB1 Aleksandra Idzior               ABC    1420         T     1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25


 AH   321   CANADA CONTACT ZONE              4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): 3 credits of 100- or 200-level Art

                                                             History or 45 university-level credits.


      91589 AB1 Geoffrey Carr                   ABC    1420         T     0830  1220  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25


 AH   340   FASHION IN ART /FASHION AS ART   4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): Any 100- or 200-level AH course, or FD 193


      91590 AB1 Aleksandra Idzior               ABC    1420         T     1730  2120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25


 AH   401   SENIOR SEMINAR I                 4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): Two upper-level Art History courses, to

                                                             include either AH 314 or AH 315, plus 30 university-level credits.


      91591 AB1 Geoffrey Carr                   ABC    1420           R   0830  1220  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     20

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts            15




 ARTS 101   BA PORTFOLIO I                   2.0    $318.52  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Arts program.


      91605 AB1 Karen Selesky                   ABC    1427        M      0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ONLINE UFV

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above

            In-class sessions are September 11, 18, 25 and October 2, 16 and 23rd.


      91606 AB2 Karen Selesky                   ABC    1427        M      0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ONLINE UFV

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above

            In-class sessions are October 30, November 6, 13, 20, 27, and December 4th.


      91607 AB3 TBA                             ABC    1427         T     1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ONLINE UFV

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above

            In-class sessions are September 5, 12, 19, 26 and October 3 and 10th


      91608 AB4 TBA                             ABC    1427         T     1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ONLINE UFV

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above

            In-class sessions are October 24, 31, November 7, 14, 21 and 28th.


      91609 AB5 Karen Selesky                   ABC    1427           R   1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ONLINE UFV

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above

            In-class sessions are September 7, 14, 21, 28, October 5, and 12th


      91610 AB6 Karen Selesky                   ABC    1427           R   1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ONLINE UFV

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above

            In-class sessions are October 26, November 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30th


      91611 AB7 Claire Hay                      ABD    217             F  0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ONLINE UFV

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above

            In-class sessions are September 8, 15, 22, 29, October 6 and 13th


      91612 AB8 Claire Hay                      ABD    217             F  0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ONLINE UFV

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above

            In-class sessions are October 20, 27, November 3, 17, 24th and December 1st


 ARTS 280E  KARITON GALLERY PRACTICUM        3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits

                                                             Corequisite(s): None;  CMNS 200 is recommended


      93194 PR1 Chris Friesen                                                         05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      2
            Please see department for proposal package required for registration.


 ARTS 280F  REACH GALLERY PRACTICUM          3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits

                                                             Corequisite(s): None; CMNS 200 is recommended


      93193 PR1 Brenda Fredrick                                                       05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      2
            Please see department for proposal package required for registration.




 ASTR 103   ASTRONOMY: THE SOLAR SYSTEM      4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): None.


      91615 AB1 Russ Furse                      ABA    351         M W    1600  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 Choose one of the following labs:

      91613 A#A Russ Furse                      ABA    359         M      1900  2150  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      91614 A#B Norm Taylor                     ABA    359           W    1900  2150  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18




 AV   101   FITNESS                          0.5      $0.00  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the BBA Aviation or the Aviation diploma


      91616 AB1 Offered by Coastal Pacific Aviation                         05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28
      This section is only available to students who started their Aviation Diploma or BBA Aviation program prior to Fall 2017.
      Students who will start their program in Fall 2017 must register with their flight training provider directly.


 AV   151   FITNESS                          1.0      $0.00  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the BBA Aviation or the Aviation diploma


      91617 AB1 Offered by Coastal Pacific Aviation                         05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28

      This section is only available to students who started their Aviation Diploma or BBA Aviation program prior to Fall 2017.
      Students who will start their program in Fall 2017 must register with their flight training provider directly.


 AV   161   INTRO TO AVIATION                2.0      $0.00  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the BBA Aviation or the Aviation diploma


      92858 AB1 Offered by Coastal Pacific Aviation                M      1600  1800  01-SEP-2017 15-MAR-2018     28

                                                                      R   1600  1800

      This section is only available to students who started their Aviation Diploma or BBA Aviation program prior to Fall 2017.
      Students who will start their program in Fall 2017 must register with their flight training provider directly.


 AV   162A  FLIGHT TRAINING, PRIVATE         1.0      $0.00  Prerequisite(s): Acceptance to the Aviation program


      91618 AB1 Offered by Coastal Pacific Aviation                         05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28
      This section is only available to students who started their Aviation Diploma or BBA Aviation program prior to Fall 2017.
      Students who will start their program in Fall 2017 must register with their flight training provider directly.


 AV   201   AVIATION THEORY I                3.0      $0.00  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the BBA Aviation or the

                                                             Aviation diploma, and a Private Pilot License


      91619 AB1 Offered by Coastal Pacific Aviation                M   F  0800  0930  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28

                                                                     W    1500  1630
      This section is only available to students who started their Aviation Diploma or BBA Aviation program prior to Fall 2017.
      Students who will start their program in Fall 2017 must register with their flight training provider directly.


 AV   211   SIMULATOR-INSTRUMENT PROC I      1.0      $0.00  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the BBA Aviation or the

                                                             Aviation diploma


      91620 AB1 Offered by Coastal Pacific Aviation                         05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28
      This section is only available to students who started their Aviation Diploma or BBA Aviation program prior to Fall 2017.
      Students who will start their program in Fall 2017 must register with their flight training provider directly.


 AV   221   AIRCRAFT-COMMERCIAL I            1.5      $0.00  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the BBA Aviation or the

                                                             Aviation diploma and a Private Pilot License


      92859 AB1 Offered by Coastal Pacific Aviation                         01-SEP-2017 15-MAR-2018     28
      This section is only available to students who started their Aviation Diploma or BBA Aviation program prior to Fall 2017.
      Students who will start their program in Fall 2017 must register with their flight training provider directly.


 AV   231   HUMAN FACTORS I                  1.0      $0.00  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the BBA Aviation or the

                                                             Aviation diploma, and a Private Pilot License


      91621 AB1 Offered by Coastal Pacific Aviation                  W    1650  1820  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28
      This section is only available to students who started their Aviation Diploma or BBA Aviation program prior to Fall 2017.
      Students who will start their program in Fall 2017 must register with their flight training provider directly.


 AV   251   FITNESS                          1.0      $0.00  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the BBA Aviation or the

                                                             Aviation diploma


      91622 AB1 Offered by Coastal Pacific Aviation                         05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28
      This section is only available to students who started their Aviation Diploma or BBA Aviation program prior to Fall 2017.
      Students who will start their program in Fall 2017 must register with their flight training provider directly.


 AV   351   FITNESS                          0.5      $0.00  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the BBA Aviation or the

                                                             Aviation diploma


      91623 AB1 Offered by Coastal Pacific Aviation                         05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28
      This section is only available to students who started their Aviation Diploma or BBA Aviation program prior to Fall 2017.
      Students who will start their program in Fall 2017 must register with their flight training provider directly.


 AV   401   AVIATION THEORY III              3.0      $0.00  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the BBA Aviation or the

                                                             Aviation diploma, and AV 302


      91624 AB1 Offered by Coastal Pacific Aviation                  W F  0800  0930  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28

                                                                   M      1200  1330
      This section is only available to students who started their Aviation Diploma or BBA Aviation program prior to Fall 2017.
      Students who will start their program in Fall 2017 must register with their flight training provider directly.


 AV   403   JET TRANSP. SYST & OPS           1.0      $0.00  Prerequisite(s): AV 402


      91625 AB1 Offered by Coastal Pacific Aviation                M  R   0950  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28
      This section is only available to students who started their Aviation Diploma or BBA Aviation program prior to Fall 2017.
      Students who will start their program in Fall 2017 must register with their flight training provider directly.


 AV   405   ADV JET TRANSPORT SYS & PERF     3.0      $0.00  Prerequisite(s): AV 402


      91626 AB1 Offered by Coastal Pacific Aviation                M  R   0800  0930  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28
      This section is only available to students who started their Aviation Diploma or BBA Aviation program prior to Fall 2017.
      Students who will start their program in Fall 2017 must register with their flight training provider directly.


 AV   411   SIMULATOR - MULTI-ENGINE         1.0      $0.00  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the BBA Aviation or the

                                                             Aviation diploma, and AV 312


      91627 AB1 Offered by Coastal Pacific Aviation                         05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28
      This section is only available to students who started their Aviation Diploma or BBA Aviation program prior to Fall 2017.
      Students who will start their program in Fall 2017 must register with their flight training provider directly.


 AV   414   SIMULATION-JET TRANSP OPS I      2.0      $0.00  Prerequisite(s): AV 412, AV 422

                                                             Pre- or co-requisite(s): AV 403, AV 405


      92860 AB1 Offered by Coastal Pacific Aviation                         05-SEP-2017 15-MAR-2018     28
      This section is only available to students who started their Aviation Diploma or BBA Aviation program prior to Fall 2017.
      Students who will start their program in Fall 2017 must register with their flight training provider directly.


 AV   421   AIRCRAFT - MULTI-ENGINE          1.5      $0.00  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the BBA Aviation or the

                                                             Aviation diploma, and AV 322


      92861 AB1 Offered by Coastal Pacific Aviation                         01-SEP-2017 15-MAR-2018     28
      This section is only available to students who started their Aviation Diploma or BBA Aviation program prior to Fall 2017.
      Students who will start their program in Fall 2017 must register with their flight training provider directly.


 AV   431   ADVANCED AIRMANSHIP I            1.0      $0.00  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the BBA Aviation or the

                                                             Aviation diploma, and AV 332


      91628 AB1 Offered by Coastal Pacific Aviation                M      1350  1520  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28
      This section is only available to students who started their Aviation Diploma or BBA Aviation program prior to Fall 2017.
      Students who will start their program in Fall 2017 must register with their flight training provider directly.


 AV   451A  THEORY - INSTRUCTOR - PART I     1.0      $0.00  Prerequisite(s): Acceptance to the Aviation program


      92862 AB1 Offered by Coastal Pacific Aviation                 T     0940  1240  05-SEP-2017 15-MAR-2018     28
      This section is only available to students who started their Aviation Diploma or BBA Aviation program prior to Fall 2017.
      Students who will start their program in Fall 2017 must register with their flight training provider directly.


 AV   452A  FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR PRACTICUM      0.5      $0.00  Prerequisite(s): Acceptance to the Aviation program


      91629 AB1 Offered by Coastal Pacific Aviation                         05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28
      This section is only available to students who started their Aviation Diploma or BBA Aviation program prior to Fall 2017.
      Students who will start their program in Fall 2017 must register with their flight training provider directly.




 BIO  083   PRE-COLLEGE BIOLOGY I            3.0    $414.93  Prerequisite(s): None. English 10 recommended


      92975 AB1 Alan Ferguson                   ABA    253         M W    1430  1720  06-SEP-2017 18-DEC-2017     24


      92976 CH1 Alan Ferguson                   CEPA   2105         T     1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     24

                                                CEPA   0020           R   1730  2020

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class.


 BIO  093   PRE-COLLEGE BIOLOGY II           4.0    $553.24  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (Biology 12 with a

                                                             C- or better) or (BIO 083 or BIO 11 with a C+ or better).

                                                             Note: Chemistry 11 or CHEM 083, and/or Principles of

                                                             Mathematics 11, Applications of Mathematics 11,

                                                             Foundations of Mathematics 11, Pre-calculus 11, or MATH 085

                                                             are highly recommended.


      92977 AB1 Barnabe Assogba                 ABA    253         M W    1730  2020  06-SEP-2017 18-DEC-2017     24


      92978 CH1 Greg St Hilaire                 CEPA   2105         T R   0830  1120  06-SEP-2017 18-DEC-2017     24

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class.


 BIO  105   HUMAN BIOLOGY                    4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): None


      91632 AB1 Debbie Wheeler                  ABA    234         M W    0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36




 Choose one of the following labs:

      91630 A#A Debbie Wheeler                  ABA    328         M      1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      91631 A#B Debbie Wheeler                  ABA    328         M      1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18


 BIO  111   INTRODUCTORY BIOLOGY I           5.0    $796.30  Prerequisite(s): One of Biology 11 or BIO 083 with a C+

                                                             or better and one of Chemistry 12, CHEM 093, or CHEM 110

                                                             with a C or better; or one of Biology 12 or BIO 093 with

                                                             a C+ or better and one of Chemistry 11, Chemistry 12,

                                                             CHEM 083, CHEM 093, or CHEM 110 with a C or better.


      91645 AB1 Carlos Leon Guevara             ABA    252         M W    0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABA    261             F  0830  0950

            Alternating Fridays starting Sept 15, 2017 - NO CLASS: Nov 10/17
            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


      91646 AB2 Sandra Gillespie                ABA    310         M W    1000  1120
ABB    132             F  0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            Alternating Fridays starting Sept 8, 2017
            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


      91647 AB3 Gregory Schmaltz                ABA    234             F  0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABA    259         M W    1430  1550

            Alternating Fridays starting Sept 15, 2017 - NO CLASS: Nov 10/17


      91648 AB4 Sandra Gillespie                ABA    301          T R   0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABB    132             F  0830  0950

            Alternating Fridays starting Sept 8, 2017


      91649 AB5 Sandra Gillespie                ABA    269         M W    0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36
ABA    253             F  0830  0950  
            Alternating Fridays starting Sept 15, 2017 - NO CLASS: Nov 10/17
            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


      91650 AB6 Carlos Leon Guevara             ABA    312           W    1730  2050  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36
            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


Choose one of the following labs:

      91633 A#A Patrick Harrison                ABA    328          T     1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      91634 A#B Debbie Wheeler                  ABA    328          T     1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      91635 A#C Justin Lee                      ABA    328           W    1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      91636 A#D Debbie Wheeler                  ABA    328           W    1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      91637 A#E Justin Lee                      ABA    328           W    1800  2050  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      91638 A#F Allan Arndt                     ABA    328            R   1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      91639 A#G Alan Reid                       ABA    337            R   1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      91640 A#H Patrick Harrison                ABA    328            R   1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      91641 A#I Carlos Leon Guevara             ABA    337            R   1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      91642 A#J Sherry Hunt                     ABA    328            R   1800  2050  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      91643 A#K Justin Lee                      ABA    328             F  1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      91644 A#L Justin Lee                      ABA    328             F  1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18


      91653 CH1 Terry Starr                     CEPA   1316          W    1230  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                CEPA   1316        M      1300  1420

  Choose one of the following labs:

      91651 C#A Terry Starr                     CEPA   2111        M      1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

                                                                                      MAJOR: Kinesiology Degree         3

      91652 C#B Alan Reid                       CEPA   2111         T     1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18


 BIO  201   CELL BIOCHEMISTRY/METABOLISM     4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (BIO 112 and CHEM 114)

                                                             or (any three AGRI courses numbered 100 or higher)

                                                             or (BIO 111, [CHEM 110 or CHEM 113], and [two of the

                                                             following: AGRI 123, AGRI 124, AGRI 129, AGRI 163, AGRI 203,

                                                             AGRI 204, or AGRI 220]), all with a C+ or better.


                                                             Note: As of January 2018, prerequisites will change to

                                                             the following: One of the following: (BIO 112 and CHEM 114)

                                                             or (BIO 111, [CHEM 110 or CHEM 113], and [two of the

                                                             following: AGRI 123, AGRI 124, AGRI 129, AGRI 163, AGRI 203,

                                                             AGRI 204, or AGRI 220]), all with a C+ or better.


      91657 AB1 Justin Lee                      ABD    215              T R   0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                Anthony Stea                                                    MAJOR:Biology Honours                   3

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          17

                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           2


      91658 AB2 Gregory Schmaltz                ABA    266          T R   1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                Anthony Stea                                                    MAJOR:Biology Honours                   3

                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           2

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          17


      91659 AB3 Gregory Schmaltz                ABB    161          T R   1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                Anthony Stea                                                    MAJOR:Biology Honours                   3

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          17

                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           2

  Choose one of the following labs:

      91654 A#A Anthony Stea                    ABA    331           W    1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       24

      91655 A#B Anthony Stea                    ABA    331           W    1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       24

      91656 A#C Gregory Schmaltz                ABA    331           W    1800  2050  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       24


      91660 CH1 Justin Lee                      CEPA   1354          T     1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                                                CEPA   1316           R   1300  1420

                                                CEPA   2111           R   1430  1720

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology Honours                   3

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          17

                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           2


 BIO  210   INTRODUCTION TO ECOLOGY          4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): BIO 111 and BIO 112. Note the prerequisite

                                                             will be waived for students who have completed the

                                                             Agriculture Technology diploma. Contact the Biology department

                                                             to arrange a prerequisite waiver.

                                                             Note: As of January 2018, prerequisites will change to:

                                                             One of the following: (BIO 112 and CHEM 114) or (BIO 111, [CHEM 110 or

                                                             CHEM 113], and [two of the following: AGRI 123, AGRI 124, AGRI 129,

                                                             AGRI 163, AGRI 203, AGRI 204, or AGRI 220]), all with a C+ or better.


      91666 AB1 Jennifer Barrett                ABA    421         M W    0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     48

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology Honours                   6

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          34

                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           4


      91667 AB2 Jennifer Barrett                ABA    360         M W    1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology Honours                   3

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          17

                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           2


      91668 AB3 Jennifer Barrett                ABA    362         M      1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology Honours                   3

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          17

                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           2


      91669 AB4 TBA                             ABA    305         M W    1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      0

            Section pending - waitlist only


 Choose one of the following labs:

      91661 A#A Sharon Gillies                  ABA    337         M      1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       24

      91662 A#B Sharon Gillies                  ABA    337         M      1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       24

      91663 A#C Sharon Gillies                  ABA    337          T     1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       24

      91664 A#D Sharon Gillies                  ABA    337          T     1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       24

      91665 A#E TBA  Lab pending                ABA    337          T     1800  2050  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17        0


 BIO  219   BIOGEOGRAPHY                     4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: AGRI 163, BIO 105, BIO 106,

                                                             BIO 111, CHEM 105, CHEM 110, CHEM 113, CHEM 150, GEOG 101, GEOG 102,

                                                             GEOG 103, GEOG 116, PHYS 100, PHYS 101, PHYS 105, or PHYS 111.


      91670 AB1 Jonathan Hughes                 ABA    413         M      1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                ABA    261           W    1300  1550

                                                                                MINOR:Geography Extended                2

                                                                                MAJOR:Geography                         5


 BIO  220   GENETICS                         4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (BIO 111 and BIO 112)

                                                             or (BIO 111 and three AGRI courses), all with a C+

                                                             or better. Note: As of January 2018, prerequisites will

                                                             change to: One of the following: (BIO 112 and CHEM 114)

                                                             or (BIO 111, [CHEM 110 or CHEM 113], and [two of the

                                                             following: AGRI 123, AGRI 124, AGRI 129, AGRI 163, AGRI 203,

                                                             AGRI 204, or AGRI 220]), all with a C+ or better.


      91673 AB1 Nathan Bialas                   ABA    210         M W    1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology Honours                   3

                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           2

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          17


      91674 AB2 Nathan Bialas                   ABC    1424        M W    1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology Honours                   3

                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           2

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          17

  Choose one of the following labs:

      91671 A#A Nathan Bialas                   ABA    331             F  1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       24

      91672 A#B Nathan Bialas                   ABA    331             F  1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       24


      91675 CH1 Terence Starr                   CEPA   2211         T     1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24
CEPA   2211           R   1000  1120 

                                                CEPA   2111         T     1430  1720

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology Honours                   3

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          17

                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           2


 BIO  305   ANATOMY & PHYSIO VERTEBRATES I   4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): Any three 200-level biology courses.


      91678 AB1 Anthony Stea                    ABA    312          T R   0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology Honours                   4

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          24

                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           3

  Choose one of the following labs:

      91676 A#A Anthony Stea                    ABA    331          T     1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      91677 A#B Gregory Schmaltz                ABA    331          T     1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18


 BIO  309   MICROBIOLOGY I                   4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): BIO 111 and 112, plus 8 biology credits

                                                             numbered 200 and above.



      91681 AB1 James Bedard                    ABA    305           W F  0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology Honours                   4

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          24

                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           3

  Choose one of the following labs:

      91679 A#A James Bedard                    ABA    331            R   1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      91680 A#B James Bedard                    ABA    331            R   1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18


 BIO  310   CONSERVATION BIOLOGY             3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BIO 210


      91682 AB1 Allan Arndt                     ABD    217         M W    1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology Honours                   3

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          17

                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           2


 BIO  320   BIOCHEMISTRY                     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BIO 201 and CHEM 213


      91683 AB1 David Fenske                    ABA    421          T R   1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology Honours                   4

                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           3

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          24


 BIO  350   MEDICAL GENETICS                 3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BIO 201, BIO 202, and BIO 220.


      91684 AB1 James Bedard                    ABA    261           W F  1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology Honours                   3

                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           2

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          17


 BIO  370   INTRODUCTION TO MYCOLOGY         4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): Biology 210 plus any two Biology courses

                                                             numbered 200 or above.


      91687 AB1 Patrick Harrison                ABA    362         M W    0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology Honours                   4

                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           3

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          24

  Choose one of the following labs:

      91685 A#A Alan Reid                       ABA    337           W    1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      91686 A#B Patrick Harrison                ABA    337           W    1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       24


 BIO  385   NEUROBIOLOGY                     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BIO 111, 112, and 201

                                                             Pre- or co-requisite(s): BIO 202


      91688 AB1 Bassam Nyaeme                   ABB    132         M      1830  2120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     60

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology Honours                   3

                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           2

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          17


 BIO  390   ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR                 4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): BIO 210


      91689 AB1 Alida Janmaat                   ABA    301         M W    1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                                                ABA    337             F  1000  1250

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology Honours                   3

                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           2

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          17


 BIO  401   MOLECULAR BIOLOGY                3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BIO 201, BIO 202, and BIO 220.


      91690 AB1 Allan Arndt                     ABA    305         M W    1430  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology Honours                   3

                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           2

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          17


 BIO  407   APPLIED BIOTECHNOLOGY            3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BIO 201, BIO 220. BIO 320 recommended.


      91691 AB1 Carlos Leon Guevara             ABD    123          T R   1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology Honours                   4

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          24

                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           3


 BIO  408   DIRECTED STUDIES IN BIOLOGY I    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): B+ or better in BIO 202, 210, and 220,

                                                             and instructor's permission.


      91692 IS1 TBA                                                                   05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      6


 BIO  409A  DIRECTED STUD BIOL II - PART A   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): B+ average in BIO 202, 210, 220, and

                                                             permission of instructor


      91693 IS1 Terry Starr                                                           05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      2


 BIO  409B  DIRECTED STUD BIOL II - PART B   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): B+ average in BIO 202, 210, 220, and

                                                             permission of instructor


      91694 IS1 TBA                                                                   05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      6


 BIO  410   PLANT ECOLOGY                    4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): BIO 210 or GEOG 219/BIO 219 (formerly

                                                             GEOG 317/BIO 317).


      91695 AB1 Alan Reid                       ABA    337             F  1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     22

                                                ABA    301          T     1730  2020

            This course is offered as BIO 410 and GEOG 410 -                    MAJOR:Biology Honours                   3

            Students may only take one of these for credit.                     MINOR:Biology                           2

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          17


 BIO  497   TOPICAL BIOLOGY SEMINAR          1.0    $159.26  Prerequisite(s): BIO 202 and any one Biology course 200-level or higher.


      91696 AB1 Alan Reid                       ABC    1015        M      1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology Honours                   3

                                                                                MAJOR:Biology                          17

                                                                                MINOR:Biology                           2


 BIO  499A  DIR STUD IN HONOURS BIOL PT I    4.5    $716.67  Prerequisite(s): Enrolment in Biology honours degree

                                                             program and completion of at least 10 upper-level Biology credits.


      91697 IS1 Sharon Gillies                                                        05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      6


 BIO  499B  DIR STUD IN HONOURS BIOL PT II   4.5    $716.67  Prerequisite(s): Enrolment in Biology honours degree

                                                             program and completion of at least 10 upper-level Biology credits.


      91698 IS1 Jonathan Hughes                                                       05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      6


 Business Administration


 BUS  100   INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS         3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None.


      91699 AB1 Rod Hayward                     ABB    132         M      0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                               Int’l Students           8


      91700 AB2 Suzan Beattie                   ABD    136         M      1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                               Int’l Students           8


      91701 AB3 Jon Thomas                      ABC    1427         T     0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                               Int’l Students           8


      91702 AB4 Rod Hayward                     ABC    1427         T     1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                               Int’l Students           8


      91703 AB5 Sundeep Sandhu                  ABB    132           W    0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                               Int’l Students           8


      91704 AB6 Darrell Lim                     ABD    219           W    1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                               Int’l Students           8


      91705 AB7 Kim Milnes                      ABA    266           W    1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                Suzan Beattie                                                                  Int’l Students           8


      91706 AB8 Kim Milnes                      ABA    354            R   0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                Sophia Barton-Bucknor                                                         Int’l Students           8


      91707 AB9 Kim Milnes                      ABA    253            R   1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                Suzan Beattie                                                                  Int’l Students           8


      91708 ABA Suzan Beattie                   ABD    225             F  0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                               Int’l Students           8


      91709 ABB Suzan Beattie                    ABD    225             F  1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                               Int’l Students           8


      91710 CH1 Rod Hayward                      CEPA   2213        M      1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      91711 ON1 Rod Hayward                      ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                              Int’l Students           8

            Final exam on Abbotsford Campus


 BUS  120   ESSENTIALS OF MARKETING          3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 100 or AGRI 142.


      91712 AB1 Peter Sgromo                    ABB    132         M      1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      8


      91713 AB2 Cindy Stewar                  ABA    212          T     1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      8


      91714 AB3 Cindy Stewar                  ABA    352           W    1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      8


      91715 AB4 Peter Sgromo                    ABC    1015          W    1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      8


 BUS  143   INTRO FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING I     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 100 and the pre-requisites for MATH 141.


      91716 AB1 Kevin deWolde                   ABD    213         M      0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int'l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24
              This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


      91717 AB2 Kevin deWolde                   ABB    140         M      1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int'l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24
            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


      91718 ON1 Tillie Parmar                    ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                School of Business Int'l Students      8

            Final exam on Abbotsford Campus                                      School of Business Domestic Students  24


 BUS  144   INTRO FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING II    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 143.


      91719 AB1 Tillie Parmar                   ABA    210         M      1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int'l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24


      91720 AB2 Tillie Parmar                   ABA    421          T     1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int'l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24


      91721 AB3 Quan Cheng                      ABA    416           W    1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int'l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24
            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


      91722 AB4 Quan Cheng                      ABA    301           W    1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int'l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24
            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


      91723 AB5 Quan Cheng                      ABC    1427             S 0900  1150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int'l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24


 BUS  160   COMPUTERIZED BUS APPLICATIONS    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None. It is recommended that students

                                                             are competent in computer skills.


      91724 AB1 Trish Blondin                   ABA    302         M      0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 160 and CIS 110.             MAJOR:Library and Info Tech Dipl        4

                                                                                      School of Business               18

      91725 AB2 Trish Blondin                   ABD    223         M      1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 160 and CIS 110.                   School of Business               18                           

      91726 AB3 Karin de Beer                   ABD    223            R   1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     20

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 160 and CIS 110.                   School of Business               18


      91727 AB4 Karin de Beer                   ABD    223          T     1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 160 and CIS 110.                   School of Business               18


      91728 AB5 Mourad Bouguerra                ABA    302           W    1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 160 and CIS 110.             MAJOR:Library and Info Tech Dipl        5

                                                                                      School of Business               18

      91729 AB6 Karin de Beer                   ABD    226           W    1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 160 and CIS 110.                   School of Business               18


      91730 AB7 Trish Blondin                   ABD    223            R   1215  1510  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 160 and CIS 110.                   School of Business               18

      91731 AB8 Karin de Beer                   ABD    223            R   1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 160 and CIS 110.                   School of Business               18


      91732 AB9 Mourad Bouguerra                ABD    242             F  0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 160 and CIS 110.                   School of Business               18


      91733 CH1 Colleen Gingerich               CEPA   0024        M      1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 160 and CIS 110.                   School of Business               18


      91734 MI1 Trish Blondin                   MID    226C         T     1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 160 and CIS 110.                   School of Business               18


      91735 ON1 Colleen Gingerich               ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Library and Info Tech Dipl       15

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 160 and CIS 110.                   School of Business               18


 BUS  201   HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT        3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 203.


      91736 AB1 Kishore Anand                   ABD    119         M      0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int'l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24


      91737 AB2 Sophia Barton-Bucknor          ABC    1420            F  1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int'l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24


      91738 AB3 Kishore Anand                   ABD    136            R   0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int'l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24


      91739 AB4 Marie Low                       ABD    219             F  0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int'l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24


 BUS  202   CONTEMPORARY MANAGEMENT          3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      91740 ON1 Marie Low                       ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                     School of Business               20


 BUS  203   ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR         3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 100 or 30 credits of Criminology.


      91741 AB1 Marie Low                       ABA    305         M      1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            Section pending - waitlist only  Now OPEN for registration


      91742 AB2 Luciana Turchick Hakak          ABC    1427        M      1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int'l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24


      91743 AB3 Marie Low                       ABB    161         M      1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int'l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24


      91744 AB4 Cyrus Chaichian                 ABA    269          T     1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int'l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24


      91745 AB5 Luciana Turchick Hakak          ABC    1420            F  1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int'l Students      8

                                                                                 Business Administration               24


      91746 AB6 Marie Low                       ABC    1426            F  1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int'l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24


 BUS  221   PROFESSIONAL SELLING             3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 120.


      91747 AB1 Richard Simon                   ABC    1427        M      1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24


      91748 AB2 Richard Simon                   ABA    352          T     0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24


      91749 AB3 Mark Breedveld                  ABC    1426         T     1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24


      91750 AB4 Padma Vipat                     ABC    1420            F  0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24


      91751 AB5 Morna Fraser                    ABC    1427           R   0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24


      91752 AB6 TBA                             ABC    1427             S 1230  1520  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      0

            Section pending - waitlist only


 BUS  226   ECONOMIC & BUSINESS STATISTICS   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): STAT 106 (formerly MATH 106) and one of

                                                             MATH 111 or MATH 141 (formerly MATH 115).


      91753 AB1 David Dobson                    ABD    204          T     1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 226 and ECON 226              School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24


      91754 AB2 David Dobson                    ABD    204          T     1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 226 and ECON 226              School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24


      91755 AB3 Ahmed Hoque                     ABD    223             F  1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 226 and ECON 226              School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24


 BUS  227   NEW BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT         3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 120, (BUS 160 or CIS 110), (BUS 144

                                                             or BUS 145), BUS 249 (formerly BUS 149 and BUS 162), and CMNS 125.


      91756 AB1 Darrell Lim                     ABA    269         M      1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24


      91757 AB2 Darrell Lim                     ABA    266         M      1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24


 BUS  245   PERSONAL WEALTH CREATION         3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Prerequisites for MATH 141. Note: As of

                                                             January 2018, prerequisites will change to the following:

                                                             Prerequisites for MATH 141 and 15 university-level credits.


      91758 AB1 Morna Fraser                    ABD    139             F  0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 BUS  247   INTRO MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 144 or BUS 145.


      91759 AB1 Joe Ilsever                     ABD    217         M      1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24


      91760 AB2 Kevin Dewolde                   ABA    210            R   1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24


      91761 AB3 Ryan Calder                     ABA    212            R   1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24


 BUS  249   INTRODUCTION TO FINANCE          3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 100 and the pre-requisites for MATH 141.


      91762 AB1 Ron Zitron                      ABC    1426        M      0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24
            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


      91763 AB2 Ron Zitron                      ABC    1426          W    0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24
            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


      91764 AB3 Raymond Leung                   ABC    1427          W    1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24


      91765 AB4 Karin Loots                     ABC    1427           R   1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24


      91766 AB5 Jaspal Singh                    ABD    119            R   1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24


 BUS  261   BUSINESS LAW                     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 100


      91767 AB1 Gerald Palmer                   ABC    1426        M      1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24


      91768 AB2 Vincent Keramat                 ABA    269          T     0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24


      91769 AB3 Gerald Palmer                   ABD    217          T     1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24


      91770 AB4 Gerald Palmer                   ABC    1427          W    1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24


      91771 AB5 Gerald Palmer                   ABC    1426           R   1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  24


 BUS  304   ORG THEORY & APPLICATION         3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 203 and 45 university-level credits.


      91772 AB1 Diljot Kaur                     ABA    315            R   1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25 

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  17

      91773 AB2 Kirsten Robertson               ABC    1425            F  1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25 

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  17


 BUS  305   INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS             3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 201 and 45 university-level credits.

                                                             Note: As of January 2018, prerequisites will change to: 45
                                                             university-level credits including BUS 201

      91774 AB1 Suzan Beattie                   ABD    119            R   0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  17

      93352 AB2 Garima Kamboj                   ABA    264          T     0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25


 BUS  307E  LEADER: CONTEXT GLOBALIZATION    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 203 and 45 university-level credits.

                                                             Note: As of January 2018, prerequisites will change to: 45
                                                             university-level credits including BUS 203

      91775 IS1 Frank Ulbrich                                                         05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      6

            Course is reserved for students participating in the Lucerne Seminar. Faculty nomination and Director's permission

            required. Mandatory attendance in Vancouver from October 1 - 6, 2017.


 BUS  308H  PEOPLE, PROFIT AND PLACEMAKING   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 304 and 45 university-level credits.

                                                             Note: As of January 2018, prerequisites will change to: 45
                                                             university-level credits including BUS 304

      91776 AB1 Don Miskiman                    ABA    352         M      1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  17

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                                     

            Weeks 4, 6, 8 and 10 are off-campus or online


 BUS  314   RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION        3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 201 and 45 university-level credits.

                                                             Note: As of January 2018, prerequisites will change to: 45
                                                             university-level credits including BUS 201

      91777 AB1 Masud Khawaja                   ABC    1423        M      0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  17


      91778 AB2 Masud Khawaja                   ABC    1421            F  1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25 

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  17


 BUS  320   BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS        3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 120, and one of BUS 226 or BUS 301.


      91779 AB1 David Dobson                    ABC    1015        M      1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      6

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  19


      91780 AB2 Jim Swaffield                   ABC    1015        M      1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      6

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  19


      91781 AB3 David Dobson                    ABC    1015          W    1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      6

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  19


      91782 AB4 Jim Swaffield                   ABC    1425            F  0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      6

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  19


      91783 AB5 Jim Swaffield                   ABC    1422            F  1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      6

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  19


 BUS  321   BUSINESS MARKETING MANAGEMENT    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 221 and 45 university-level credits.

                                                             Note: As of January 2018, prerequisites will change to: 45
                                                             university-level credits including BUS 221

      91784 AB1 Mark Breedveld                  ABC    1421         T     1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  17


      91785 AB2 Mark Breedveld                  ABC    1421           R   0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  17


 BUS  323   INTRODUCTION TO ADVERTISING      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 120 and 45 university-level credits.

                                                             Note: As of January 2018, prerequisites will change to: 45
                                                             university-level credits including BUS 120

      91786 AB1 Cindy Stewart                   ABC    1015          W    0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  17


      91787 AB2 Cindy Stewart                   ABC    1015           R   1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  17


 BUS  326   MEASURING MKTG EFFECTIVENESS     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 120, BUS 247, and BUS 249 (formerly

                                                             BUS 149 or BUS 162).


      91788 AB1 Cindy Stewart                   ABC    1015           R   1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  17


 BUS  343   INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING I        3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 247


      91789 AB1 Jillene Marlowe                 ABC    1015            F  0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Seats restricted for Accounting and Finance Majors, and

            Accounting Cert. students. Students outside of these areas should email businfo@ufv.ca


      91790 AB2 Raymond Leung                   ABC    1422           R   0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Seats restricted for Accounting and Finance Majors, and

            Accounting Cert. students. Students outside of these areas should email businfo@ufv.ca


      91791 AB3 Raymond Leung                   ABC    1425           R   1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Seats restricted for Accounting and Finance Majors, and

            Accounting Cert. students. Students outside of these areas should email businfo@ufv.ca


 BUS  344   INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING II       3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 343


      91792 AB1 Keith Lownie                    ABC    1425        M      0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Seats restricted for Accounting and Finance Majors, and

            Accounting Cert. students. Students outside of these areas should email businfo@ufv.ca


      91793 AB2 Keith Lownie                    ABC    1423        M      1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Seats restricted for Accounting and Finance Majors, and

            Accounting Cert. students. Students outside of these areas should email businfo@ufv.ca


 BUS  345   INCOME TAX I                     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 247


      91794 AB1 Jillene Marlowe                 ABA    300            R   1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Seats restricted for Accounting Major and Accounting Cert.

            students. Students outside of these areas should email businfo@ufv.ca



      91795 AB2 Quan Cheng                      ABC    1424            F  1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Seats restricted for Accounting Major and Accounting Cert.

            students. Students outside of these areas should email businfo@ufv.ca


 BUS  346   INCOME TAX II                    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 345


      91796 AB1 Keith Lownie                    ABA    300          T     1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Seats restricted for Accounting Major and Accounting Cert.

            students. Students outside of these areas should email businfo@ufv.ca


      91797 AB2 Keith Lownie                    ABC    1426         T     1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Seats restricted for Accounting Major and Accounting Cert.

            students. Students outside of these areas should email businfo@ufv.ca


 BUS  347   AUDITING PRINCIPLES              3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 344


      91798 AB1 Jillene Marlowe                 ABC    1421           R   1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Section pending - waitlist only

            Seats restricted for Accounting Major and Accounting Cert. students. Students outside of these areas should email



      91799 AB2 Jillene Marlowe                 ABC    1421            F  1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Seats restricted for Accounting Major and Accounting Cert. students. Students outside of these areas should email



 BUS  348   INTERMEDIATE MGMT ACCOUNTING     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 247.


      91800 AB1 Kevin Dewolde                   ABA    233           W    0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Seats restricted for Accounting Major and Accounting Cert. students. Students outside of these areas should email



      91801 AB2 Kevin Dewolde                   ABA    269            R   0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Seats restricted for Accounting Major and Accounting Cert. students. Students outside of these areas should email



 BUS  349   FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT I           3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 143, BUS 226 (formerly BUS 301), and

                                                             BUS 249 (formerly BUS 149 and BUS 162).


      91802 AB1 Amir Hajbaba                    ABC    1425        M      1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 349 and ECON 349              School of Business Int’l Students      6

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  18


      91803 AB2 Raymond Leung                   ABC    1422          W    1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 349 and ECON 349              School of Business Int’l Students      6

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  18


      91804 AB3 Raymond Leung                   ABD    219             F  1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 349 and ECON 349              School of Business Int’l Students      6

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  18

      93311 AB4 Nik Venema                      ABA    360           R    1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 349 and ECON 349              School of Business Int’l Students      6

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  18


 BUS  377   MANAGEMENT OF COOPERATIVES       3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits including

                                                             one of BUS 203, ECON 100, or ECON 101


      91805 AB1 Don Miskiman                    ABC    1421         T     1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  17

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                                     

            Weeks 4, 6, 8, and 10 are off-campus or online


 BUS  384   DATA-DRIVEN BUSINESS DECISIONS   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits including BUS 100 and
                                                                              one of the following: (BUS 160, CIS 110, or COMP 125)


      91806 AB1 Kim Milnes                      ABD    221           W    1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  17


 BUS  385   DEVELOPING A DIGITAL PRESENCE    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits including BUS 120.

                                                             Pre- or co-requisite(s): BUS 221 or CIS 145.


      91807 AB1 Kim Milnes                      ABD    221          T     1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                Theron Smith                                                     School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  17


 BUS  400   BUSINESS AND SOCIETY             3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 261


      91808 AB1 Rod Hayward                     ABC    1421         T     1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  17


 BUS  403   STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT             3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 349


      91809 AB1 Lorne Mackenzie                 ABC    1015         T     1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      6

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  19


      91810 AB2 Mark Lee                        ABA    312         M      1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      6

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  19


      91811 AB3 Mark Lee                        ABD    134          T     0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      6

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  19


      91812 AB4 Sha Liao                        ABC    1422           R   1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      6

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  19


      91813 AB5 Sha Liao                        ABA    310            R   1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      6

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  19


 BUS  404   MANAGEMENT SCIENCE               3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 60 university-level credits including STAT 106.


      91814 AB1 Ron Zitron                      ABD    221         M      1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      6

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  19


      91815 AB2 Ron Zitron                      ABD    228           W    1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      6

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  19


      91816 AB3 TBA                             ABD    221            R   1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      0

            Section pending - waitlist only


      91817 AB4 Sha Liao                        ABD    228             F  1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      6

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  19


      91818 AB5 Sha Liao                        ABD    228             F  1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      6

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  19


 BUS  405   STRATEGIC MGMT SIMULATION        3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the BBA degree or BBA

                                                             (Aviation) degree

                                                             Pre- or co-requisite(s): Business 403 ‘Strategic Management’


      91819 AB1 Lorne Mackenzie                 ABA    210          T     1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      6

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  19


      91820 AB2 Lorne Mackenzie                 ABC    1423          W    0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      6

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  19


      91821 AB3 Lorne Mackenzie                 ABD    215           W    1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      6

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  19


 BUS  406   COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS        3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 201


      91822 AB1 Liz Wiebe                       ABC    1425        M      1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  17


      91823 AB2 Liz Wiebe                       ABC    1421          W    0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  17


 BUS  408   TEAMWORK IN ORGANIZATIONS        3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 203   Pre- or co-requisite(s): BUS 304


      91824 AB1 Liz Wiebe                       ABD    219           W    1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  17


 BUS  418   WORKPLACE HEALTH & SAFETY        3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 201


      91825 AB1 Masud Khawaja                   ABC    1425           R   1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  17


 BUS  420   INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS           3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): ECON 100 and ECON 101; 90 credits of

                                                             university-level course work recommended


      91826 AB1 Ken Blawatt                     ABC    1421           R   1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  17


 BUS  422   SALES MANAGEMENT                 3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 221; BUS 322 and BUS 326 recommended.


      91827 AB1 Mark Breedveld                  ABC    1421            F  0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  17


 BUS  424   CUSTOMER INTELLIGENCE            3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 320


      91828 AB1 David Dobson                    ABD    228         M      0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  17


 BUS  427   PR AND EVENT MANAGEMENT          3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 223 or BUS 323, BUS 327, and

                                                             department permission. Note that students who have

                                                             pursued this topic under BUS 492 will not be permitted to register.


      91829 IS1 Cindy Stewart                                                         05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      6


 BUS  430   MANAGEMENT OF INNOVATION         3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 261


      91830 AB1 Ken Blawatt                     ABC    1421          W    1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                 School of Business Int’l Students      8

                                                                                 School of Business Domestic Students  17


 BUS  433   INVESTMENTS                      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 349.


      91831 AB1 Amir Hajbaba                    ABA    233          T     1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     23

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 433 and ECON 433                   School of Business               20


 BUS  434   RISK MGMT & FINANCIAL ENG.       3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 349.


      91832 AB1 Nik Venema                      ABA    212          T     1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     23

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 434 and ECON 434                   School of Business               20


 BUS  435   INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MGMT     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 349.


      91833 AB1 Amir Hajbaba                    ABC    1015           R   0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     23

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 435 and ECON 435                   School of Business               20


 BUS  439   ADVANCED ACCOUNTING              3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 343   Pre- or co-requisite(s): BUS 344


      91834 AB1 Keith Lownie                    ABC    1422          W    0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Seats restricted for Accounting and Finance Majors

            and Accounting Cert. students. Students outside of these areas should email businfo@ufv.ca


      91835 AB2 Quan Cheng                      ABC    1422            F  0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Seats restricted for Accounting and Finance Majors

            and Accounting Cert. students. Students outside of these areas should email businfo@ufv.ca


 BUS  444   ADVANCED MGT ACCOUNTING          3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 348.


      91836 AB1 Joe Ilsever                     ABD    228         M      1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Seats restricted for Accounting Major and Accounting

            Cert. students. Students outside of these areas should email businfo@ufv.ca


      91837 AB2 Joe Ilsever                     ABD    228          T     1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Seats restricted for Accounting Major and Accounting

            Cert. students. Students outside of these areas should email businfo@ufv.ca


 BUS  449   FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT II          3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 349.


      91838 AB1 Amir Hajbaba                    ABC    1015        M      0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Seats restricted for Accounting and Finance Majors,

            Financial Management Minor, Accounting Cert. and ECON Major students. Students outside of these areas should email

            businfo@ufv.ca   Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 449 and ECON 449


      91839 AB2 TBA                             ABD    139           W    1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      0

            Section pending - waitlist only

            Seats restricted for Accounting and Finance Majors, Financial Management Minor, Accounting Cert. and ECON

            Major students. Students outside of these areas should email businfo@ufv.ca

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 449 and ECON 449


      91840 AB3 Amir Hajbaba                    ABC    1425         T     1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Seats restricted for Accounting and Finance Majors,

            Financial Management Minor, Accounting Cert., and ECON Major students. Students outside of these areas should

            email businfo@ufv.ca. Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 449 and ECON 449


 BUS  460   AIRLINE MANAGEMENT               3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 360, ECON 101 recommended


      91841 AB1 Cyrus Chaichian                 ABC    1425         T     1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                      School of Business               20


 BUS  464   AIRPORT PLANNING & MANAGEMENT    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 360, BUS 349, or instructor's permission


      91842 IS1 Rod Hayward                     ABC    1423          W    1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      6


 BUS  492   DIRECTED STUDIES                 3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      93180 AB1 Frank Ulbrich                                                           05-SEP-2017 31-JAN-2018   10
    1015             S 1000  1600    09-SEP-2017 09-SEP-2017     

                                                ABC    1015             S 1000  1600    23-SEP-2017 23-SEP-2017

                                                ABC    1015             S 1000  1600    14-OCT-2017 14-OCT-2017

                                                ABC    1015             S 1000  1600    28-OCT-2017 28-OCT-2017

                                                ABC    1015             S 1000  1600    25-NOV-2017 25-NOV-2017

                                                TBA                 T     1645  1800    23-JAN-2018 23-JAN-2018 

            Note:  Attendance is mandatory for all scheduled events/classes.
                                                  All seats reserved.  Instructor's permission required

 BUS  492   DS-GAMIFICATION IN MGMNT EDUC    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      93415 IS1 Frank Ulbrich                                                         05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      6




 CHEM 083   PREP COLLEGE CHEMISTRY           4.0    $553.24  Prerequisite(s): Science 10. Note: One of Principles of

                                                             Mathematics 11, Applications of Mathematics 11,

                                                             Foundations of Mathematics 11, Pre-calculus 11, or MATH 085

                                                             is highly recommended.


      92979 AB1 Raji Balagopal                  ABA    253          T R   0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     24


      92980 CH1 Raji Balagopal                  CEPA   2105        M      1430  1720  06-SEP-2017 18-DEC-2017     24

                                                CEPA   1314          W    1430  1720


 CHEM 110   INTRODUCTORY CHEMISTRY           4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (Chemistry 11,

                                                             Chemistry 12, or CHEM 083) and one of the following:

                                                             (Foundations of Mathematics 11, Pre-calculus 11,

                                                             Principles of Mathematics 11, Foundations of Mathematics 12,

                                                             Pre-calculus 12, Principles of Mathematics 12, or any

                                                             UFV MATH course numbered 085 or higher).


      91845 AB1 Raji Balagopal                  ABB    140         M      1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     54

                                                ABD    217           W    1130  1250 

 Choose one of the following labs:

      91843 A#A Jane Webb                       ABA    393          T     1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      91844 A#B Jane Webb                       ABA    393          T     1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18
93191 A#C Raji Balagopal                  ABA    393            R   1300  1550  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18


 CHEM 113   PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY I        5.0    $796.30  Prerequisite(s): (Chemistry 12 or CHEM 110) and (one of

                                                             the following: Principles of Mathematics 12, Pre-calculuss 12,

                                                             MATH 095, MATH 096, or MATH 110).


      91858 AB1 Vinay Choytun                   ABA    210         M W    0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABB    140             F  0830  0950

            Tutorials 8:30-950 - alternating Fridays - Sept. 8, 22, Oct. 6, 20, Nov. 3, 17, Dec.1
            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg



      91859 AB2 Godwin Choy                     ABB    140         M W    1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     72

                                                ABB    140             F  1300  1420
                                                                                      MAJOR:Engineering Studies        22

            Tutorials 1300-1420 - alternating Fridays - Sept. 8, 22, Oct. 6, 20, Nov. 3, 17, Dec.1
            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


      91860 AB3 Golfam Ghafourifar              ABB    132          T R   0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     72

                                                ABB    140             F  0830  0950

            Tutorials 830-09:50 - alternating Fridays                                 MAJOR:Engineering Studies        22

            Sept. 15, 29, Oct. 13, 27, Nov. 24 - No tutorial Nov. 10
            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


      91861 AB4 David Fenske                    ABA    254         M W    1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABB    140             F  1300  1420

            Tutorials 1300-1420 - alternating Fridays - Sept. 15, 29, Oct. 13, 27, Nov. 24 - No tutorial Nov. 10


 Choose one of the following labs:

      91846 A#A Heather Wiebe                   ABA    388         M      1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      91847 A#B Heather Wiebe                   ABA    388         M      1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      91848 A#C Heather Wiebe                   ABA    388          T     1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

                                                                                      MAJOR: Engineering Studies       11

      91849 A#D Heather Wiebe                   ABA    388          T     1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      91850 A#E Sarah Xiyan Hou                 ABA    388           W    1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      91851 A#F Sarah Xiyan Hou                 ABA    388           W    1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      91852 A#G Jane Webb                       ABA    388            R   1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      91853 A#H Jane Webb                       ABA    388            R   1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

                                                                                      MAJOR: Engineering Studies       11

      91854 A#I Sarah Xiyan Hou                 ABA    388             F  1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      91855 A#J Sarah Xiyan Hou                 ABA    388             F  1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      91856 A#K Jane Webb                       ABA    393             F  1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      91857 A#L Jane Webb                       ABA    393             F  1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18


      91864 CH1 Vinay Choytun                   CEPA   2209         T R   1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                CEPA   1354            F  1300  1420

            Tutorials 1300-1420 alternating Fridays                             MAJOR:Engineering Studies               4

            Sept. 8, 22, Oct. 6, 20, Nov. 3, 17, Dec.1                          MAJOR:Kinesiology Degree                6


 Choose one of the following labs:

      91862 C#A Vinay Choytun                   CEPA   1110          W    1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

                                                                                      MAJOR: Engineering Studies        4

                                                                                      MAJOR: Kinesiology Degree         3

      91863 C#B Sarah Xiyan Hou                 CEPA   1110           R   1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

                                                                                      MAJOR: Kinesiology Degree         3
                                                                                      MAJOR: Engineering Studies        4


 CHEM 114   PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY II       5.0    $796.30  Prerequisite(s): CHEM 113.


      91867 CH1 Vinay Choytun                   CEPA   2209        M W    1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                CEPA   1354            F  1300  1420

            Tutorials 1300-1420 alternating Fridays

            Sept. 15, 29, Oct. 13, 27, Nov. 24 - No tutorial Nov. 10


 Choose one of the following labs:

      91865 C#A Vinay Choytun                   CEPA   1110        M      1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      91866 C#B Raji Balagopal                  CEPA   1110         T     1300  1550  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18


 CHEM 213   ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I              4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): CHEM 114



      91868 AB1 Jason Thomas                    ABA    301         M W    0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                                                ABA    385          T     1430  1810

                                                                                MAJOR:Chemistry                         3

                                                                                MINOR:Chemistry                         8
            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


      91869 AB2 Jason Thomas                    ABA    362         M W    1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                                                ABA    385         M      1430  1810

                                                                                MAJOR:Chemistry                         3

                                                                                MINOR:Chemistry                         8
            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


      91870 AB3 Godwin Choy                     ABA    385          T     1000  1340  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                                                ABA    266         M W    1130  1250

                                                                                MINOR:Chemistry                         8

                                                                                MAJOR:Chemistry                         3
            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


      91871 AB4 Pedro Montoya-Pelaez            ABA    385         M      1000  1340  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                                                ABA    259          T R   1000  1120

                                                                                MAJOR:Chemistry                         3

                                                                                MINOR:Chemistry                         8
            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


 CHEM 221   INORGANIC CHEMISTRY              4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): CHEM 113 and CHEM 114


      91872 AB1 Linus Chiang                    ABA    261          T R   0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                                                ABA    385             F  1000  1250

                                                                                MAJOR:Chemistry                         5

                                                                                MINOR:Chemistry                        10


      91873 AB2 Linus Chiang                    ABB    140          T R   1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                                                ABA    385             F  1430  1720

                                                                                MINOR:Chemistry                        10

                                                                                MAJOR:Chemistry                         5


 CHEM 224   ATOMS, MOLECULES, SPECTRA        4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): CHEM 113 and CHEM 114; plus PHYS 111,

                                                             and PHYS 112 or PHYS 105; plus MATH 111 and MATH 112

                                                             (MATH 211 is recommended)


      91874 AB1 Noham Weinberg                  ABA    233         M W    1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                                                ABA    302         M      1430  1720


 CHEM 241   ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY             4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): CHEM 113 and CHEM 114


      91875 AB1 Golfam Ghafourifar              ABA    259          T R   1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                                                ABA    385            R   1430  1720

                                                                                MINOR:Chemistry                         8

                                                                                MAJOR:Chemistry                         3


 CHEM 311   INTERMEDIATE ORGANIC CHEM I      4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): CHEM 213 and CHEM 214


      91876 AB1 Cory Beshara                    ABA    261         M W    1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                                                ABA    385           W    1430  1810

                                                                                MINOR:Chemistry                         8

                                                                                MAJOR:Chemistry                         3


 CHEM 408   DIRECTED STUDIES IN CHEMISTRY    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): A grade of B or better in three

                                                             chemistry courses numbered 300 or above and

                                                             permission of the department head will be required


      91877 IS1 David Fenske                                                          05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      6


 CHEM 409   UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH IN CHEM   6.0    $955.56  Prerequisite(s): A grade of B or better in three 300-level chemistry

                                                             courses and permission of the department head will be required.


      91878 IS1 David Fenske                                                          05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      6


 CHEM 451   BIO-INORGANIC CHEMISTRY          3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): CHEM 221 and one of CHEM 321, CHEM 341,

                                                             CHEM 350, or BIO 320.


      91879 AB1 David Fenske                    ABA    261          T R   1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24


 Child, Youth and Family Studies


 CYC  100   HUMAN DEVELOPMENT I FOR CYC      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Arts in Child and Youth Care
                                                                              or permission of the department head


      92075 AB1 Kiran Sidhu                     ABD    137          T     1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 CYC  101   INTRO TO PROF CHILD & YTH CARE   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92076 AB1 Mark Littlefield                ABD    137            R   1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 CYC  167   WORKING W/ INDIVIDUALS IN CYC    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Arts in

                                                             Child and Youth Care or permission of the department head.

                                                             Pre- or co-requisite(s): CYC 100 and CYC 101


      92077 AB1 Rose Timbrell                   ABD    137          T     1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 CYC  202   INDIGENOUS PERSPECTIVES IN CYC   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Arts in

                                                             Child and Youth Care and C+ or better in each of (CYC 100

                                                             or ECE 100), CYC 101, (CYC 120 or ECE 120), CYC 125, CYC 167,

                                                             and CYC 168.


      92078 AB1 Rose Timbrell                   ABA    264           W    1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 CYC  203   MENTAL HLTH & SUBSTANCE MISUSE   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Arts in

                                                             Child and Youth Care and C+ or better in each of (CYC 100

                                                             or ECE 100), CYC 101, (CYC 120 or ECE 120), CYC 125, CYC 167,

                                                             and CYC 168.


      92079 AB1 Angela Herd                     ABD    121           W    1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 CYC  220   THEORETICAL FOUNDATION FOR CYC   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): C+ or better in CYC 101 and one of the

                                                             following: departmentally-approved certificate or

                                                             diploma, 30 university-level credits, or department

                                                             head's permission.


      92080 AB1 Cindy Rammage                   ABD    138          T     1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 CYC  310A  SUPERVISED PRACTICUM             3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the program, all 200-level

                                                             CYC courses need to be completed.

                                                             Pre- or co-requisite(s): CYC 320, CYC 321, CYC 340, CYC 341

                                                             formerly CYC 301A, CYC 301B, CYC 338A, CYC 338B)


      92081 PR1 Les Stagg                       ABD    138         M      1900  2050  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     16


      92082 PR2 Les Stagg                       ABD    138         M      1900  2050  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     16


 CYC  325   RESEARCH METHODS IN CYC          3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Arts in

                                                             Child and Youth Care.


      92083 AB1 Asli Kucukbumin                 ABD    138           W    1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 CYC  340   DEVELOPMENTAL THEORY IN CYC      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Arts in

                                                             Child and Youth Care, and C+ or better in each of  CYC

                                                             202, CYC 203, CYC 210, CYC 220, CYC 275, CYC 280, and CYC 296.


      92084 AB1 Les Stagg                       ABD    138         M      1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 CYC  368   ADVANCED SKILLS WITH GROUPS      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Arts in

                                                             Child and Youth Care and C+ or higher in each of CYC 202,

                                                             CYC 203, CYC 210, CYC 220, CYC 275, CYC 280, and CYC 296.


      92085 AB1 Kirsten Hargreaves              ABD    138           W    1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 CYC  410A  ADVANCED PRACTICE IN CYC- PT 1   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Arts in

                                                             Child and Youth Care program and C+ or better in each of

                                                             the following: CYC 302, 310A, 310B, 320, 321, 340, and 341.

                                                             Pre- or co-requisite(s): CYC 402, 467, 468, 469, 423, and 425.


      92086 PR1 Cindy Rammage                   ABD    134         M      1900  2050  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     16


      92087 PR2 Les Stagg                       ABD    133         M      1900  2050  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     16


 CYC  425   DATA ANALYSIS IN CYC             3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Arts in

                                                             Child and Youth Care program or department head's permission.


      92088 AB1 Maple Melder Crozier            ABD    138            R   1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 CYC  469   ADV SKILLS W/FAMILIES IN CYC     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Arts in

                                                             Child and Youth Care program and C+ or better in each of

                                                             the following: CYC 302, 310, 320, 321, 340, and 341.


      92089 AB1 Cindy Rammage                   ABD    138          T     1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 CYC  485   DIVERSE POPULATION IN CYC        3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Arts in

                                                             Child and Youth Care and C+ or better in each of  (CYC 100

                                                             or ECE 100), CYC 101, (CYC 120 or ECE 120), CYC 125,

                                                             CYC 167, and CYC 168.


      92090 AB1 Maple Melder Crozier            ABD    123         M      1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36




 CMNS 125   PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATIONS      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: C+ or better in

                                                             English 12, CPT score of 48, or evidence of any test

                                                             score or course grade listed under the Degree/diploma-

                                                             level English language proficiency standards in the UFV

                                                             academic calendar at



      91936 AB1 Jessica Wind                    ABD    134         M      1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     10


      91937 AB2 Rita Atake                      ABD    119         M      1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     10


      91938 AB3 Gloria Borrows                  ABD    119          T     1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     10


      91939 AB4 Rita Atake                      ABD    121          T     1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     10


      91940 AB5 Gloria Borrows                  ABA    234           W    1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     10


      91941 AB6 Rita Atake                      ABA    212           W    1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     10


      91942 AB7 Dana Landry                     ABA    266            R   0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     10


      91943 AB8 Ashton Howley                   ABA    362             F  1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     10


      91944 AB9 Lisa Allen                      ABD    104              S 1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     10


      91945 ABA Ashton Howley                   ABD    225         M      1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     10


      91946 ABB Melanie Opmeer                  ABD    215            R   1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     10

      93297 ABC Shoaib Nasir                    ABA    305          W     1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     10


      91947 CH1 Melanie Opmeer                  CEPA   1316        M      1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     10


      91948 CH2 Melanie Opmeer                  CEPV   115          T     1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     10


      91949 CH3 Linda Pardy                     CEPA   0022           R   0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      4

                                                                                MAJOR:Automation & Robotics Tech Dip   18


      91950 MI1 Gloria Borrows                  MID    223            R   1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      7

                                                                                MAJOR:Graphic & Digital Design Dipl    18


      91951 ON1 Peter Clayton                   ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                     10


      91952 ON2 Michelle Riedlinger             ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                     10


      91953 ON3 Michelle Riedlinger             ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                     10

      93288 ON4 Peter Clayton                   ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                     10


 CMNS 212   INTRO MEDIA & PUB RELATIONS      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of CMNS 115, CMNS 125, CMNS 145,

                                                             CMNS 155, CMNS 175 or ENGL 105.


      91954 AB1 Shoaib Nasir                    ABD    213           W    1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     16

            Credit cannot be obtained for both CMNS 212 and MACS 212


 CMNS 235   PUBLIC SPEAKING                  3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      91955 AB1 Linda Pardy                     ABA    225/229       W    1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25  

            Students missing more than two classes will receive an F                Int’l Students                      7

            grade in the course, this includes the first class.                 MINOR:Communications                    3


      91956 AB2 Samantha Pattridge              ABC    1015         T     1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Students missing more than two classes will receive an F                Int’l Students                      7

            grade in the course, this includes the first class.                 MINOR:Communications                    3


      91957 AB3 Samantha Pattridge              ABA    233            R   0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Students missing more than two classes will receive an F                Int’l Students                      7

            grade in the course, this includes the first class.                 MINOR:Communications                    3


      91958 AB4 Samantha Pattridge              ABA    259           W    1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Students missing more than two classes will receive an F                Int’l Students                      7

            grade in the course, this includes the first class.                 MINOR:Communications                    3

      93291 AB5 Ashton Howley                   ABA    261           F    1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Students missing more than two classes will receive an F                Int’l Students                      7

            grade in the course, this includes the first class.                 MINOR:Communications                    3


 CMNS 251   PROFESSIONAL REPORT WRITING      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of CMNS 115, CMNS 125, CMNS 145,

                                                             CMNS 155, CMNS 175, or ENGL 105.


      91959 AB1 Gloria Borrows                  ABA    234         M      1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     10


      91960 AB2 Lisa Allen                      ABD    228         M      1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     10


      91961 AB3 Lynn Kirkland-Harvey            ABC    1422         T     1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     10


      91962 AB4 Lisa Allen                      ABD    221          T     1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     10


      91963 AB5 Lynn Kirkland-Harvey            ABD    225           W    0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     10


      91964 AB6 Ashton Howley                   ABA    210           W    1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     10


      91965 AB7 Linda Howell                    ABD    213            R   1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     10


      91966 AB8 Linda Howell                    ABD    219            R   1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     10


      93290 AB9 Shoaib Nasir                    ABA    252           W    1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     10


      91967 CH1 Lynn Kirkland-Harvey            CEPA   2211        M      1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     10


      91968 ON1 Sam Schechter                   ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                     10


      91969 ON2 Sam Schechter                   ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                     10


      91970 ON3 Sam Schechter                   ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                     10

      93289 ON4 Sam Schechter                   ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                     10


 CMNS 300   INTRO PRACTICE OF JOURNALISM     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: CMNS 125, CMNS 155,

                                                             CMNS 175, or ENGL 105.


      91972 AB1 John Bermingham                 ABC    1422         T     1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     13

            Credit cannot be obtained for both CMNS 300 and JRNL 300


 CMNS 316   COMMUNICATING FOR SOCIAL MEDIA   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 60 university-level credits, including CMNS 251


      91973 AB1 Sam Schechter                   ABA    362          T     1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                               MINOR:Communications                   10
            In class sessions - SEPT 5, 12, 26, OCT 10, 24, NOV 7, 14, 28


 CMNS 345   INSTRUC. SKILLS FOR THE WORKPL   4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits, including

                                                             CMNS 251 and 3 additional credits of CMNS.


      91974 AB1 Melanie Opmeer                  ABD    119           W    1730  2110  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     20

                                                                                MINOR:Communications                   10


 CMNS 375   UNDERSTAND DESIGN PRINT PUBS     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: CMNS 125, 145,

                                                             155, 175, or ENGL 105


      91975 AB1 Michelle Riedlinger             ABC    1422         T     1600  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                                                ABC    1120         T     1730  1850

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      5

                                                                                MINOR:Communications                    5


 CMNS 390   DESIGNING USER-FRIENDLY GUIDES   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits including CMNS 251.

                                                             For CIS program students, CIS 285 is recommended.


      91976 AB1 Lynn Kirkland Haravey           ABD    104            R   1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                               MINOR:Communications                   10


 CMNS 412   COMMUNICATIONS PRACTICUM         4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): 60 university-level credits completed,

                                                             at least 12 must be from CMNS, of which 9 credits must be

                                                             300-level and above, and instructor permission. Students

                                                             must complete an interview with the faculty liaison

                                                             including presenting a portfolio of their CMNS work as

                                                             part of the interview process.


      91977 IS1 TBA                                                                   05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      6


 CMNS 420   VIRTUAL TEAM CMNS                4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): 60 university-level credits including

                                                             one of the following: CMNS 235, CMNS 251, or CMNS 280.


      91978 AB1 Linda Pardy                     ABD    119         M      1730  2110  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     20

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                               MINOR:Communications                   10


 CMNS 490   DIRECTED STUDIES IN CMNS         4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): 60 university-level credits, including

                                                             at least 12 credits of CMNS, of which 9 credits must be

                                                             300-level or higher, and written permission of the

                                                             instructor and the department.


      91979 IS1 Linda Pardy                                                           05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      6


 Computer Information Systems


 CIS  100   COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None.   Co-requisite(s): None


      91880 AB1 Karin de Beer                   ABD    226         M      1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35 

91881 AB2
Mourad Bouguerra                ABD    226          T     1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35


      91884 ON1 Colleen Gingerich               ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 CIS  110   COMPUTERIZED BUS APPLICATIONS    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None. It is recommended that students

                                                             are competent in computer skills.


      91885 AB1 Trish Blondin                   ABA    302         M      0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      5

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 160 and CIS 110.


      91886 AB2 Trish Blondin                   ABD    223         M      1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      7

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 160 and CIS 110.


      91887 AB3 Karin de Beer                   ABD    223            R   1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     15

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 160 and CIS 110.


      91888 AB4 Karin de Beer                   ABD    223          T     1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     10

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 160 and CIS 110.


      91889 AB5 Mourad Bouguerra                ABA    302           W    1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     10

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 160 and CIS 110.


      91890 AB6 Karin de Beer                   ABD    226           W    1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     10

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 160 and CIS 110.


      91891 AB7 Trish Blondin                   ABD    223            R   1215  1510  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     10

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 160 and CIS 110.


      91892 AB8 Karin de Beer                   ABD    223            R   1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     10

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 160 and CIS 110.


      91893 AB9 Mourad Bouguerra                ABD    242             F  0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     10

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 160 and CIS 110.


      91894 CH1 Colleen Gingerich               CEPA   0024        M      1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     10

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 160 and CIS 110.


      91895 MI1 Trish Blondin                    MID    226C         T     1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      5

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 160 and CIS 110.


      91896 ON1 Colleen Gingerich               ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     10

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 160 and CIS 110.


 CIS  145   WEB PUBLISHING                   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Competent in computer skills - see `CIS

                                                             Required Skills’ section on the CIS department website for details.


      91897 AB1 Maryam Siahbani                 ABD    242           W    0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Cert        5

                                                                                MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Dipl        5

                                                                                MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Deg        15


      91898 AB2 Paul Franklin                   ABD    242          T     1215  1510  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Cert        2

                                                                                MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Dipl        5

                                                                                MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Deg        20


      91899 AB3 Leon Pan                        ABD    226           W    1215  1510  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Cert        2

                                                                                MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Dipl        5

                                                                                MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Deg        20

                                                                                MAJOR:Library and Info Tech Dipl        7


      91900 ON1 Paul Kroeker                    ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Cert        2

            Final exam will be held at the CEP Chillwack campus during the      MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Dipl        5

            official exam period.  Date/time TBD                                MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Deg        10

                                                                                MAJOR:Library and Info Tech Dipl       10


 CIS  190   SYSTEM HARDWARE CONCEPTS         3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: C or better in one

                                                             of Principles of Mathematics 11, Foundations of

                                                             Mathematics 11, Pre-calculus 11, or MATH 085; or one of

                                                             Principles of Mathematics 12, Foundations of Mathematics 12,

                                                             Pre-calculus 12, or MATH 094, and competency in

                                                             computer skills see CIS ‘Required Skills’ section on

                                                             the CIS department website for details.


      91901 AB1 Frank Zhang                     ABD    242         M      1515  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     17

                                                                                MAJOR:Library and Info Tech Dipl        2


      91902 AB2 Jerry Ang                       ABD    242           W    1815  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     17


      91903 AB3 Jerry Ang                       ABD    242            R   1515  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     17

      93281 AB4 Steven Pearce                   ABD    242             S  0830  1210 05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      35

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     17


 CIS  192   INTRODUCTION TO NETWORKING       4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): CIS 190, or eight credits of CIS/COMP

                                                             university-level credits.


      91908 AB1 Robert McAuliffe                ABD    226         M      1430  1810  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     17

  Choose one of the following labs:

      91904 A#A Robert McAuliffe                ABD    250           W    1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      91905 A#B Robert McAuliffe                ABD    250           W    1300  1550  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18


      91909 AB2 Robert McAuliffe                ABD    226          T     1430  1810  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      7

                                                                                MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Dipl        5

                                                                                MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Deg        20

                                                                                MAJOR:Library and Info Tech Dipl        2

  Choose one of the following labs:

      91906 A#C Robert McAuliffe                ABD    250           W    1600  1850  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      91907 A#D Robert McAuliffe                ABD    250           W    1900  2150  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18


 CIS  221   PRINCIPLE OF INFO SYS SECURITY   4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): COMP 150 and one of CIS 192, CIS 191, or CIS 194


      91910 AB1 Mourad Bouguerra                ABD    242          T     0830  1210  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     17


      91911 AB2 Robert McAuliffe                ABD    226         M      1815  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     17     


 CIS  245   INTERMEDIATE WEB PROGRAMMING     4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): CIS 145 and one of COMP 150 or COMP 152

                                                             or CIS 180


      91914 AB1 Kevin Renso                     ABD    226          T     1815  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     17 

      91915 AB2 Mourad Bouguerra                 ABD    242             F  1730  2110  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35
                                                                                    Int’l Students                     17    


 CIS  270   ANALYSIS AND DESIGN              3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): COMP 155.

                                                             Pre- or co-requisite(s): CMNS 125, CMNS 175, or ENGL 105.


      91916 AB1 Leon Pan                        ABD    223          T     0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     17

      91917 AB2 Frank Zhang                     ABD    226              S 1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35
                                                                                    Int’l Students                     17


 CIS  285   END USER TRAINING & SUPPORT      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): CIS 190 and CIS 192; one of COMP 150,

                                                             COMP 125, or COMP 152; and one of ENGL 105 or any 100-

                                                             level CMNS course (CMNS 125 is recommended).


      91918 AB1 Jerry Ang                       ABD    226            R   0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     17

      93278 AB2 Kevin Renso                     ABD    223             F  1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     17


 CIS  291   NETWORKING THEORY & APPLICTNS    4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): CIS 190; and one of CIS 191, CIS 192, or

                                                             CIS 194


      91919 AB1 Edward Lo                       ABD    242         M      0830  1210  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     17


      91920 AB2 Edward Lo                       ABD    242            R   1130  1510  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     17


 CIS  292   WIDE AREA NETWORKING             4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): CIS 192, or CIS 194, or permission of

                                                             the instructor


      91925 AB1 Robert McAuliffe                ABD    242           W    1130  1510  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     17

  Choose one of the following labs:

      91921 A#A Robert McAuliffe                ABD    250            R   1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17        9

      91922 A#B Robert McAuliffe                ABD    250            R   1300  1550  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17        9

      91923 A#C Robert McAuliffe                ABD    250            R   1600  1850  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17        9

      91924 A#D Robert McAuliffe                ABD    250            R   1900  2150  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17        9


 CIS  325   MALICIOUS SOFTWARE & ATTACK PR   4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): CIS 221, acceptance to the CIS degree

                                                             program. (Students accepted to a CIS or Computing Science

                                                             minor may register with permission of the department.)


      91926 AB1 Dan Harris                      ABD    226         M      0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     17


 CIS  341   SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION            3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Acceptance to the CIS degree program.

                                                             (Students accepted to a CIS or Computing Science minor

                                                             may register with permission of the department.)

                                                             Pre- or co-requisite(s): CIS 291 and COMP 340 recommended.


      91927 AB1 Carl Janzen                     ABD    226          T     0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     17


 CIS  385   PROJECT MANAGEMENT               3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: CIS 270, CIS 291, or

                                                             admission to the Data Analysis Post-degree certificate program.


      91928 AB1 Kevin Renso                     ABD    215           W    1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     17


 CIS  394   HIGH AVAILABILITY NETWORKS       4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): CIS 292, or CIS 294, or current CCNA

                                                             certification and permission of instructor.


      91932 AB1 TBA                             ABD    226            R   1430  1810  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      0

            Section pending - waitlist only

 Choose one of the following labs:

      91929 A#A TBA Lab pending                 ABD    250             F  1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17        0

      91930 A#B TBA Lab pending                 ABD    250             F  1300  1550  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17        0

      91931 A#C TBA Lab pending                 ABD    250             F  1600  1850  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17        0


 CIS  395   VIRTUALIZATION AND CLOUD INFST   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): CIS 291 or CIS 292


      93192 AB1 Nelson Eng                      ABD    226            R   1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35


 CIS  480   DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS         3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): COMP 251 and one of the following: STAT 106

                                                             formerly MATH 106) or MATH 270/STAT 270.


      91933 AB1 Carl Janzen                     ABD    242            R   1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35


 CIS  485   ETHICS & OTHER MGT ISSUES        3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): CIS 385


      91934 AB1 Steven Pearce                   ABD    223           W    1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     17


 CIS  497C  ADV TOPICS: FORENSIC COMPUTING   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Acceptance to the CIS degree program

                                                             (Students accepted to a CIS or Computing Science minor

                                                             may register with permission of the department). Other

                                                             prerequisites determined by instructor and topic.

                                                             CIS 221 and at least 45 credits of CIS/COMP


      91935 AB1 Mandeep Pannu                 ABD    242            R   0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35


 Computer Science


 COMP 061   FUNDAMENTAL COMPUTER STUDIES     1.5    $207.47  Prerequisite(s): None. Note: Students should have basic

                                                             English proficiency in order to be successful in this course.


      93019 AB1 Jan Oosterhof-Contant           ABD    204         M      1130  1420  06-SEP-2017 18-DEC-2017     24

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class.


      93020 CH1 Jan Oosterhof-Contant           CEPA   0024         T R   1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 24-OCT-2017     24

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class.


      93021 HO1 Kevin Renso                     HOHO   124          T R   1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 24-OCT-2017     17

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class.


 COMP 071   INTERMEDIATE COMPUTER STUDIES    1.5    $207.47  Prerequisite(s): COMP 061 or equivalent. Note: Students

                                                             should have basic English proficiency in order to be

                                                             successful in this course.


      93072 AB1 Jan Oosterhof-Contant           ABD    204         M W    1130  1420  30-OCT-2017 18-DEC-2017     24

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class.


      93073 CH1 Jan Oosterhof-Contant           CEPA   0024         T R   1730  2020  26-OCT-2017 14-DEC-2017     24

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class.


      93074 HO1 Kevin Renso                     HOHO   124          T R   1300  1550  26-OCT-2017 14-DEC-2017     17

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class.


 COMP 091   GRAPHICS AND PUBLISHING          3.0    $414.93  Prerequisite(s): COMP 071 or equivalent. Note: Students should have

                                                             basic English proficiency in order to be successful in this course.

      93190 AB1 Kevin Renso                    ABD    228          T R   0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     24

                                                                                               Int’l Students           20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class.


      92981 HO1 Kevin Renso                     HOHO   124          T R   1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     17

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class.


      92982 ON1 Kevin Renso                     ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     24

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 COMP 120   COMPUTING FOR THE SCIENCES       3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: Principles of

                                                             Mathematics 12 with a C+ or better, Foundations of

                                                             Mathematics 12 with a C or better, Pre-calculus 12 with a C

                                                             or better, MATH 096 with a C or better, MATH 110 with a C

                                                             or better; or (MATH 094 and MATH 095 with a C or better in both).


      91980 AB1 Gabe Murray                     ABD    242         M      1215  1510  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35


 COMP 125   PRINCIPLES OF COMPUTING          3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: C or better in one

                                                             of Pre-calculus 11, Foundations of Mathematics 11,

                                                             Principles of Mathematics 11, or MATH 085; or one of

                                                             Principles of Mathematics 12, Foundations of Mathematics 12,

                                                             Pre-calculus 12, or MATH 094.Competent in computer skills - see

                                                             `CIS Required Skills’ section on the CIS department website for details.


      91981 AB1 Paul Franklin                   ABD    223         M      1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Cert        1

                                                                                MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Dipl        3

                                                                                MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Deg        13


      91982 AB2 Steven Pearce                   ABD    242          T     1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Cert        1

                                                                                MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Dipl        2

                                                                                MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Deg        12 

          91983 AB3 KJ Lee                         ABD    226            R   1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     17    


      91985 ON1 Gabe Murray                     ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Cert        2

                                                                                MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Dipl        5

                                                                                MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Deg        25


 COMP 150   INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING      4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: C or better in one

                                                             of Pre-calculus 11, Foundations of Mathematics 11,

                                                             Principles of Mathematics 11, or MATH 085; or one of

                                                             Principles of Mathematics 12, Foundations of Mathematics 12,

                                                             Pre-calculus 12, or MATH 094. Competent in computer

                                                             skills - see `CIS Required Skills’ section on the CIS

                                                             department website for details.


      91986 AB1 Leon Pan                        ABD    242          T     1515  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Cert        2

                                                                                MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Dipl        5

                                                                                MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Deg        20


      91987 AB2 Maryam Siahbani                 ABD    223            R   0830  1210  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Cert        2

                                                                                MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Dipl        5

                                                                                MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Deg        20


      91988 AB3 Leon Pan                        ABD    226           W    0830  1210  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35


      91989 CH1 Frank Zhang                     CEPA   0024          W    1430  1810  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35


 COMP 152   INTRO TO STRUCTURED PROGRAMING   4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): C+ or better in one of the following:

                                                             Principles of Mathematics 12, Pre-calculus 12, or MATH 095.

                                                             Competent in computer skills - see `CIS Required

                                                             Skills’ section on the CIS department website for details.


      91990 AB1 Carl Janzen                     ABD    223         M      0830  1210  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Deg         5


      91991 AB2 Peter Rasquinha                 ABD    223           W    1430  1810  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Deg         6

                                                                                MAJOR:Engineering Studies              24


 COMP 155   OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING      4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): COMP 150 or COMP 152 with a grade of C+ or better.


      91992 AB1 Paul Rushton                    ABD    223          T     1300  1640  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     17


      91993 AB2 KJ Lee                          ABD    226            R   1815  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35     


 COMP 230   DATABASES AND DB MGMT SYST       3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): COMP 155 or (admission to the Data

                                                             Analysis Post-degree certificate program and one of the

                                                             following: STAT 106 [formerly MATH 106] or MATH 270/STAT 270).


      91995 AB1 Paul Franklin                   ABD    223           W    0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      7

                                                                                MAJOR:Data Analysis Cert               18

                                                                                MAJOR:Data Analysis Cert                2

          91996 AB2 Mandeep Pannu                   ABD    242             F  1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35
                                                                                    Int’l Students                     17


 COMP 251   DATA STRUCTURES & ALGORITHMS     4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): COMP 125, COMP 155, and MATH 125.


      91997 AB1 Maryam Siahbani                 ABD    226           W    1515  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     17


 COMP 340   OPERATING SYSTEMS                3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): COMP 251. Acceptance to CIS degree

                                                             program. (Students accepted to a CIS or Computing Science

                                                             minor may register with permission of the department.)


      91999 AB1 Peter Valadkhan                 ABD    223           W    1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     17


 COMP 370   SOFTWARE ENGINEERING             3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s):  Admission to the Bachelor of Computer

                                                             Information Systems degree, CIS 270, and COMP 251.

                                                             Note: Students accepted to a Computing Science minor may

                                                             register with permission of the department.


      92000 AB1 Leon Pan                        ABD    242             F  1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     17


 COMP 390   DATA COMMUNICATIONS              3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Bachelor of Computer

                                                             Information Systems, MATH 125, (one of the following: CIS 291,

                                                             CIS 292, or COMP 251), and (one of the following:

                                                             STAT 106 [formerly MATH 106] or MATH 270/STAT 270).

                                                             Note: Students accepted to a CIS or Computing Science

                                                             minor may register with permission of the department.


      92001 AB1 Edward Lo                       ABD    242           W    1515  1810  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     17


 COMP 455   EXTREME COMPUTING                3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): COMP 251.


      92002 AB1 Gabe Murray                     ABD    242         M      1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     17


 Criminal Justice


 CRIM 100   INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINOLOGY      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92003 AB1 Kevin Burk                      ABB    132           W    1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Dipl             6

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Deg             24


      92004 AB2 Mike Trump                      ABA    212          T     0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Dipl             6

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Deg             24


      92005 AB3 Danijel Ristic                  ABA    266             F  1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Dipl             6

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Deg             24


      92006 AB4 Danijel Ristic                  ABA    253           W    1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Dipl             6

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Deg             24


      92007 AB5 Kevin Burk                      ABA    301         M      1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Dipl             6

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Deg             24


      92008 CH1 Jennifer Armstrong              CEPA   2209         T     1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92009 MI1 Jennifer Armstrong              MID    235         M      1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92010 ON1 Kevin Burk                      ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 CRIM 103   INTRO TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE        3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92011 AB1 Kim Polowek                     ABA    305          T     1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Dipl             6

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Deg             24


      92012 AB2 Kim Polowek                     ABA    354          T     1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Dipl             6

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Deg             24


      92013 AB3 Kim Polowek                     ABA    234            R   1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Dipl             6

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Deg             24


      92014 AB4 Jennifer Armstrong              ABA    416            R   1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Dipl             6

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Deg             24


      92015 AB5 Jennifer Armstrong              ABA    305           W    1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Dipl             6

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Deg             24

      93292  AB6  TBA                           ABA    310            R    0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

             Section pending                                                    MAJOR:Criminal Justice Dipl             6

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Deg             24

      92016 CH1 Hayli Millar                    CEPA   1316         T     1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above

      92017 MI1 Kim Polowek                     MID    223            R   0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92018 ON1 Hayli Millar                    ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 CRIM 104   SOC EXPLAN OF CRIM & DEV BEHAV   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92019 AB1 Danijel Ristic                  ABA    252         M      1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Dipl             6

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Deg             24

93257 MI1 Richard Konarski                MID    223         M      1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 CRIM 105   PSYC EXPLAN OF CRIM & DEV BEHV   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92020 AB1 Tara Haarhoff                   ABA    210             F  1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

      93188 AB2 Tara Haarhoff                   ABA    212             F  1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92021 ON1 Jennifer Armstrong              ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 CRIM 129   ACADEMIC & PROF DEVELOPMENT      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92022 AB1 Annette Vogt                    ABA    354          T     0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Dipl             6

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Deg             24


      92023 AB2 Terry Waterhouse                ABA    362            R   1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Dipl             6

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Deg             24



      92024 AB3 TBA                             ABA    301           W    1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Dipl             6

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Deg             24


      92025 AB4 Annette Vogt                    ABA    354         M      0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

      93284 AB5 Annette Vogt                    ABA    261         M      1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92026 CH1 Annette Vogt                    CEPA   2213         T     1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92027 MI1 TBA                             MID    223         M      1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 CRIM 201   PHYSICAL FITNESS TRAINING I      2.0    $242.09  Prerequisite(s): None


      92028 AB1 Al Gray                         ABB    101          T     1130  1230  05-SEP-2017 05-SEP-2017     35

                                                ABE    105         M      1600  1720  18-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017                                      

                                                ABA    354           W    1730  1850  06-SEP-2017 29-NOV-2017
Alternating Wednesdays starting September 6th.   Alternating Mondays starting September 18th

            Intro/orientation Sept 5th at 11:30 in room B101


 CRIM 202   PHYSICAL FITNESS TRAINING II     2.0    $242.09  Prerequisite(s): None


      92029 AB1 Al Gray                         ABB    101          T     1231330  05-SEP-2017 05-SEP-2017     35

                                                ABE    105         M      1600  1720  11-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017

                                                ABA    354           W    1730  1850  13-SEP-2017 22-NOV-2017                                        

            Alternating Wednesdays starting September 13th   Alternating Mondays starting September 11th - NO CLASS: Oct 9/17

            Intro/orientation September 5th at 12:30 room B101


 CRIM 203   PEACE OFFICER USE OF FORCE       2.0    $242.09  Prerequisite(s): None


      92030 AB1 Al Gray                         ABB    101          T     1330  1420  05-SEP-2017 05-SEP-2017     35

                                                ABE    105          T R   1800  2000  05-SEP-2017 31-OCT-2017

                                                ABA    266          T R   1800  2000  02-NOV-2017 04-DEC-2017

            Intro/orientation September 5th at 13:30 room B101


 CRIM 210   YOUTH CRIME & YOUTH JUSTICE SY   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92031 AB1 Kevin Burk                      ABA    253          T     1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92032 AB2 Kevin Burk                      ABA    266          T     0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 CRIM 212   WOMEN,CRIME & CRIMINAL JUSTICE   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92033 ON1 Shelley Cole                    ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36
ONLINE - Please see explanation above

            Optional field trip will be held, date TBA
            Final exam will be held on the Abbotsford campus during the official exam period


 CRIM 213   DIRECTED STUDIES                 3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor


      92034 IS1 Amanda McCormick                                                      05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      1


 CRIM 216   PSYCOPATHY & CRIM JUST SYSTEM    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92035 AB1 Rebecca Berinbaum               ABB    140         M      1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92036 AB2 TBA                             ABA    212             F  1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

      93298 AB3 Rebecca Berinbaum               ABA    254           W    1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 CRIM 230   CRIMINAL LAW                     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92037 AB1 Simon Thomson                   ABA    362          T     1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 CRIM 250   CUSTOMS & IMMIGRATION LAW        3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92038 AB1 Mike Novakowski                 ABA    354           W    1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 CRIM 251   LAW ENFORCEMENT IN CANADA        3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92039 AB1 Ian Parks                       ABD    225            R   1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92040 AB2 Charn Kingra                    ABA    305           W    1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92041 AB3 Mike Trump                      ABA    305            R   1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 CRIM 252   CORRECTIONS IN CANADA            3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92042 AB1 Bobbi Sandhu                    ABA    305         M      1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92043 MI1 Julia Shuker                    MID    223             F  1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 CRIM 265   PROB MGT SKILL CJ INTERVENTION   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92044 AB1 Brian Foote                     ABA    301          T     1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Dipl             6

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Deg             24


      92045 AB2 Brian Foote                     ABA    301          T     1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Dipl             6

                                                                                MAJOR:Criminal Justice Deg             24


      92046 MI1 Annette Vogt                    MID    223         M      1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 CRIM 281   FIELD WORK PRACTICUM             6.0    $955.56  Prerequisite(s): CGPA of 2.67 or greater; CRIM 100, 103,

                                                             104, 105, and 265; CRIM 129 with a grade of B- or better;

                                                             one of (CMNS 125, CMNS 155, or ENGL 105 or higher); and

                                                             permission of the instructor.


      92047 PR1 Michele Giordano                ABA    210             F  1000  1100  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABA    210             F  1000  1100

                                                ABA    210             F  1000  1100


 CRIM 310   ADV THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Criminal Justice

                                                             degree program with a minimum of 45 university-level

                                                             credits, to include CRIM 100, 104, and 105; or permission

                                                             of the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice. 


      92048 AB1 Jonathon Heidt                  ABA    301             F  1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     27


      92049 AB2 Jonathon Heidt                  ABA    301             F  0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     27


      92050 AB3 Jonathon Heidt                  ABA    402         M      1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     27


      92051 AB4 Jonathon Heidt                  ABA    259         M      0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     27


 CRIM 321   QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS     4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Criminal Justice

                                                             degree program with a minimum of 45 university-level

                                                             credits including nine credits of lower-level

                                                             Criminology, to include CRIM 220.


      92052 AB1 Raegan Heidt                    ABA    354          T     1430  1810  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     27


      92053 AB2 Raegan Heidt                    ABA    212            R   0830  1210  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     27


      92054 AB3 Raegan Heidt                    ABA    235            R   1430  1810  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     27


 CRIM 330   CRIMINAL PROCEDURE & EVIDENCE    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Criminal Justice

                                                             degree program with a minimum of 45 university-level

                                                             credits including nine credits of lower-level CRIM, to

                                                             include CRIM 103 and 230; or permission of the School of

                                                             Criminology and Criminal Justice.


      92055 AB1 Richard Konarski                ABA    259         M      1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     27


      92056 AB2 Simon Thomson                   ABA    259           W    1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     27


      92057 AB3 Richard Konarski                ABA    421           W    1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     27


      92058 AB4 Richard Konarski                ABD    213           W    1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     27


 CRIM 400   TERRORISM                        3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Criminal Justice

                                                             degree program with a minimum of 45 university-level

                                                             credits including nine credits of lower-level CRIM; or

                                                             permission of the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice. 


      92059 AB1 Hayli Millar                    ABA    233            R   1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     27

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 CRIM 402   MENTAL DISORDER AND CRIME        3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Criminal Justice

                                                             degree program with a minimum of 45 university-level

                                                             credits including nine credits of lower-level CRIM; or

                                                             permission of the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice.


      92060 AB1 Kim Polowek                     ABA    261            R   1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     27


 CRIM 410J  THREAT, RISK & HUMAN SECURITY    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Will vary depending on topic; permission

                                                             of the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice.


      92061 AB1 Mark Lalonde                    ABA    305         M      1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     27


 CRIM 411   DIRECTED STUDIES                 3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor.


      92062 IS1 Amanda McCormick                                                      05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      1


 CRIM 412   ORGANIZED CRIME                  3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Criminal Justice

                                                             degree program with a minimum of 45 university-level

                                                             credits including nine credits of lower-level CRIM, to

                                                             include CRIM 100 and 103; or permission of the School of

                                                             Criminology and Criminal Justice


      92063 AB1 Mike Trump                      ABC    1425          W    1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     27


 CRIM 418   TECHNIQUES OF CRIME PREVENTION   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into a degree program (with a

                                                             minimum of 45 university-transferable credits) and nine

                                                             credits of lower-level CRIM including CRIM 100 and 103


      92064 AB1 Brian Foote                     ABA    360            R   1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     27


  CRIM 419   VICTIMOLOGY                      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into a degree program (with a

                                                             minimum of 45 university-transferable credits) and nine

                                                             credits of lower-level CRIM including CRIM 100 and 103


      93179 AB1 Yvon Dandurand                  ABA    301           W    1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     27
            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 CRIM 435   INNOVATION IN CAN PUB SAFETY     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Criminal Justice

                                                             degree program with a minimum of 45 university-level

                                                             credits including nine credits of lower-level CRIM, to

                                                             include CRIM 100 and CRIM 103.


      92065 AB1 Yvon Dandurand                  ABA    259         M      1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     27

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


      92066 AB2 Yvon Dandurand                  ABA    301         M      1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     27

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 CRIM 480   FIELD WORK PRACTICUM             6.0    $955.56  Prerequisite(s): CRIM 281, CRIM 310, CRIM 311, CRIM 320,

                                                             CRIM 335; a CGPA of 2.67 or better; and instructor’s permission.


      92067 PR1 Michele Giordano                                                        05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017    27                     

                                                ABA    210             F  1000  1100    08-SEP-2017 08-SEP-2017     

                                                ABA    210             F  1000  1100    13-OCT-2017 13-OCT-2017

                                                ABA    210             F  1000  1100    01-DEC-2017 01-DEC-2017


 CRIM 700   CRIME, CRIMINALS, VICTIMS        3.0   $1763.40  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MA Criminal Justice program


      92886 AB1 Amanda McCormick                ABA    203B           RFS 0900  1200    07-SEP-2017 09-SEP-2017    12

                                                ABA    203B           RFS 0900  1200    05-OCT-2017 07-OCT-2017

                                                ABA    203B           RFS 0900  1200    02-NOV-2017 04-NOV-2017

                                                ABA    203B           RFS 0900  1200    07-DEC-2017 09-DEC-2017


 CRIM 705   POLICY ANALYSIS & SOCIAL JUST.   3.0   $1763.40  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MA Criminal Justice program


      92887 AB1 Terry Waterhouse                ABA    203B           RFS 1300  1600    07-SEP-2017 09-SEP-2017    12

                                                ABA    203B           RFS 1300  1600    05-OCT-2017 07-OCT-2017

                                                ABA    203B           RFS 1300  1600    02-NOV-2017 04-NOV-2017

                                                ABA    203B           RFS 1300  1600    07-DEC-2017 09-DEC-2017


 CRIM 745   HUMAN RESOURCE ADMINISTRATION    3.0   $1763.40  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MA Criminal Justice program


      92888 AB1 Fiona McQuarrie                 ABA    234            RFS 0900  1200    07-SEP-2017 09-SEP-2017    14

                                                ABA    234            RFS 0900  1200    05-OCT-2017 07-OCT-2017

                                                ABA    234            RFS 0900  1200    02-NOV-2017 04-NOV-2017

                                                ABA    234            RFS 0900  1200    07-DEC-2017 09-DEC-2017


 CRIM 755F  MENTAL HLTH: LAW, POLIC, PRACT   3.0   $1763.40  Prerequisite(s): This course critically reviews topics in

                                                             advanced theory, methods, and research in criminal

                                                             justice.  Topics will vary with instructor.


      93168 AB1 Amanda McCormick                ABA    362            RFS 1300  1550    07-SEP-2017 09-SEP-2017    15

                                                ABA    362            RFS 1300  1550    05-OCT-2017 07-OCT-2017

                                                ABA    362            RFS 1300  1550    02-NOV-2017 04-NOV-2017

                                                ABA    234            RFS 1300  1600    07-DEC-2017 09-DEC-2017


 Critical Analysis & Study Methods


 CSM  104   INTEGRATED ACAD. LEARN. SKILLS   3.0    $477.78  Pre- or co-requisite(s): One of CMNS 099, ENGL 099, ENGL 091,

                                                             ENGL 081 or ESL WG84 or equivalent


      92068 AB1 Linda Pardy                     ABC    1423         T     1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25


      92069 AB2 Linda Howell                    ABC    1426            F  0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25


      92070 AB3 Linda Howell                    ABC    1423            F  1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25


      92071 AB4 Lara Jongedijk                  ABC    1421           R   1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25


 CSM  108   CRITICAL ANALYSIS AND LEARNING   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92072 AB1 Dana Landry                     ABA    234         M      1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25


      92073 AB2 Dana Landry                     ABD    219            R   1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25


      92074 CH1 Dana Landry                     CEPV   115           W    1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25


 Early Childhood Education


 ECE  100   HUMAN DEVELOPMENT I              3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Acceptance to the ECE certificate

                                                             program, or permission from the ECE department head.


      92091 AB1 George Melzer                   ABD    137         M      1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 ECE  101   INTRO TO EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUC    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Early Childhood

                                                             Education certificate, or department head’s permission.


      92092 AB1 George Melzer                   ABD    104           W    1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 ECE  103   INTRO TO OBS & REC BEH OF CHLD   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Early Childhood

                                                             Education certificate, or department head’s permission.


      92093 AB1 George Melzer                   ABD    137         M      1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 ECE  122   INTRO PRACTICUM                  6.0    $955.56  Prerequisite(s): ECE 100, ECE 102, ECE 103

                                                             Co-requisite(s): ECE 125

                                                             Pre- or co-requisite(s): ECE 120, ECE 123, ECE 124


      92094 PR1 Monique Goerzen                 CEPA   1316        M      1900  2050  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     12


      92095 PR2 Elizabeth McWilliams-Hewitt     CEPA   0020        M      1900  2050  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     12


 ECE  123   ART IN ECE                       1.5    $238.89  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the ECE Certificate

                                                             Program.   Co-requisite(s): 2nd  Semester


      92096 CH1 Monique Goerzen                 CEPA   1316         T     1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 ECE  124   MUSIC IN ECE                     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the ECE Certificate Program


      92097 CH1 Monique Goerzen                 CEPA   1316         T     1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 ECE  125   EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAMS         3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Completion of the first semester of the

                                                             ECE Certificate program.

                                                             Co-requisite(s): ECE 120 and ECE 122


      92098 CH1 Monique Goerzen                 CEPA   1316        M      1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36




 ECON 100   PRINCIPLES OF MICROECONOMICS     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92103 AB1 Bosu Seo                        ABB    101          T R   1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017    108

                                                                                MAJOR:Accounting Cert                   5

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Cert      5

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Dipl     20

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Deg      45

                                                                                MAJOR:BBA Aviation                     15 

 Choose one of the following labs:

      92099 A#A Bosu Seo                        ABA    235          T     1130  1210  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       27

      92100 A#B Bosu Seo                        ABC    1422         T     1215  1255  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       27

      92101 A#C Bosu Seo                        ABC    1426           R   1130  1210  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       27

      92102 A#D Bosu Seo                        ABC    1426           R   1215  1255  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       27


      92104 AB2 Sheila Fagnan                   ABC    1420           R   1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36
            No lab required with this section


      92105 AB3 Sheila Fagnan                   ABC    1426          W    1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            No lab required with this section


      92106 AB4 Jun Choi                        ABC    1427           R   1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            No lab required with this section     


      92107 CH1 Mike Solyom                     CEPA   2211        M      1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92108 ON1 Michael Maschek                 ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


      92109 ON2 Bosu Seo                        ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 ECON 101   PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92114 AB1 Ding Lu                         ABB    101         M W    1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017    108

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Dipl     24

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Deg      24

                                                                                MAJOR:BBA Aviation                      6
            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg

  Choose one of the following labs:

      92110 A#A Ding Lu                         ABC    1421        M      1300  1340  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       27

      92111 A#B Ding Lu                         ABC    1421        M      1345  1425  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       27

      92112 A#C Ding Lu                         ABC    1421          W    1300  1340  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       27

      92113 A#D Ding Lu                         ABC    1421          W    1345  1425  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       27


      92115 ON1 Ding Lu                         ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 ECON 207   INTRO TO STRATEGIC THINKING      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): ECON 100 and ECON 101


      92116 AB1 Michael Maschek                 ABC    1426           R   1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 ECON 226   ECONOMIC & BUSINESS STATISTICS   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): STAT 106 (formerly MATH 106) and one of

                                                             MATH 111 or MATH 141 (formerly MATH 115).


      92117 AB1 David Dobson                    ABD    204          T     1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      0

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 226 and ECON 226


      91754 AB2 David Dobson                    ABD    204          T     1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      0

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 226 and ECON 226


      92119 AB3 Ahmed Hoque                     ABD    223             F  1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      0

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 226 and ECON 226


 ECON 307   MANAGERIAL MICROECONOMICS        3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits, including

                                                             ECON 100 and ECON 101, and one of MATH 111 or MATH 141.


      92120 AB1 Bosu Seo                        ABA    310         T     1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


      92121 AB2 Ding Lu                         ABC    1423          W    1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


      92122 AB3 Mike Solyom                     ABC    1425           R   1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


 ECON 349   FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT I           3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 143, BUS 226 (formerly BUS 301), and

                                                             BUS 249 (formerly BUS 149 and BUS 162).


      92123 AB1 Amir Hajbaba                    ABC    1425        M      1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      1

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 349 and ECON 349             MAJOR:Economics                         1


      92124 AB2 Raymond Leung                   ABC    1422          W    1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      1

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 349 and ECON 349             MAJOR:Economics                         1


      92125 AB3 Raymond Leung                   ABD    219             F  1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      1

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 349 and ECON 349             MAJOR:Economics                         1

      93312 AB4 Nik Venema                      ABA    360           R    1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 349 and ECON 349


 ECON 361   ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS          3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits including

                                                             ECON 100 and ECON 101.


      92126 AB1 Kristin Dust                    ABC    1424         T     1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28
This course is offered as GEOG 361 and ECON 361 - Credit cannot be obtained for both ECON 361 and GEOG 361


 ECON 397   REGULATORY ECONOMICS             3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits, including

                                                             ECON 100 and ECON 101


      92127 AB1 Bosu Seo                        ABC    1424          W    1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


 ECON 410   MACROECON & FINANCE MARKET       3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits, including

                                                             ECON 100 and ECON 101, and one of MATH 111 or MATH 141.


      92128 AB1 Mike Solyom                     ABA    212         M      1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


 ECON 433   INVESTMENTS                      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 349.


      92129 AB1 Amir Hajbaba                    ABA    233          T     1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      2

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 433 and ECON 433             MAJOR:Economics                         2


 ECON 434   RISK MGMT & FINANCIAL ENG.       3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 349.


      92130 AB1 Nik Venema                      ABA    212          T     1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      2

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 434 and ECON 434             MAJOR:Economics                         2



 ECON 435   INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MGMT     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 349.


      92131 AB1 Amir Hajbaba                    ABC    1015           R   0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      2

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 435 and ECON 435             MAJOR:Economics                         2


 ECON 449   FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT II          3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): BUS 349.


      92132 AB1 Amir Hajbaba                    ABC    1015        M      0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      0

            Seats restricted for Accounting and Finance Majors,

            Financial Management Minor, Accounting Cert. and ECON Major students. Students outside of these areas should email

            businfo@ufv.ca   Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 449 and ECON 449


      92133 AB2 TBA                             ABD    139           W    1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      0

            Section pending - waitlist only

            Seats restricted for Accounting and Finance Majors, Financial Management Minor, Accounting Cert. and ECON Major

            students. Students outside of these areas should email businfo@ufv.ca

            Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 449 and ECON 449


      92134 AB3 Amir Hajbaba                    ABC    1425         T     1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      0

            Seats restricted for Accounting and Finance Majors,

            Financial Management Minor, Accounting Cert. and ECON Major students. Students outside of these areas should

            email businfo@ufv.ca    Credit cannot be obtained for both BUS 449 and ECON 449




 EDUC 200   EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY           3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 15 credits of Arts/Science courses


      92135 AB1 Nancy Norman                    ABD    217          T     1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92136 AB2 Jasdev Makkar                   ABB    140          T     1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92137 CH1 Nancy Norman                    CEPA   1314          W    1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 EDUC 300   INTRO BEST PRACT. IN TEACHING    4.0    $637.04  Pre- or co-requisite(s): EDUC 200 and 75 university-level

                                                             credits of Arts/Science courses.


      92138 AB1 Barbara Salingre                ABD    134          T     1430  1820  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92139 CH1 Chuck Charles                   CEPA   1360          W    1730  2120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 EDUC 410   SCHOOLING IN A DIVERSE SOCIETY   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP)


      92952 AB1 Awneet Sivia                    ABD    137                            21-AUG-2017 22-DEC-2017     32


      92953 AB2 Awneet Sivia                    ABD    138                            21-AUG-2017 22-DEC-2017     32


 EDUC 412   DEVELOPMENT AND SPEC. NEEDS      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP)


      92954 AB1 Nancy Norman                    ABD    137                            21-AUG-2017 22-DEC-2017     32


 EDUC 413   ADOLESCENT DEV & SPECIAL NEEDS   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education Program [TEP]


      92955 AB1 Nancy Norman                    ABD    138                            21-AUG-2017 22-DEC-2017     32


 EDUC 420   ELEMENTARY LANGUAGE ARTS         3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP)


      92956 AB1 Sandy Murray                    ABD    137                            21-AUG-2017 22-DEC-2017     32


 EDUC 424   ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS           3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP)


      92957 AB1 Sheryl MacMath                  ABD    137                            21-AUG-2017 22-DEC-2017     32


 EDUC 425   ELEMENTARY PHYSICAL EDUCATION    1.0    $159.26  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP).


      92958 AB1 Joanna Sheppard                 ABD    137                            21-AUG-2017 22-DEC-2017     32


 EDUC 431   GENERAL LANGUAGE ARTS            3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP)


      92959 AB1 Vandy Britton                   ABD    138                            21-AUG-2017 22-DEC-2017     16


 EDUC 432   GENERAL SOCIAL STUDIES           3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP).


      92960 AB1 Stefan Stipp                    ABD    217          T     1430  1720  21-AUG-2017 22-DEC-2017     16


 EDUC 435   SECONDARY MATHEMATICS            3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP).


      92961 AB1 Judy Larsen                     ABD    133                            21-AUG-2017 22-DEC-2017     16


 EDUC 436   GENERAL SCIENCE                  3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP).


      92962 AB1 Awneet Sivia                    ABD    133                            21-AUG-2017 22-DEC-2017     16


 EDUC 440   PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION       1.0    $159.26  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP).


      92963 AB1 Janet Carroll                   ABD    138                            21-AUG-2017 22-DEC-2017     32


 EDUC 444   CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT             1.0    $159.26  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP).


      92964 AB1 Sheryl MacMath                  ABD    137                            21-AUG-2017 22-DEC-2017     32


      92965 AB2 Chuck Charles                   ABD    138                            21-AUG-2017 22-DEC-2017     32


 EDUC 445   PLANNING AND ASSESSMENT          2.0    $318.52  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP).


      92966 AB1 Sheryl MacMath                  ABD    137                            21-AUG-2017 22-DEC-2017     32


      92967 AB2 Sheryl MacMath                  ABD    138                            21-AUG-2017 22-DEC-2017     32


 EDUC 446   INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY           1.0    $159.26  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP).


      92968 AB1 Awneet Sivia                    ABD    137                            21-AUG-2017 22-DEC-2017     32


      92969 AB2 Awneet Sivia                    ABD    138                            21-AUG-2017 22-DEC-2017     32


 EDUC 447   INDIGENOUS YOUTH AND SCHOOLING   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP).


      92970 AB1 Wenona Victor                   ABD    137                            21-AUG-2017 22-DEC-2017     32


      92971 AB2 Wenona Victor                   ABD    138                            21-AUG-2017 22-DEC-2017     32


 EDUC 490   SCHOOL EXPERIENCE                6.0    $955.56  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP).


      92972 AB1 Barbara Salingre                ABB    140         M      0830  1120  21-AUG-2017 22-DEC-2017     64


 EDUC 495A  REFLECTIVE PRACTICE I            0.5     $79.63  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP).


      92973 AB1 Vandy Britton                   ABD    137                            21-AUG-2017 22-DEC-2017     32


      92974 AB2 Vandy Britton                   ABD    138                            21-AUG-2017 22-DEC-2017     32


 Education & Career Planning


 ECP  094   PROV EDUCATION & CAREER PLANN    3.0    $414.93  Prerequisite(s): None. ENGL 071 or English 10 recommended


      93154 AB1 Jan Oosterhof-Contant           ABD    134            R   1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 18-DEC-2017     24

                                                ONLINE UFV


      92983 CH1 Jan Oosterhof-Contant           CEPA   1454         T     1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     24

                                                ONLINE UFV

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above



 ENGR 100   PRODUCTION IN PRACTICE           1.0    $156.14  Prerequisite(s): Enrolled in the Engineering Physics

                                                             diploma in Mechatronics program.


      93383 CH1 Randy Kelley                    CEPT               MTWRF  0830  1500  21-AUG-2017 25-AUG-2017     18

            This course is reserved for Mechatronics students



 ENGR 122   INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING      1.0    $159.26  Pre- or co-requisite(s): PHYS 111


      92217 AB1 Peter Mulhern                   ABB    101             F  1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     48

                                                                                MAJOR:Engineering Studies              24


 ENGR 151   COMP AIDED ENGR GRAPHICS         4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): Familiarity with Windows-based systems

                                                             Pre- or co-requisite(s): PHYS 111


      92218 AB1 Peter Mulhern                   ABA    302         M W    1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:Engineering Phys Mechatronics    12

                                                                                MAJOR:Engineering Studies              24


 ENGR 210   CIRCUIT ANALYSIS                 3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): PHYS 112   Pre- or co-requisite(s): PHYS 381


      92219 AB1 Lin Long                        ABA    353         M W F  1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                                                                                MAJOR:Engineering Phys Mechatronics    18


 ENGR 330   AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEMS        4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): ENGR 210


      92220 AB1 Lin Long                        ABA    353         M W F  1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     18


 Engineering Physics


 ENPH 320   ELECTRONICS II                   4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): ENPH 310


      92221 AB1 Jeff Krahn                      ABA    353             F  1430  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     18

                                                ABA    353            R   1430  1720




 ENGL 052   FUNDAMENTAL-LEVEL ENGLISH III    1.5    $207.47  Prerequisite(s): ENGL 043 or UUP department permission

                                                             (assessment may be required)


      93022 AB1 Allison Kilgannon               ABA    232          T R   1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 24-OCT-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


      93075 AB2 Allison Kilgannon               ABA    232          T R   1430  1720  26-OCT-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


      93023 AB3 Mark Friesen                    ABA    254         M W    1430  1720  06-SEP-2017 25-OCT-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


      93076 AB4 Mark Friesen                    ABA    254         M W    1430  1720  30-OCT-2017 18-DEC-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


      93024 AC1 Allison Kilgannon                                   T R   0900  1200  05-SEP-2017 24-OCT-2017     20

            Classes held at:  Mamele'awt Community Aboriginal Centre, 3277 Gladwin Road, Abbotsford, V2T 4Y9.


      93077 AC2 Allison Kilgannon                                   T R   0900  1200  26-OCT-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            Classes held at:  Mamele'awt Community Aboriginal Centre, 3277 Gladwin Road, Abbotsford, V2T 4Y9.


      93025 CH1 Mark Friesen                    CEPA   1415         T R   1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 24-OCT-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class.


      93078 CH2 Mark Friesen                    CEPA   1415         T R   1130  1420  26-OCT-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class.


      93155 GW1 Vicki Grieve                                       M W    0900  1200  05-SEP-2017 25-OCT-2017     20


      93161 GW2 Vicki Grieve                                       M W    0900  1200  26-OCT-2017 18-DEC-2017     20


 ENGL 053   FUNDAMENTAL ENGLISH LEVEL IV     1.5    $207.47  Prerequisite(s): ENGL 052 or UUP department permission

                                                             (assessment may be required)


      93026 AB1 Allison Kilgannon               ABA    232          T R   1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 24-OCT-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


      93079 AB2 Allison Kilgannon               ABA    232          T R   1430  1720  26-OCT-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


      93027 AB3 Mark Friesen                    ABA    254         M W    1430  1720  06-SEP-2017 25-OCT-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


      93080 AB4 Mark Friesen                    ABA    254         M W    1430  1720  30-OCT-2017 18-DEC-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


      93028 AC1 Allison Kilgannon                                   T R   0900  1200  05-SEP-2017 24-OCT-2017     20

            Classes held at:  Mamele'awt Community Aboriginal Centre  3277 Gladwin Road, Abbotsford, V2T 4Y9.


      93081 AC2 Allison Kilgannon                                   T R   0900  1200  26-OCT-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            Classes held at:  Mamele'awt Community Aboriginal Centre  3277 Gladwin Road, Abbotsford, V2T 4Y9.


      93029 CH1 Mark Friesen                    CEPA   1415         T R   1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 24-OCT-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class.


      93082 CH2 Mark Friesen                    CEPA   1415         T R   1130  1420  26-OCT-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class.


      93156 GW1 Vicki Grieve                                       M W    0900  1200  05-SEP-2017 25-OCT-2017     20


      93162 GW2 Vicki Grieve                                       M W    0900  1200  26-OCT-2017 18-DEC-2017     20


 ENGL 062   FUNDAMENTAL-LEVEL ENGLISH V      1.5    $207.47  Prerequisite(s): ENGL 051, ENGL 053, or UUP department

                                                             permission (assessment may be required).


      93030 AB1 Allison Kilgannon               ABA    232          T R   1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 24-OCT-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


      93083 AB2 Allison Kilgannon               ABA    232          T R   1430  1720  26-OCT-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


      93031 AB3 Mark Friesen                    ABA    254         M W    1430  1720  06-SEP-2017 25-OCT-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


      93084 AB4 Mark Friesen                    ABA    254         M W    1430  1720  30-OCT-2017 18-DEC-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


      93032 AC1 Allison Kilgannon                                   T R   0900  1200  05-SEP-2017 24-OCT-2017     20

            Classes held at: Mamele'awt Community Aboriginal Centre  3277 Gladwin Road, Abbotsford, V2T 4Y9.


      93085 AC2 Allison Kilgannon                                   T R   0900  1200  26-OCT-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            Classes held at: Mamele'awt Community Aboriginal Centre  3277 Gladwin Road, Abbotsford, V2T 4Y9.


      93033 CH1 Mark Friesen                    CEPA   1415         T R   1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 24-OCT-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class.


      93086 CH2 Mark Friesen                    CEPA   1415         T R   1130  1420  26-OCT-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class.


      93157 GW1 Vicki Grieve                                       M W    0900  1200  05-SEP-2017 25-OCT-2017     20


      93163 GW2 Vicki Grieve                                       M W    0900  1200  26-OCT-2017 18-DEC-2017     20


 ENGL 063   FUNDAMENTAL-LEVEL ENGLISH VI     1.5    $207.47  Prerequisite(s): ENGL 062 or UUP department permission

                                                             (assessment may be required).


      93034 AB1 Allison Kilgannon               ABA    232          T R   1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 24-OCT-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


      93087 AB2 Allison Kilgannon               ABA    232          T R   1430  1720  26-OCT-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


      93035 AB3 Mark Friesen                    ABA    254         M W    1430  1720  06-SEP-2017 25-OCT-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


      93088 AB4 Mark Friesen                    ABA    254         M W    1430  1720  30-OCT-2017 18-DEC-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


      93036 AC1 Allison Kilgannon                                   T R   0900  1200  05-SEP-2017 24-OCT-2017     20

            Classes held at: Mamele'awt Community Aboriginal Centre  3277 Gladwin Road, Abbotsford, V2T 4Y9.


      93089 AC2 Allison Kilgannon                                   T R   0900  1200  26-OCT-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            Classes held at: Mamele'awt Community Aboriginal Centre  3277 Gladwin Road, Abbotsford, V2T 4Y9.


      93037 CH1 Mark Friesen                    CEPA   1415         T R   1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 24-OCT-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class.


      93090 CH2 Mark Friesen                    CEPA   1415         T R   1130  1420  26-OCT-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class.

      93239 GW1 Vicki Grieve                                       M W    0900  1200  05-SEP-2017 25-OCT-2017     20


      93241 GW2 Vicki Grieve                                       M W    0900  1200  26-OCT-2017 18-DEC-2017     20


 ENGL 071   INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH             3.0    $414.93  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: ENGL 063, English 10

                                                             with a C- or better, Communications 11 with a C or

                                                             better, Communications 12 with a C- or better, LPI essay

                                                             score of 18-23 (level 3), or UUP department permission

                                                             (assessment may be required).


      92984 AB1 Anna Wauthy                     ABA    212         M W    1300  1550  06-SEP-2017 18-DEC-2017     24

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class  


      93189 AB2 Sheryl Newton                   ABA    232          T R   0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     24
Int’l Students           15

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class.

      92985 CH1 Mark Friesen                    CEPA   1415         T R   1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     24

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class.


      92986 GW1 Vicki Grieve                                       M W    0900  1200  06-SEP-2017 18-DEC-2017     20


      92987 HO1 Mark Friesen                    HOHO   124         M W    0830  1120  06-SEP-2017 18-DEC-2017     20


 ENGL 081   ADVANCED ENGLISH                 3.0    $414.93  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: English 071,

                                                             English 10 with a C+ or better, English 11 with a C or

                                                             better, English 12 with a C or better, Communications 12

                                                             with a B or better, LPI essay score of 24 or higher

                                                             (level 4), CPT score of 41 or better, or ESL WG 74 with a

                                                             C+ or better.


      92988 AB1 Jan Oosterhof-Contant           ABA    266         M W    1730  2020  06-SEP-2017 18-DEC-2017     24

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class.


      92989 AB2 Sheryl Newton                   ABA    352          T R   1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     24

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class.


      92990 CH1 Beverly Jones Redekop           CEPA   1415        M W    1130  1420  06-SEP-2017 18-DEC-2017     24

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class.

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


      92991 GW1 Vicki Grieve                                       M W    0900  1200  06-SEP-2017 18-DEC-2017     20


      92992 HO1 Mark Friesen                    HOHO   124         M W    0830  1120  06-SEP-2017 18-DEC-2017     20


      92993 ON1 Mark Friesen                    ONLINE UFV                            06-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     24

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class.


 ENGL 091   PROVINCIAL ENGLISH               3.0    $414.93  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: English 081,

                                                             English 11 with a C or better, English 12 with a C- or

                                                             better, English 099, LPI essay score of 24 or higher

                                                             (level 4), CPT score of 41 or better, or UUP department

                                                             permission (assessment may be required).


      92994 AB1 Anna Wauthy                     ABA    253         M W    0830  1120  06-SEP-2017 18-DEC-2017     24

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


      92995 AB2 Sheryl Newton                   ABA    259          T R   1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     24

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class.


      92996 CH1 Beverly Jones Redekop           CEPA   0022         T R   1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     24

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


      92997 HO1 Mark Friesen                    HOHO   124         M W    0830  1120  06-SEP-2017 18-DEC-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


      92998 ON1 Anna Wauthy                     ONLINE UFV                            06-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     24

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 ENGL 099   PRE-UNIVERSITY COMPOSITION       1.5    $207.47  Prerequisite(s): One of the following:

                                                             English 12 or English Literature 12 with a grade of C- or


                                                             UFV ENGL 081 or 091 with a grade of C or better;

                                                             UFV ESL WG74 with a grade of C+ or better;

                                                             CPT score of 41 or better;

                                                             LPI minimum score of 24-26 or level 4 in the essay section.


      92999 AB1 Sheryl Newton                   ABA    354           W    0830  1120  06-SEP-2017 18-DEC-2017     22

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class.


      93000 AB2 Sheryl Newton                   ABA    312          T     1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     22

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class.


      93001 CH1 Allison Kilgannon               CEPA   1415          W    1730  2020  06-SEP-2017 18-DEC-2017     22

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


      93002 ON1 Allison Kilgannon               ONLINE UFV                            06-SEP-2017 18-DEC-2017     22

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 ENGL 104   INTRO CREATIVE WRITING           3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92140 AB1 Tom Konyves                     ABC    1423        M W    1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25


      92141 AB2 Rajnish Dhawan                  ABA    312          T     1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25


 ENGL 105   ACADEMIC WRITING                 3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): English 12 or English Literature 12 with

                                                             a minimum final grade of C+ or better; UFV CMNS 099 or

                                                             ENGL 099 with a grade of C or better; UFV ENGL 081 or 091

                                                             with a grade of C+ or better; UFV ESL WG84 with a grade

                                                             of C+ or better; a minimum grade of C- in a university

                                                             level English or Communications course; CPT score of 48

                                                             or better; LPI score of 30 (level 5); TOEFL (Test of

                                                             English as a Foreign Language) score of 570 or better (or

                                                             230 if computer-based score), plus a minimum TWE or essay

                                                             score of 4.0; or IBT score of 88, with no section below

                                                             20; MELAB (Michigan English Language Assessment Battery)

                                                             score of at least 85; CAEL (Canadian Academic English

                                                             Language) score of at least 70; CanTEST score of at least

                                                             4.5 in both Listening and Reading and a score of 4.0 in

                                                             Writing; Cambridge Proficiency Examination competence

                                                             level of C; IELTS (International English Language Testing

                                                             System) score of at least 6.5 with no band less than 6.0;

                                                             UFV English as a Second Language assessment results

                                                             equivalent to completion of the 80-level of UFVs ESL

                                                             writing and grammar.


      92142 AB1 Ron Sweeney                     ABB    161             F  0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      4


      92143 AB2 Marcela Jonas                   ABB    161             F  1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      4


      92144 AB3 Rajnish Dhawan                  ABD    213         M      1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      4


      92145 AB4 Hilary Turner                   ABC    1421        M      1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

                The Roots of Inequality                                             Int’l Students                      4


      92146 AB5 Tim Haner                       ABD    215          T     1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      4


      92147 AB6 Hilary Turner                   ABA    261          T     1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

                The Roots of Inequality                                             Int’l Students                      4

                                                                                MAJOR:Engineering Studies               6

                                                                                MAJOR:Kinesiology Degree                3

                                                                                MAJOR:Nursing Deg                       6


      92148 AB7 Lorette Clement-Smith           ABC    1426          W    1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      3


      92149 AB8 Jacqueline Taylor               ABA    261           W    1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      4


      92150 AB9 Andrea MacPherson               ABD    215            R   1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      4

      93318 A11 Hilary Turner                   ABC    1424            F  1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26


      93319 A12 Trevor Carolan                  ABA    266         M W    1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26


      92151 ABA Jacqueline Taylor               ABD    139            R   1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      4

                                                                                MAJOR:Engineering Studies              16


      92152 ABB Ceilidh Hart                    ABA    266         M W    0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      4


      92153 ABC Alex Wetmore                    ABD    104         M W    0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      4


      92154 ABD Trevor Carolan                  ABB    161         M W    1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      4


      92155 ABE Miriam Nichols                  ABD    217         M W    1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      4

                                                                                MAJOR:Nursing Deg                       6


      92156 ABF Rajnish Dhawan                  ABA    300         M W    1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      4


      92157 ABG Helene Littmann                 ABA    362         M W    1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      4


      92158 ABH Ceilidh Hart                    ABD    219         M W    1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      4

                                                                                MAJOR:Kinesiology Degree                3


      92159 ABI Lorette Clement-Smith           ABA    354         M W    1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      4


      92160 ABJ Nadeane Trowse                  ABC    1421        M W    1430  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      4


      92161 ABK Alex Wetmore                    ABA    315         M W    1430  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      4


      92162 ABL John Pitcher                    ABD    104          T R   0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      4


      92163 ABM Carl Peters                     ABC    1424         T R   0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      4


      92164 ABN Helene Littmann                 ABD    213          T R   1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      4


      92165 ABO Heather McAlpine                ABA    235          T R   1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      4


      92166 ABP Andrew Gutteridge               ABA    264          T R   1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      4


      92167 ABQ Michelle Superle                ABD    225          T R   1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      4


      92168 ABR Tim Haner                       ABC    1425         T R   1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      4


      92169 ABS Carl Peters                     ABA    266          T R   1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      4


      92170 ABT Helene Littmann                 ABC    1423         T     1430  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

                                                ABC    1423           R   1430  1550

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      4


      92171 ABU Heather McAlpine                ABC    1427         T R   1430  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      4


      92172 ABV Jacky Bolding                   ABA    261         M W    0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26
                                                                                    Int’l Students                      

            Section pending - waitlist only


      92173 ABW Jacqueline Taylor               ABD    213         M W    1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26
Int’l Students                      4
            Section pending - waitlist only


      92174 ABX Karen Selesky                   ABC    1424        M W    1430  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26
                                                                                    Int’l Students                      

            Section pending - waitlist only 


      92175 ABY Ron Sweeney                     ABD    217          T R   1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26
                                                                                    Int’l Students                      

            Section pending - waitlist only 


      92176 ABZ TBA                             ABA    310          T R   1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26
                                                                                    Int’l Students                      

            Section pending - waitlist only 


      92177 CH1 Tim Haner                       CEPA   1426        M W    1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      4

                                                                                MAJOR:Engineering Studies               6


      92178 CH2 Jocelyn Coates                  CEPA   0022         T R   1430  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      4

                                                                                MAJOR:Kinesiology Degree                6


      92179 ON1 Prabhjot Parmar                 ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                      4


      92180 ON2 Ron Sweeney                     ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                      4


      92181 ON3 Sanja Garic-Komnenic            ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                      4


      92182 ON4 Jacky Bolding                   ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                      4


 ENGL 108   INTRODUCTION TO LITERATURE       3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: English 12 or

                                                             English Literature 12 with a final grade of B or better;

                                                             CMNS 099 or ENGL 099 with a grade of C or better; ENGL

                                                             081 or ENGL 091 with a grade of C+ or better; ESL WG84

                                                             with a grade of C+ or better; CPT score of 48 or better;

                                                             LPI minimum score of 30/40 or level 5 in the essay

                                                             section; a minimum of C- in a university-level English or

                                                             Communications course; or TOEFL (Test of English as a

                                                             Foreign Language) score of 570 or better (or 230 if

                                                             computer-based score), plus a minimum TWE (Essay) score

                                                             of 4.0 or TOEFL IBT score of 88, with no section below 20.


      92183 AB1 Miriam Nichols                  ABB    161         M W    0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92184 AB2 Rajnish Dhawan                  ABA    362         M W    1430  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92185 AB3 Andrew Gutteridge               ABA    312            R   1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92186 AB4 Prabhjot Parmar                 ABA    210          T R   1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92187 AB5 Jacky Bolding                   ABA    312             F  0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92188 CH1 Tim Haner                       CEPA   2209        M W    1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92189 ON1 Sanja Garic-Komnenic            ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


      92190 ON2 Karen Selesky                   ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 ENGL 120   INTRO TO FICTION                 3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: English 12 or

                                                             English Literature 12 with a final grade of B or better;

                                                             CMNS 099 or ENGL 099 with a grade of C or better; ENGL

                                                             081 or ENGL 091 with a grade of C+ or better; ESL WG84

                                                             with a grade of C+ or better; CPT score of 48 or better;

                                                             LPI minimum score of 30/40 or level 5 in the essay

                                                             section; a minimum of C- in a university-level English or

                                                             Communications course; or TOEFL (Test of English as a

                                                             Foreign Language) score of 570 or better (or 230 if

                                                             computer-based score), plus a minimum TWE (Essay) score

                                                             of 4.0 or TOEFL IBT score of 88, with no section below 20.


      92191 CH1 Jocelyn Coates                  CEPA   1364         T R   1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 ENGL 150   INTRODUCTION TO POETRY           3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: English 12 or

                                                             English Literature 12 with a final grade of B or better;

                                                             CMNS 099 or ENGL 099 with a grade of C or better; ENGL

                                                             081 or ENGL 091 with a grade of C+ or better; ESL WG84

                                                             with a grade of C+ or better; CPT score of 48 or better;

                                                             LPI minimum score of 30/40 or level 5 in the essay

                                                             section; a minimum of C- in a university-level English or

                                                             Communications course; or TOEFL (Test of English as a

                                                             Foreign Language) score of 570 or better (or 230 if

                                                             computer-based score), plus a minimum TWE (Essay) score

                                                             of 4.0 or TOEFL IBT score of 88, with no section below 20.


      92192 AB1 Tim Herron                      ABC    1426         T R   1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 ENGL 204   MEDIEVAL ENGLISH LITERATURE      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (any two 100-level

                                                             English courses numbered ENGL 105 or higher) or (B or

                                                             better in one of the following: ENGL 108, 115, 120, 130,

                                                             150, or 170).


      92193 AB1 Nadeane Trowse                  ABB    161          T     1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            Medieval Literature: Examining the Roots, Considering the Consequences


 ENGL 206   THE LONG EIGHTEENTH CENTURY      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (any two 100-level

                                                             English courses numbered ENGL 105 or higher) or (B or

                                                             better in one of the following: ENGL 108, 115, 120, 130,

                                                             150, or 170).


      92194 AB1 Heather McAlpine                ABA    362          T R   1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 ENGL 213   CREATIVE WRITING: POETRY         3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): ENGL 105 and any first-year literature

                                                             course numbered ENGL 108 or higher


      92195 AB1 Andrea MacPherson               ABB    140          T R   1430  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Poetry: Writing the World, the Body, and Everything in Between


 ENGL 214   WRITING AND RHETORICAL THEORY    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (any two 100-level

                                                             English courses numbered ENGL 105 or higher) or (B or

                                                             better in ENGL 105).


      92196 AB1 Alex Wetmore                    ABA    362         M W    1600  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25


 ENGL 233   HIST OF THEA/DRAMA: ANTIQ-1642   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (THEA 101 and one

                                                             100-level ENGL course numbered ENGL 105 or higher), or

                                                             (two 100-level ENGL courses numbered ENGL 105 or higher),

                                                             or (B or better in THEA 101), or (B or better in one 100-

                                                             level ENGL course numbered ENGL 105 or higher).


      92197 AB1 Anna Griffith                   ABD    119             F  1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28
            Credit cannot be obtained for both ENGL 233
and THEA 203


 ENGL 240   INTRO TO CANADIAN LITERATURE     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (any two 100-level

                                                             English courses numbered ENGL 105 or higher) or (B or

                                                             better in one of the following: ENGL 108, 115, 120, 130,

                                                             150, or 170).


      92198 AB1 Ceilidh Hart                    ABD    219         M W    1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            `The Truth About Stories’: Literature, Community, and the Canadian Imagination


 ENGL 270C  DETECTIVE FICTION                3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Any two 100-level English courses – Engl 105

                                                             or higher


      92199 AB1 Prabhjot Parmar                 ABA    305          T R   0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 ENGL 275   LITERATURE AND ECOLOGY           3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (any two 100-level

                                                             ENGL courses numbered ENGL 105 or higher) or (B or better

                                                             in one of the following: ENGL 108, 115, 120, 130, 150, or 170).


      92200 AB1 Trevor Carolan                  ABA    266         M W    1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            Literature and the Environment


 ENGL 301   HOMER, CLASSICISM & ENGL LIT     4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): Any two 200-level English courses


      92201 AB1 Andrew Gutteridge               ABA    261          T R   1300  1510  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                MINOR:English Extended                  3

                                                                                MAJOR:English                          14


 ENGL 306   CHAUCER                          4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): Any two 200-level English courses


      92202 AB1 John Pitcher                    ABA    421          T     1045  1255  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25
ABB    161            R   1045  1255 

                                                                                MINOR:English Extended                  3

                                                                                MAJOR:English                          14


 ENGL 310   EARLY MODERN ENGLISH DRAMA       4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): Any two 200-level English courses.


      92203 AB1 Melissa Walter                  ABA    233         M W    1300  1510  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                MINOR:English Extended                  3

                                                                                MAJOR:English                          14


 ENGL 311   CREATIVE WRITING:NOVEL           4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): Two 200-level English courses, to

                                                             include one of the following: ENGL 208, 211, 212, 213, or 215.


      92204 AB1 Andrea MacPherson               ABA    315          T R   1045  1255  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             2

                                                                                MINOR:English Extended                  3

                                                                                MAJOR:English                          14


 ENGL 312   SHAKESPEARE                      4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): Any two 200-level English courses


      92205 AB1 Tim Herron                      ABA    312         M W    1045  1255  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                MINOR:English Extended                  3

                                                                                MAJOR:English                          14


 ENGL 315   CREAT. WRITING: CHILDREN'S LIT   4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): Two 200-level English courses to include

                                                             one of the following: ENGL 208, 211, 212, 213, or 215.


      92206 AB1 Michelle Superle                ABB    161          T R   0830  1040  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             2

                                                                                MINOR:English Extended                  3

                                                                                MAJOR:English                          14


 ENGL 316   MILTON                           4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): Any two 200-level English courses


      92207 AB1 Tim Herron                      ABA    261          T R   1515  1725  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                MINOR:English Extended                  3

                                                                                MAJOR:English                          14


 ENGL 331   VICTORIAN POETRY&POETIC THEORY   4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): Any two 200-level English courses.


      92208 AB1 Karen Selesky                   ABA    264          T     1815  2155  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                MINOR:English Extended                  3

                                                                                MAJOR:English                          14


 ENGL 350   AMERICAN LIT 1900-1945           4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): Any two 200-level English courses


      92209 AB1 Helene Littmann                 ABA    312         M W    0830  1040  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                MINOR:English Extended                  3

                                                                                MAJOR:English                          14


 ENGL 352   AMERICAN LIT OF WW II & AFTER    4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): Any two 200-level English courses


      92210 AB1 Miriam Nichols                  ABB    161         M W    1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            The Beats                                                           MINOR:English Extended                  3

                                                                                MAJOR:English                          14


 ENGL 374   RHETORIC: ADVANCED COMPOSITION   4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): Any two 200-level English courses


      92211 AB1 Nadeane Trowse                  ABA    234           W    1815  2155  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            Persuading, Perplexing, Proceeding: Rhetoric at Work in             MINOR:English Extended                  3

            Academic Written Environments                                       MAJOR:English                          14


 ENGL 376   RHETORIC: AN HISTORICAL SURVEY   4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): Any two second-year English courses


      92212 AB1 Hilary Turner                   ABC    1424            F  1000  1340  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                MINOR:English Extended                  3

                                                                                MAJOR:English                          14


 ENGL 391   TOLSTOY & DOSTOYEVSKY IN ENGL    4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: RUSS 251, RUSS

                                                             252, or any 200-level English course.


      92213 AB1 Alan Cameron                    ABC    1420        M W    1600  1750  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

            This course is cross-listed with RUSS 391. Credit cannot be obtained for both ENGL 391 and RUSS 391.


 ENGL 490   DIRECTED STUDIES IN ENGLISH      4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): Permission to enter requires 45 credits

                                                             in English and written contract between student and

                                                             instructor, signed by student, instructor, and department head


      92214 IS1 Rob Taylor                                                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      1


 ENGL 491   HONOURS DIRECTED READING         4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): (Acceptance to the English Honours

                                                             program as outlined in the calendar) and (completion of

                                                             all lower-level course requirements for the English

                                                             major) and (a minimum of 24 upper-level credits required

                                                             for the English major).


      92215 IS1 Nadeane Trowse                                                        05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      2


 ENGL 492   HONOURS DIRECTED ESSAY           4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): (Acceptance to the Honours program as

                                                             outlined in the calendar) and (completion of all lower-

                                                             level course requirements for the English major) and (a

                                                             minimum of 24 upper-level credits required for the

                                                             English major) and (completion of ENGL 491).


      92216 IS1 TBA                                                                   05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      1


 English for Academic Prep


 EAP  054   HIGH INTERMEDIATE WRITING        6.0    $414.96  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: ESL WG44, or

                                                             placement by ESL assessment, or (one of the following

                                                             test scores: IELTS [Academic] score of 4.5 with no band

                                                             below 4.0; TOEFL iBT score of 42 or higher with no

                                                             section below 12; EIKEN Grade 2; or CLBPT Overall 6 with

                                                             no skill less than 5). Submission of other test scores

                                                             will be considered.


      92863 AB1 Maria Bos-Chan                  ABD    124         M W    0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20
            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class

      93386 AB2 Maria Bos-Chan                  ABA    352         M W    1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20
            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


 EAP  056   HIGH INT INTERAC COMMUNICATION   3.0    $207.48  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: ESL S46, or

                                                             placement by ESL assessment, or (one of the following

                                                             test scores: IELTS [Academic] score of 4.5 with no band

                                                             below 4.0; TOEFL iBT score of 42 or higher with no

                                                             section below 12; EIKEN Grade 2; or CLBPT Overall 6 with

                                                             no skill less than 5). Submission of other test scores

                                                             will be considered.


      93138 AB1 Heather Shires                  ABA    315         M W    1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


 EAP  058   HIGH INTERMEDIATE READING        6.0    $414.96  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: ESL RV48, or

                                                             placement by ESL assessment, or (one of the following

                                                             test scores: IELTS [Academic] score of 4.5 with no band

                                                             below 4.0; TOEFL iBT score of 42 or higher with no section

                                                             below 12; EIKEN Grade 2; or CLBPT Overall 6 with no skill less

                                                             than 5). Submission of other test scores will be considered.


      93135 AB1 Rick Binder                     ABA    402          T R   0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


 EAP  064   ADVANCED WRITING                 6.0    $414.96  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: EAP 054 (formerly

                                                             ESL WG 054), or placement by ESL assessment, or (one of

                                                             the following test scores: IELTS [Academic] score of 5.0 with

                                                             no band below 4.5; TOEFL iBT score of 52 or higher with no

                                                             section below 14; EIKEN Grade 2A; or CLBPT Overall 7 with no skill

                                                             less than 6). Submission of other test scores will be considered.


      93143 AB1 Celeste-tina Hernandez          ABA    402         M W    0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


      93144 AB2 TBA                             ABA    354         M      1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

                                                ABD    124           W    1430  1720

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


      93152 AB3 Helen Butner                    ABC    1421        M      0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

                                                ABC    1424          W    0830  1120

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


 EAP  066   ADV INTERACTIVE COMMUNICATION    3.0    $207.48  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: EAP 056 (formerly

                                                             ESL S56), or placement by ESL assessment, or (one of the

                                                             following test scores: IELTS [Academic] score of 5.0 with

                                                             no band below 4.5; TOEFL iBT score of 52 or higher with

                                                             no section below 14; EIKEN Grade 2A; or CLBPT Overall 7

                                                             with no skill less than 6). Submission of other test

                                                             scores will be considered.


      93139 AB1 Shirleen Sayers                 ABA    264         M W    1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


      93140 AB2 Celeste-tina Hernandez          ABA    254          T R   1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


 EAP  068   ADVANCED READING                 6.0    $414.96  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: EAP 058 (formerly

                                                             ESL RV58), or (ESL R50 and ESL V53), or placement by ESL

                                                             assessment, or (one of the following test scores: IELTS

                                                             [Academic] score of 5.0 with no band below 4.5; TOEFL iBT

                                                             score of 52 or higher with no section below 14; EIKEN

                                                             Grade 2A; or CLBPT Overall 7 with no skill less than 6).

                                                             Submission of other test scores will be considered.


      93136 AB1 Celeste-tina Hernandez          ABA    300          T R   0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


      93137 AB2 Bob McGregor                    ABA    300          T R   1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


 EAP  070   UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION READING    3.0    $207.48  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: EAP 068 (formerly

                                                             ESL RV68), or (ESL R60 and ESL V63), or placement by ESL

                                                             assessment, or (one of the following test scores: ELTS

                                                             [Academic] score of 5.5 or higher with a minimum band

                                                             score of 5.0; TOEFL iBT score of 71 or higher with no

                                                             section below 16; EIKEN Grade 2A with CSE Total Score

                                                             2400 or with Stage 1 total score result 65; PTE score of

                                                             46 with 44 in writing; LPI essay score of 18 [level 3];

                                                             or CLBPT 7 overall with no skill less than 7). Submission

                                                             of other test scores will be considered.


      93132 AB1 Helen Butner                    ABA    360          T R   1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


      93133 AB2 Gilmour Jope                    ABA    254          T R   1430  1550  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


      93134 AB3 Helen Butner                    ABA    233          T R   1430  1550  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class

         93199 AB4 Celeste-tina Hernandez          ABA    310         M W    1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the           Int'l Students seat reserve          20

            last week of class


      93200 AB5 Maria Bos-Chan                  ABA    315         M W    1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the           Int'l Students seat reserve          20

            last week of class


      93202 AB6 TBA                                                 T     1430  1550  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

                                                                      R   1430  1550

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the           Int'l Students seat reserve          20

            last week of class


 EAP  073   UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION VOCAB      3.0    $207.48  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: EAP 068 (formerly

                                                             ESL RV68), or placement by ESL assessment, or (one of the

                                                             following test scores: ELTS [Academic] score of 5.5 or

                                                             higher with a minimum band score of 5.0; TOEFL iBT score

                                                             of 71 or higher with no section below 16; EIKEN Grade 2A

                                                             with CSE Total Score 2400 or with Stage 1 total score

                                                             result 65; PTE score of 46 with 44 in writing; LPI essay

                                                             score of 18 [level 3]; or CLBPT 7 overall with no skill

                                                             less than 7). Submission of other test scores will be considered.


      93142 AB1 TBA                             ABA    360          T R   1600  1720  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


 EAP  074   UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION WRITING    6.0    $414.96  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: EAP 064 (formerly

                                                             ESL WG64), or placement by ESL assessment, or (one of the

                                                             following test scores: ELTS [Academic] score of 5.5 or

                                                             higher with a minimum band score of 5.0; TOEFL iBT score

                                                             of 71 or higher with no section below 16; EIKEN Grade 2A

                                                             with CSE Total Score 2400 or with Stage 1 total score

                                                             result 65; PTE score of 46 with 44 in writing; LPI essay

                                                             score of 18 [level 3]; or CLBPT 7 overall with no skill

                                                             less than 7). Submission of other test scores will be considered.


      93145 AB1 Rick Binder                     ABA    300         M W    0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


      93146 AB2 Gilmour Jope                    ABA    402         M      1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

                                                ABB    140           W    1430  1720

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


      93147 AB3 Shirleen Sayers                 ABA    300         M W    1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class

         93203 AB4 Shirleen Sayers                 ABA    305         M       0830  1120 05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20 
                                                ABA    310           W     0830  0950 
ABA    245           W     1000  1120

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the           Int'l Students seat reserve          20

            last week of class


      93204 AB5 Marcela Jonas                   ABA    310          M W    1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the           Int'l Students seat reserve          20

            last week of class


      93196 AB6 Rick Binder                     ABA    354         M      1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

                                                ABD    124           W    1430  1720

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the           Int'l Students seat reserve          20

            last week of class


 EAP  075   FOUNDATIONS BUSINESS ENGLISH     3.0    $207.48  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (EAP 054 [formerly

                                                             ESL WG54], EAP 056 [formerly ESL S56], and EAP 058

                                                             [formerly ESL RV58]), or placement by ESL assessment, or

                                                             (one of the following test scores: ELTS [Academic] score

                                                             of 5.5 or higher with a minimum band score of 5.0; TOEFL

                                                             iBT score of 71 or higher with no section below 16; EIKEN

                                                             Grade 2A with CSE Total Score 2400 or with Stage 1 total

                                                             score result 65; PTE score of 46 with 44 in writing; LPI

                                                             essay score of 18 [level 3]; or CLBPT 7 overall with no

                                                             skill less than 7). Submission of other test scores will

                                                             be considered.


      93130 AB1 Bob McGregor                    ABC    1423        M W    1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


      93131 AB2 TBA                             ABA    252          T R   1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class

          93198 AB3 Bob McGregor                    ABA    315          T R   1730  1850  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the           Int'l Students seat reserve          20

            last week of class


      93201 AB4 Paula Mannington                ABA    352          T R   1600  1720  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the           Int'l Students seat reserve          20

            last week of class


 EAP  076   UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION INT COMM   3.0    $207.48  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: EAP 066 (formerly

                                                             ESL S66), or placement by ESL assessment, or (one of the

                                                             following test scores: ELTS [Academic] score of 5.5 or

                                                             higher with a minimum band score of 5.0; TOEFL iBT score

                                                             of 71 or higher with no section below 16; EIKEN Grade 2A

                                                             with CSE Total Score 2400 or with Stage 1 total score

                                                             result 65; PTE score of 46 with 44 in writing; LPI essay

                                                             score of 18 [level 3]; or CLBPT 7 overall with no skill

                                                             less than 7). Submission of other test scores will be considered.


      93141 AB1 Helen Butner                    ABA    315          T R   1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class

         93205 AB2 Heather Shires                  ABA    252          T     1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

                                                ABD    124            R   1300  1420

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the           Int'l Students seat reserve          20

            last week of class


      93197 AB3 TBA                             ABA    252          T R   1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the           Int'l Students seat reserve          20

            last week of class


      93206 AB4 Marcela Jonas                   ABA    402         M W    1730  1850  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20           

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the           Int'l Students seat reserve          20

            last week of class


      93207 AB5 Heather Shires                  ABA    310         M W    1730  1850  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the           Int'l Students seat reserve          20

            last week of class


 EAP  084   UNIVERSITY BRIDGE WRITING        6.0    $414.96  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: EAP 074 (formerly

                                                             ESL WG74), or placement by ESL assessment, or evidence of

                                                             any test score or course grade listed under the Entry-

                                                             level post-secondary English language proficiency

                                                             standards in the UFV academic calendar at



      93148 AB1 Bob McGregor                    ABA    233         M      0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

                                                ABA    360           W    0830  1120

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


      93149 AB2 Maria Bos-Chan                  ABA    360         M W    1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


      93150 AB3 Bob McGregor                    ABA    352         M W    1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class


      93151 AB4 Henrieta Soskova                ABC    1420        M W    1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     20

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class

      93293 AB5 Henrieta Soskova                ABD    124             1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017      20
                                                ABA    245           W    1430  1720

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     20

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of class




 FILM 110   INTRODUCTION TO CINEMA           3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None.


      92222 AB1 Geoffrey Carr                   ABB    101            R   1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 FILM 365   DOCUMENTARY VIDEO STORYTELLING   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 15 credits of university-level arts

                                                             courses. It is also recommended that students have FILM 110

                                                             or FILM 120 and one of the following: VA 160, VA 165/ENGL 165,

                                                             VA 170, or VA 272. Alternatively, students should have

                                                             some other experience of working with film or video production.


      92223 AB1 Stephanie Gould                 ABC    1031          W    1300  1650  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     17
            Credit can be obtained for only one of FILM 365, JRNL 365 or VA 365


 First Nations Studies


 FNST 101   STO:LO NATION DEVELOPMENT        3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92224 CH1 Sheree Epp                      CEPA   1426        M      1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services First Nations     8


 FNST 201   STO:LO CMNS & WORLD VIEW         3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92225 CH1 Wenona Victor                   CEPA  2207           W    1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services First Nations     8




 FREN 101   FRENCH LANGUAGE I                3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92234 AB1 Mohamed Touahria                ABA    264         M W    1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


 Choose one of the following seminars: Seminars start first week of classes
      92226 A#A Helene Lee                      ABD    238         M      1000  1055  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       10

      92227 A#B Helene Lee                      ABD    238         M      1500  1555  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       10

      92228 A#C Helene Lee                      ABD    238           W    1400  1455  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       10


      92235 AB2 Renee Hamilton Clark            ABB    132          T R   1430  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28

                                                ABA    264          T R   1430  1550


 Choose one of the following seminars: Seminars start first week of classes

      92229 A#D Helene Lee                      ABD    238          T     1300  1355  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       10

      92230 A#E Helene Lee                      ABD    238            R   1100  1155  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       10

      92231 A#F Helene Lee                      ABD    238            R   1300  1355  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       10


 FREN 102   FRENCH LANGUAGE II               3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): FREN 101, French 11, or assessment of

                                                             the department.


      92240 AB1 Renee Hamilton Clark            ABB    161             1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28
                                                ABD    136            R   1130  1250 


 Choose one of the following seminars: Seminars start first week of classes

      92237 A#A Helene Lee                      ABD    238          T     1000  1055  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       10

      92238 A#B Helene Lee                      ABD    238            R   1000  1055  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       10

      92239 A#C Helene Lee                      ABD    238            R   1400  1455  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       10


 FREN 215   INTERMEDIATE FRENCH I            3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: French 12 with a B

                                                             or higher, FREN 102, or assessment of the department.


      92244 AB1 Alan Cameron                    ABA    269         M      1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28

                                                ABA    269           W    1000  1120

 Choose one of the following seminars: Seminars start first week of classes

      92241 A#A Helene Lee                      ABD    238         M      0900  0955  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       10

      92242 A#B Helene Lee                      ABD    238         M      1400  1455  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       10

      92243 A#C Helene Lee                      ABD    238           W    1200  1255  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       10


 FREN 216   INTERMEDIATE FRENCH II           3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: French 12 with a B

                                                             or higher, FREN 102, or assessment of the department.


      92248 AB1 Marie-Gerald Jean               ABC    1423         T R   1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


 Choose one of the following seminars: Seminars start first week of classes

      92245 A#A Helene Lee                      ABD    238          T     1100  1155  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       10

      92246 A#B Helene Lee                      ABD    238          T     1500  1555  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       10

      92247 A#C Helene Lee                      ABD    238            R   1500  1555  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       10


 FREN 219   INTERMEDIAT FRENCH COMPOSITION   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of FREN 215, 216, or 230; two of the

                                                             three are recommended. (Note that credit can only be

                                                             obtained for one of FREN 215 or FREN 230.)


      92252 AB1 Molleen Shilliday               ABD    225          T R   1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


 Choose one of the following seminars: Seminars start first week of classes

      92249 A#A Helene Lee                      ABD    238          T     0900  0955  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       10

      92250 A#B Helene Lee                      ABD    238          T     1400  1455  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       10

      92251 A#C Helene Lee                      ABD    238            R   0900  0955  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       10


 FREN 230   INT FREN FOR IMMERSION STUD I    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Minimum four year’s study (up to Grade 11)

                                                             in the French Immersion program, or instructor’s permission.


      92256 AB1 Molleen Shilliday               ABA    266         M W    1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


 Choose one of the following seminars: Seminars start first week of classes

      92253 A#A Helene Lee                      ABD    238         M      1200  1255  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       10

      92254 A#B Helene Lee                      ABD    238           W    0900  0955  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       10

      92255 A#C Helene Lee                      ABD    238           W    1500  1555  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       10


 FREN 242   INTERMED FRENCH: ORAL COMMUN     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): FREN 215 or FREN 230, and FREN 216


      92260 AB1 Ghizlane Laghzaoui              ABD    225         M      1430  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28
                                                ABD    213           W    1430  1550 


 Choose one of the following seminars: Seminars start first week of classes

      92257 A#A Helene Lee                      ABD    238         M      1100  1155  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       10

      92258 A#B Helene Lee                      ABD    238         M      1600  1655  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       10

      92259 A#C Helene Lee                      ABD    238           W    1100  1155  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       10


 FREN 245   CULTURE:THE FRANCOPHONE WORLD    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): FREN 219


      92261 AB1 Ghizlane Laghzaoui              ABC    1426        M W    1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


 FREN 319   ADVANCED FRENCH COMPOSITION      4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): FREN 219 and one of either FREN 225 or

                                                             FREN 245, or instructor’s permission.


      92262 AB1 Mohamed Touahria                ABA    312         M W    1300  1450  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28 


 FREN 345   FREN/QUEBECOIS FILM SINCE 1950   4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): FREN 219


      92263 AB1 Molleen Shilliday               ABA    305            R   1300  1640  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


 FREN 420   TRANS & COMPARATIVE STYLISTICS   4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): FREN 319 and two other 300-level FREN courses.


      92264 AB1 Molleen Shilliday               ABA    234         M W    1600  1750  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


 FREN 430   FRENCH APPLIED LINGUISTICS       4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): LING 101, FREN 319, and two other 300-

                                                             level FREN courses.


      92265 AB1 Alan Cameron                    ABA    235         M W    1300  1450  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28

      93285 AB2 Alan Cameron                    ABA    233             F  1300  1640  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


 Geography and the Environment


 GEOG 103   THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT         4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): None.


      92288 AB1 Olav Lian                       ABB    132           W    1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     54

                                                ABB    101             F  1130  1250
            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


 Choose one of the following labs:

      92282 A#A Kathy Peet                      ABA    413           W    0830  1120  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92283 A#B Kathy Peet                      ABA    413           W    1300  1550  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92284 A#C Kathy Peet                      ABA    413             F  0830  1120  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18


      92289 AB2 Mariano Mapili                  ABB    140          T R   0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     54


 Choose one of the following labs:

      92285 A#D Carolyn Atkins                  ABA    413          T     1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92286 A#E Carolyn Atkins                  ABA    413          T     1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92287 A#F Carolyn Atkins                  ABA    413            R   1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18


 GEOG 105   NATURAL HAZARDS AND HOLLYWOOD    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92290 AB1 Mariano Mapili                  ABB    132          T     1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 GEOG 111   ENVIRON. ISSUES & STRATEGIES     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None.


      92291 AB1 Mariano Mapili                  ABA    234           W    1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                Michelle Rhodes                                                    up to 30 credits completed          15


 GEOG 116   EARTH ROCKS                      4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): None.


      92294 AB1 Carolyn Atkins                  ABA    421         M W    1600  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                   up to 30 credits completed          15  

 Choose one of the following labs:

      92292 A#A Carolyn Atkins                  ABA    413         M      1730  2020  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92293 A#B Carolyn Atkins                  ABA    413           W    1730  2020  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18


 GEOG 130   GEOGRAPHY OF CANADA              3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92295 AB1 Terah Sportel                   ABA    416           W    1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92296 AB2 Terah Sportel                   ABA    416          T     0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92297 ON1 John Belec                      ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            Online - Please see explanation above


 GEOG 140   HUMAN GEOGRAPHY                  3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92298 AB1 Lenore Newman                   ABA    259           W    0830  1030  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ONLINE UFV

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


      92299 AB2 Terah Sportel                   ABA    259          T     1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 GEOG 201   CLIMATE AND PEOPLE               4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: GEOG 101, GEOG 102,

                                                             GEOG 103, or GEOG 116.


      92300 AB1 Claire Hay                      ABA    416          T R   1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25


 GEOG 219   BIOGEOGRAPHY                     4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: AGRI 163, BIO 105,

                                                             BIO 106, BIO 111, CHEM 105, CHEM 110, CHEM 113, CHEM 150,

                                                             GEOG 101, GEOG 102, GEOG 103, GEOG 116, PHYS 100, PHYS 101,

                                                             PHYS 105, or PHYS 111.


      92301 AB1 Jonathan Hughes                 ABA    413         M      1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                ABA    261           W    1300  1550

            Mandatory field trip - check ufv.ca/geography after Aug. 6          MINOR:Geography Extended                2

            for date(s).                                                        MAJOR:Geography                         5


 GEOG 240   WORLD REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY         3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None.


      92302 AB1 Jennifer Hetherington           ABA    416         M      0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 GEOG 241   SOCIAL GEOGRAPHY, URBAN          3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None.


      92303 AB1 Jennifer Hetherington           ABA    301            R   1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 GEOG 252   EXPLAN IN GEOG: QUANT METHODS    4.0    $637.04  Pre- or co-requisite(s): One of STAT 104 (formerly MATH 104),

                                                             STAT 106 (formerly MATH 106), or PSYC 110


      92304 AB1 John Belec                      ABD    204           W    1600  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24


 GEOG 253   INTRODUCTION TO GIS              4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): None.


      92305 AB1 Scott Shupe                     ABA    302            RF  0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 GEOG 300O  GIS FOR BUSINESS                 4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits or any two 200-level Geography
                                                             Note: As of January 2018, prerequisites will change to the following:
                                                             45 university-level credits


      92306 AB1 Mariano Mapili                  ABD    204         M W    0830  1020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28

                                                                                 Business Administration               20


 GEOG 302   RIVER GEOMORPHOLOGY              4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): GEOG 201 or GEOG 202.


      92307 AB1 Olav Lian                       ABA    235          T     1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                ABA    413            R   1300  1550

            Field trips outside of class time are required - check ufv.ca/geography after Aug. 6 for date(s).


 GEOG 312   POLITICAL ECOLOGY                4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits.


      92308 AB1 Terah Sportel                   ABA    416         M W    1130  1320  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28

            Field trips outside of classtime are required. Check ufv.ca/geography after Aug. 6 for date(s).


 GEOG 315   SOILSCAPES                       4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: AGRI 204, AGRI 220,

                                                             BIO 201, BIO 202, BIO 203, BIO 210, BIO 220, CHEM 213,

                                                             CHEM 214, CHEM 221, CHEM 241, GEOG 201, GEOG 202, GEOG 211,

                                                             GEOG 219/BIO 219, GEOG 252, GEOG 253 or GEOG 257/CMNS 257.


      92309 AB1 Jonathan Hughes                 ABA    413         M      0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                ABA    416           W    0830  1120

            Field trips outside outside of class time are required.  Check ufv.ca/geography after Aug. 6 for date(s).


 GEOG 344   GEOGRAPHY OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT   4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: GEOG 240, GEOG 241, or GEOG 242.


      92310 AB1 John Belec                      ABA    416         M      1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 GEOG 353   GIS APPLICATIONS                 4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): GEOG 253. Recommended: a 100-level COMP

                                                             course and GEOG 252.


      92311 AB1 Scott Shupe                     ABD    204             F  1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                ABD    204            R   1730  2020

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 GEOG 360   COMMUNITY PLANNING & POLICY      4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits.


      92312 AB1 Cherie Enns                     ABA    416         M      1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above

            Field trips outside of class time are required. Check ufv.ca/geography after Aug. 6 for dates.


  GEOG 361   ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS          3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits including

                                                              ECON 100 and ECON 101.


      93172 AB1 Kristin Dust                    ABC    1424         T     1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28

            This course is offered as GEOG 361 and ECON 361 - Credit cannot be obtained for both GEOG 361 and ECON 361


 GEOG 410   PLANT ECOLOGY                    4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): BIO 210 or GEOG 219/BIO 219 (formerly

                                                             GEOG 317/BIO 317).


      92313 AB1 Alan Reid                       ABA    337             F  1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      2

                                                ABA    301          T     1730  2020

            This course is offered as GEOG 410 and BIO 410 – students may only take one of these for credit.


 GEOG 433N  GEOG OF SEL REG: UNITED STATES   4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): 60 credits, including four credits of

                                                             300/400 level geography


      92314 AB1 Michelle Rhodes                 ABA    416          T     1730  2120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above




 GERM 101   GERMAN LANGUAGE I                3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92315 AB1 Sabine Zimmermann               ABD    104         M W    1900  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26


 GERM 201   INTERMEDIATE GERMAN I            3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): GERM 102, or instructor's permission


      92316 IS1 Sabine Zimmermann               ABD    115         M      1645  1845  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     15


 Global Development Studies


 GDS  100   A WORLD OF DEVELOPMENT           3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None.


      92278 AB1 Cherie Enns                     ABA    301         M      1130  1320  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 GDS  220   GLOBALIZATION & DEVELOPMENT      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None. One of GDS 100, ANTH 102, or LAS

                                                             100 are recommended.


      92279 AB1 Douglas Hudson                  ABD    119         M      1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     18

            This course is offered as ANTH 220 and GDS 220. Students may only take one of these for credit.

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above.


 GDS  250   SOC OF DEVELOP: GLOBAL SOUTH     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None. Recommended: SOC 101, GDS 100, or

                                                             any lower-level LAS course.


      92280 AB1 Stephen Piper                   ABD    136           W    1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     18

            This course is offered as SOC 250 and GDS 250. Students may only take one of these for credit.


 GDS  363   PROCESS OF DEV & UNDER DEV       4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): 45 credits, to include at least 6

                                                             credits of Sociology, Anthropology, LAS, or GDS. (SOC 250,

                                                             ANTH 220, LAS 200 and GDS 100 are recommended.)


      92281 AB1 Stephen Piper                   ABD    136         M      1300  1640  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      6

            This course is offered as SOC 363, ANTH 363, LAS 363, & GDS 363 - Students may only take one of these for credit.


 Graphic Design


 GD   101   FUNDAMENTALS OF DESIGN           3.0    $772.59  Prerequisite(s): None.


      92266 MI1 Nova Hopkins                    MID    244           W    0830  1220  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

            Tuition includes $37.14 materials fee.                              MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             2

            Field trips outside of class time may be required. Check            MAJOR:Graphic & Digital Design Dipl    22

            ufv.ca/graphic-design/ after August 29 for dates.


 GD   154   TYPOGRAPHY                       3.0    $772.59  Prerequisite(s): None


      92267 MI1 Karin Jager                     MID    244          T     1000  1350  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

            Tuition includes $37.14 materials fee.                              MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             2

            Field trips outside of class time may be required. Check            MAJOR:Graphic & Digital Design Dipl    22

            ufv.ca/graphic-design/ after August 29 for dates.


 GD   157   DIGITAL DESIGN MEDIA I           3.0    $772.59  Prerequisite(s): None.


      92268 AB1 Richard Heywood                 ABC    1120        M      1730  2120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

            Tuition includes $37.14 materials fee.                              MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             8


      92269 MI1 Shayne Letain                   MID    244             F  1300  1650  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

            Tuition includes $37.14 materials fee.                              MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             2

                                                                                MAJOR:Graphic & Digital Design Dipl    22


 GD   159   DIGITAL DESIGN MEDIA II          3.0    $772.59  Prerequisite(s): None


      92270 AB1 Alex Wells                      ABC    1120           R   0830  1220  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

            Tuition includes $37.14 materials fee.                              MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             8


 GD   203   DYNAMIC MEDIA I:MOTION GRAPHIC   3.0    $772.59  Prerequisite(s): GD 157.


      92271 MI1 Shayne Letain                   MID    244           W    1300  1650  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

            Tuition includes $37.14 materials fee.                              MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             4

                                                                                MAJOR:Graphic & Digital Design Dipl    20


 GD   204   INTERACTIVE DESIGN II            3.0    $772.59  Prerequisite(s): GD 157.


      92272 MI1 Theron Smith                    MID    244          T     1430  1820  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

            Tuition includes $37.14 materials fee.                              MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             4

                                                                                MAJOR:Graphic & Digital Design Dipl    20


 GD   216   ILLUSTRATION I                   3.0    $772.59  Prerequisite(s): VA 113.


      92273 AB1 Shayne Letain                   ABC    1120            F  0830  1220  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

            Tuition includes $37.14 materials fee.                              MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             8


 GD   260   GRAPHIC & DIGITAL DESIGN I       3.0    $772.59  Prerequisite(s): GD 101 and GD 154


      92274 AB1 Leisa Johnson                   ABC    1120            F  1430  1820  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

            Tuition included $37.14 materials fee.                              MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             8

            Field trips outside of class time may be required. Check ufv.ca/graphic-design/ after August 29 for dates.


 GD   281   APPLIED PHOTOGRAPHY AND VIDEO    3.0    $772.59  Prerequisite(s): GD 157.


      92275 MI1 Alex Wells                      MID    244             F  0830  1220  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

            Tuition includes $37.14 materials fee.                              MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts Visual A    4

            Field trips outside of class time will be required. Check           MAJOR:Graphic & Digital Design Dipl    20

            ufv.ca/graphic-design/ after August 29 for dates.


 GD   317   GRAPHIC AND DIGITAL DESIGN II    3.0    $772.59  Prerequisite(s): GD 157, GD 159 (formerly GD 156), and GD

                                                             260 (formerly GD 161).


      92276 MI1 Nova Hopkins                    MID    244         M      0830  1220  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

            Tuition includes $37.14 materials fee.                              MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             4

            Field trips outside of class time may be required. Check            MAJOR:Graphic & Digital Design Dipl    20

            ufv.ca/graphic-design/ after August 29 for dates.


 GD   374   BRAND IDENTITY                   3.0    $772.59  Prerequisite(s): GD 157 and GD 260 (formerly GD 161).


      92277 MI1 Nova Hopkins                    MID    244            R   0830  1220  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24
                Josh Vanderheide                   

            Tuition includes $37.14 materials fee.                              MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             4

            Field trips outside of class time may be required. Check            MAJOR:Graphic & Digital Design Dipl    20

            ufv.ca/graphic-design/ after August 29 for dates.




 HALQ 101   HALQ'EMEYLEM LANGUAGE I          3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92317 CH1 Mary Stewart                                        T R   1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

            Course will be held at the Sto:lo Research & Resource Management Centre, #10-7201 Vedder Road, Chilliwack


 HALQ 201   INTERMEDIATE HALQ'EMEYLEM I      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): HALQ 102


      92318 IS1 Mary Stewart                                         W    1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     10

            Course will be held at the Sto:lo Research & Resource Management Centre, #10-7201 Vedder Road, Chilliwack




 HIST 101   CANADA BEFORE CONFEDERATION      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92320 AB1 Ian Rocksborough-Smith          ABD    225         M      0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92321 AB2 Robin Anderson                  ABD    215          T     1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36
            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


      92322 AB3 Scott Sheffield                 ABD    104             F  0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                93178 CH1 Robin Anderson                  CEPA   2201        M      1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92323 ON1 Barbara Messamore               ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 HIST 102   CANADA: 1867 TO PRESENT          3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None.


      92324 AB1 Barbara Messamore               ABD    219         M      1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 HIST 103   STÓ:LÕ HISTORY                   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92325 AB1 Wenona Victor                   ABA    259            R   1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30


 HIST 115   TRAD. EAST ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92326 AB1 Daniel Kwan                     ABA    305          T     1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 HIST 120   EUROPE 500-1600                  3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92327 AB1 Adrianna Bakos                  ABD    217            R   1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 HIST 121   EUROPE 1600-1850                 3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92328 AB1 Christopher Leach               ABC    1426           R   0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 HIST 122   EUROPE SINCE 1850                3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92329 AB1 Christopher Leach               ABC    1426          W    1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 HIST 161   AZTECS, MAYAS AND SPANIARDS      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92330 AB1 Geoffrey Spurling               ABA    234          T     0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            This course is offered as HIST 161 and LAS 161 – Students may take only one of these for credit.


      92331 ON1 Geoffrey Spurling               ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

            This course is offered as HIST 161 and LAS 161 – Students may take only one of these for credit.


 HIST 211   ENGLAND FROM 1066 TO 1688        3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92332 ON1 David Milobar                   ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 HIST 235   MODERN CHINA                     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None.


      92333 AB1 Daniel Kwan                     ABA    252         M      1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 HIST 241   US TO 1865                       3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92334 AB1 David Milobar                   ABC    1427          W    0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 HIST 242   HISTORY OF THE U.S. SINCE 1865   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      93177 AB1 Ian Rocksborough-Smith          ABD    139            R   1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 HIST 300   THEORIES & PERSPEC ON THE PAST   4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): Nine credits of lower-level history or

                                                             45 university-level credits. Recommended for History

                                                             majors and extended minors.


      93187 AB1 Robin Anderson                  ABD    139           W    1730  2110  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30


 HIST 321   CANADIAN MILITARY HISTORY        4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): Nine credits of lower-level history or

                                                             45 university-level credits.


      92335 AB1 Scott Sheffield                 ABD    225          T     1300  1640  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30


 HIST 331   BRIT. NORTH AMERICA, 1837-1867   4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): Nine credits of lower-level history or

                                                             45 university-level credits. Familiarity with the basic

                                                             skills of historical inquiry is expected.


      92336 AB1 Barbara Messamore               ABC    1422         T     0830  1210  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30


 HIST 335   ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN CONFLICT     4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): 9 credits of lower-level history or 45

                                                             university-level credits.


      92337 AB1 Steven Schroeder                ABC    1422        M      1300  1640  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30


 HIST 358   AFRICAN SLAVERY IN AMERICAS      4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): Nine credits of lower-level HIST/LAS or

                                                             45 university-level credits. Familiarity with the basic

                                                             skills of historical inquiry is expected.


      92338 AB1 Geoffrey Spurling               ABC    1425          W    1300  1640  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30

            This course is offered as HIST 358 and LAS 358 – Students may take only one of these for credit.


 HIST 364   INDIAN SOCIAL HISTORY            4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): 9 credits of lower-level history or 45

                                                             university-level credits.


      92339 ON1 David Milobar                   ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 HIST 385   IMPERIAL/COLONIAL -MODERN ASIA   4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): Nine credits of lower-level history or

                                                             45 university-level credits. Familiarity with the basic

                                                             skills of historical inquiry is expected.


      92340 AB1 Daniel Kwan                     ABA    212            R   1300  1640  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30


 HIST 391   IMPERIAL & REVO RUSS 1860-1945   4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): 9 credits of lower-level history or 45

                                                             university-level credits.


      92341 AB1 Larissa Horne                   ABC    1423            F  0830  1210  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30


 HIST 396N  HISTORY OF US EMPIRE             4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): Nine credits of lower-level history or

                                                             45 university-level credits.


      93182 AB1 Ian Rocksborough-Smith          ABC    1424          W    0830  1210  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30


 HIST 415   CONT. & CHGE IN VICTORIAN BRIT   4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): 9 credits of lower-level history and any

                                                             300-level history course. HIST 109 and

                                                             HIST 110 are recommended.


      92342 AB1 David Milobar                   ABC    1015         T     1300  1640  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     20


 HIST 418   THE GREAT WAR, 1914-1918         4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): HIST 210 (formerly HIST 111), six

                                                             additional credits of lower-level history, and one 300-

                                                             level history course.


      92343 AB1 Christopher Leach               ABA    264         M      1730  2110  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     20


  HIST 456   CITIZENSHIP IN AMERICA           4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): Nine credits of lower-level history, and

                                                             one 300-level history course.


      93176 AB1 Ian Rocksborough-Smith          ABA    421            R   0830  1210  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     20


 HIST 457   SEXUALITY & GENDER -LATIN AMER   4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): Nine credits of lower-level HIST/LAS and

                                                             one 300-level HIST or LAS course.


      92344 AB1 Geoffrey Spurling               ABD    104            R   1300  1640  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     20

            Note: To request a prerequisite waiver, please contact the course instructor,

            This course is offered as HIST 457 and LAS 457 – Students may take only one of these for credit.


 HIST 499L  POST-COMMUNIST EURASIA           4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): Nine credits of lower-level history and

                                                             one 300-level history course.


      93175 AB1 Larissa Horne                   ABA    233          T     1730  2110  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     20


 HIST 499P  MODERN MEDITERRANEAN             4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): Nine credits of lower-level history and

                                                             one 300-level history course.


      93181 AB1 Larissa Horne                   ABC    1422        M      0830  1210  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     20


 Human Services


 HSER 120   INTRO TO INTERPERSONAL CMNS      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92346 AB1 Curtis Magnuson                 ABB    140           R   1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                                                                                MAJOR:Community Support Worker Cert     5

                                                                                MAJOR:Early Childhood Education Cert    9

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services Dipl              5

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services First Nations     5


      92347 AB2 Lesley Wolfe                    ABD    139              S 0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                                                                                MAJOR:Community Support Worker Cert     5

                                                                                MAJOR:Early Childhood Education Cert    9

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services Dipl              5

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services First Nations     5


      92348 AB3 Melanie Scott                   ABA    354           W    1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                                                                                MAJOR:Community Support Worker Cert     5

                                                                                MAJOR:Early Childhood Education Cert    9

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services Dipl              5

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services First Nations     5


      92349 CH1 Jeff Wood                       CEPA   0022        M      1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                                                                                MAJOR:Community Support Worker Cert     5

                                                                                MAJOR:Early Childhood Education Cert    9

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services Dipl              5

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services First Nations     5


 HSER 127   PRACTICUM PLACEMENT SEMINAR      1.0    $159.26  Pre- or co-requisite(s): SOWK 110, HSER 120, HSER 190,

                                                             CMNS 155, and admission into Community Support Worker program
                                                             The School of SWHS will temporarily accept CMNS 125 or ENG 105
                                                             as a pre or co-requisite in place of CMNS 155
                                                             email schoolofswhs@ufv.ca to request permission.


      92350 AB1 Dorothy Hyslop                  ABA    261         M      1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     16

                                                                                MAJOR:Community Support Worker Cert    16


      92351 AB2 Christina Henderson             ABC    1015        M      1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     16

                                                                                MAJOR:Community Support Worker Cert    16


 HSER 129   PRE-PLACEMENT SEMINAR I          1.0    $159.26  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Social Services diploma

                                                             Pre- or co-requisite(s): SOWK 110, HSER 120, and (one of

                                                             CMNS 125, CMNS 155, or ENGL 105).


      92352 AB1 Curtis Magnuson                 ABC    1422          W    1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     16

            Combined with HSER 229 AB1                                          MAJOR:Social Services Dipl             13

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services First Nations     3


      92353 AB2 Melanie Scott                   ABC    1420          W    1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     15

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services Dipl             13

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services First Nations     3


      92354 CH1 Christina Henderson             CEPA   1454         T     1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     16

            Combined with HSER 229 AB1                                          MAJOR:Social Services Dipl             13

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services First Nations     3


 HSER 130   PRACTICUM I                      6.0    $955.56  Prerequisite(s): HSER 120, HSER 129, and one of (CMNS 125,

                                                             CMNS 155, or ENGL 105).   Pre- or corequisite(s): SOWK 110

      93174 PR1 Curtis Magnuson                 ABC    1424        M      1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     9


            Class meets on Mondays Sept 11 & Sept 18 then Bi-Weekly -           MAJOR:Social Services Dipl              8

            Oct 2, 16, 30, Nov 13 and 27                                        MAJOR:Social Services First Nations     1

 HSER 190   INTRO TO COMMUNITY SUPPORT       3.0    $665.99  Prerequisite(s): None


      92355 AB1 Dorothy Hyslop                  ABC    1427            F  0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30

                                                                                MAJOR:Community Support Worker Cert    30


 HSER 200   COUNSELLING SKILLS               3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): HSER 120


      92356 AB1 Jeff Wood                       ABC    1015          W    1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services Dipl             19

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services First Nations     5


      92357 CH1 Janit Doyle                     CEPA   0018           R   1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services Dipl             19

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services First Nations     5


  HSER 229   PRE-PLACEMENT SEMINAR II         1.0    $159.26  Prerequisite(s): HSER 130


      93274 AB1 Curtis Magnuson                 ABC    1422          W    1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      5

            Combined with HSER 129 AB1


      93412 AB2 Melanie Scott                   ABC    1420          W    1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      2
            Combined with HSER 129 AB2
Instructor permission required

93273 CH1
Christina Henderson             CEPA   1454         T     1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      4
                               Combined with HSER 129 CH1


 HSER 230   PRACTICUM II                     6.0    $955.56  Prerequisite(s): HSER 130 and HSER 229


      92358 PR1 Curtis Magnuson                 ABC    1424        M      1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     7                                


            Class meets on Mondays Sept 11 & Sept 18 then Bi-Weekly -           MAJOR:Social Services Dipl              6

            Oct 2, 16, 30, Nov 13 and 27                                        MAJOR:Social Services First Nations     1


      92359 PR2 Melanie Scott                   ABC    1421        M      1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     16                              


            Class meets on Mondays Sept 11 & Sept 18 then Bi-Weekly -           MAJOR:Social Services Dipl             13

            Oct 2, 16, 30, Nov 13 and 27                                        MAJOR:Social Services First Nations     3


      92360 PR3 John Hogg                       CEPA   0020         T     1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     16


            Class meets on Tuesdays Sept 12 & Sept 19, then Bi-Weekly           MAJOR:Social Services Dipl             13

            Oct 3, 17, 31, Nov 14 and 28                                        MAJOR:Social Services First Nations     3


 Indigenous Peoples Knowledge


  IPK 093   CRIT THINK FROM INDIG PERSPECT   3.0    $414.93  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: English 11 or 12,

                                                             English 12 First Peoples, or UUP department permission

                                                             (assessment may be required).

                                                             Pre- or co-requisite(s): ENGL 081


      93003 CH1 Sheryl Newton                   CEPA   1454        M W    1300  1550  06-SEP-2017 18-DEC-2017     24

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


      93004 ON1 Sheryl Newton                   ONLINE UFV                            06-SEP-2017 18-DEC-2017     24

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 Interdisciplinary Studies

 IDS  400D  RECONCILIATION FOR RES SCHOOLS    3.0   $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 75 university-level credits


               93279 AB1 Geoffrey Carr                                                                                                                       05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017  25

                                                ABD    137           W    1600  2100    13-SEP-2017 20-SEP-2017    

                                                ABD    137           W    1600  2100    04-OCT-2017 11-OCT-2017

                                                ABD    137           W    1600  2100    25-OCT-2017 25-OCT-2017

                                                ABD    137           W    1600  2100    08-NOV-2017 08-NOV-2017

                                                ABD    137           W    1600  2100    22-NOV-2017 22-NOV-2017

            Students without the necessary prerequisites should contact Shirley Hardman for permission to register.

                                 HYBRID: Please see explanation above.

                                Although this course is hosted online, it does require participation in class meetings on the days and times
            noted above.                                                                               

            If you have questions about how IDS 400D might count towards the Bachelor of Arts or the Bachelor of General
            Studies requirements, please contact




 JAPN 101   JAPANESE LANGUAGE I              3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None.


      92367 AB1 Joe Sunami                      ABA    212         M W    1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26


 Choose one of the following seminars: Seminars start first week of classes

      92361 A#A Kimiko Brucks                   ABD    115         M      0930  1025  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17        9

      92362 A#B Kimiko Brucks                   ABD    115         M      1030  1125  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17        9

      92363 A#C Kimiko Brucks                   ABD    115           W    1030  1125  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17        9


      92368 AB2 Joe Sunami                      ABA    210         M W    1730  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26


 Choose one of the following seminars: Seminars start first week of classes

      92364 A#D Kimiko Brucks                   ABA    264         M      1630  1725  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17        9

      92365 A#E Kimiko Brucks                   ABD    115           W    1530  1625  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17        9

      92366 A#F Kimiko Brucks                   ABD    115           W    1630  1725  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17        9


 JAPN 102   JAPANESE LANGUAGE II             3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: JAPN 101, Japanese 11,

                                                             or assessment of the department.


      92372 AB1 Joe Sunami                      ABA    210          T R   1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26


 Choose one of the following seminars: Seminars start first week of classes

      92369 A#A Kimiko Brucks                   ABD    124            R   1600  1655  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17        9

      92370 A#B Kimiko Brucks                   ABD    238            R   1200  1255  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17        9

      92371 A#C Kimiko Brucks                   ABC    1421           R   1430  1525  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17        9


 JAPN 201   INTERMEDIATE JAPANESE I          3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): JAPN 102 or equivalent


      92375 AB1 Joe Sunami                      ABA    269         M W    1430  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26


 Choose one of the following seminars: Seminars start first week of classes

      92373 A#A Kimiko Brucks                   ABD    124         M      1330  1425  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       13

      92374 A#B Kimiko Brucks                   ABD    124           W    1330  1425  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       13


 JAPN 301   THIRD-YEAR JAPANESE I            4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): JAPN 202


      92376 IS1 Joe Sunami                      ABA    235          T     1600  1750  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     15

                                                ABC    1423           R   1600  1750




 JRNL 300   INTRO PRACTICE OF JOURNALISM     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: CMNS 125, CMNS 155,

                                                             CMNS 175, or ENGL 105.


      92377 AB1 John Bermingham                 ABC    1422         T     1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     12

            Credit cannot be obtained for both CMNS 300 and JRNL 300


 JRNL 365   DOCUMENTARY VIDEO STORYTELLING   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 15 credits of university-level arts

                                                             courses. It is also recommended that students have FILM 110

                                                             or FILM 120 and one of the following: VA 160, VA 165/ENGL 165,

                                                             VA 170, or VA 272. Alternatively, students should have

                                                             some other experience of working with film or video production.


      92378 AB1 Stephanie Gould                 ABC    1031          W    1300  1650  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     17
            Credit can be obtained for only one of FILM 365, JRNL 365 or VA 365


 JRNL 369   MEDIA LAW AND ETHICS             4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits, including

                                                             three credits of CMNS, JRNL or MACS


      92379 AB1 Eric Spalding                   ABD    139         M      1600  1940  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      1

            This course is offered as MACS 369 and JRNL 369.  Students may only take one of these for credit.


 Kinesiology & Physical Education


 KPE  103   ACTIVE HEALTH                    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92380 AB1 Iris Lesser                     ABD    123             F  1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


      92381 CH1 Iris Lesser                     CEPA   1354          W    1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


      92382 ON1 Emilio Landolfi                 ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 KPE  160   CONTEMPORARY HEALTH ISSUES       3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92383 AB1 Emilio Landolfi                 ABD    219          T     1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above     


      93230 CH1 Brian Justin                    CEPA   2211        M      1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                CEPA   2201          W    1000  1120
            HYBRID - Please see explanation above 

      92385 ON1 David Harper                    ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 KPE  161   INTRO TO KINESIOLOGY             3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92386 CH1 Joanna Sheppard                 CEPA   1354        M W    1730  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


      92387 CH2 Alison Pritchard-Orr            CEPA   1354         T R   1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above

      93231 CH3 Carl Nienhuis                   CEPA   1364         T R   1900  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 KPE  163   BIO-DYNAMICS OF PHYS ACTIVITY    4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): None


      92392 CH1 Jason Brandenburg               CEPA   1316         T R   0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above
            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


      92393 CH2 Jason Brandenburg               CEPA   1360         T R   1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above

            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


 Choose one of the following labs:

      92388 C#A Brian Justin                    CEPA   1314         T     1130  1420  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92389 C#B Brian Justin                    CEPA   1364         T     1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92390 C#C Brian Justin                    CEPA   1362           R   1130  1420  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92391 C#D Brian Justin                    CEPA   1364           R   1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18


 KPE  170   BASIC HUMAN ANATOMY              4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): None

93233 AB1 Kimberly Bredenhof              ABB   161          M W    1600  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above

 Choose one of the following labs:

      92394 A#A Kimberly Bredenhof              ABD    123         M      1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92395 A#B Kimberly Bredenhof              ABD    123         M      1300  1550  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      93234 A#C Carl Nienhuis                   ABD    123           W    1300  1550  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      93235 A#D Carl Nienhuis                   ABD    123           W    1900  2150  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92402 CH1 Iris Lesser                     CEPA   1360        M W    0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above           


      92403 CH2 Leslie Horita                   CEPA   2209         T R   0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above
            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


      92404 CH3 Amber Johnston                  CEPA   1360            F  1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above

            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


 Choose one of the following labs:  All lab sections are supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg

      92396 C#A Amber Johnston                  CEPA   1105        M      1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92397 C#B Amber Johnston                  CEPA   1105        M      1300  1550  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92398 C#C Kimberly Bredenhof              CEPA   1105           R   1300  1550  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92399 C#D Kimberly Bredenhof              CEPA   1105           R   1600  1850  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92400 C#E Leslie Horita                   CEPA   1105            F  1300  1550  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92401 C#F Leslie Horita                   CEPA   1105            F  1600  1850  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18


      92405 ON1 David Harper                    ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 Choose one of the following labs:

      92394 A#A Kimberly Bredenhof              ABD    123         M      1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92395 A#B Kimberly Bredenhof              ABD    123         M      1300  1550  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      93234 A#C Carl Nienhuis                   ABD    123           W    1300  1550  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      93235 A#D Carl Nienhuis                   ABD    123           W    1900  2150  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18


 KPE  215   INTRO TO BIOMECHANICS            3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): KPE 170; BIO 111/112 and PHYS 101 recommended


      92406 CH1 Gillian Hatfield                CEPA   1354        M      1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


      92407 CH2 Gillian Hatfield                CEPA   2207            F  1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 KPE  220C  TEACHING SWIM & TRACK & FIELD    3.0    $477.78  Pre- or co-requisite(s): KPE 221 (formerly KPE 421)


      92408 AB1 Joanna Sheppard                 ABA    416            R   0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 KPE  221   DESIGN& ANALYSIS OF PE PROGRAM   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92409 CH1 Joanna Sheppard                 CEPA   2207        M W    1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 KPE  260   TOPICS IN HUMAN NUTRITION        3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92410 AB1 Kathy Keiver                    ABA    362          T R   0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


      92411 AB2 Kathy Keiver                    ABA    312          T R   1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 KPE  261   SOCIO-CULT ASPCTS OF PHYS ACTI   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): KPE 161


      92412 ON1 Alison Pritchard-Orr            ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 KPE  266   EXERCISE & SPORT PSYCHOLOGY      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 30 credits university-level courses completed


      92413 AB1 Carl Nienhuis                   ABA    259           W    1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


      92414 CH1 Carl Nienhuis                   CEPA   2207         T R   1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 KPE  268   INTRO TO MOTOR LEARN & CONTROL   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 30 university-level credits


      92415 CH1 Christopher Bertram             CEPA   1354        M W    1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 KPE  270   HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY I               4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): 30 university-level credits, including

                                                             KPE 170 with a C+ or better.


      92420 CH1 Bassam Nyaeme                   CEPA   2211        M      0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36
CEPA   1424          W    0830  0950 

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above
            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


      92421 CH2 Bassam Nyaeme                   CEPA   1360         T R   0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above

            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


 Choose one of the following labs:

      92416 C#A Bassam Nyaeme                   CEPA   1105         T     1130  1420  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92417 C#B Bassam Nyaeme                   CEPA   1105          W    1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92418 C#C Bassam Nyaeme                   CEPA   1105          W    1300  1550  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92419 C#D Bassam Nyaeme                   CEPA   1105           R   1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18


 KPE  302   MEASURE & EVALUATE-PHYSICAL ED   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 60 university-level credits completed;

                                                             and admission to the Bachelor of Kinesiology degree program.


      92422 CH1 Joanna Sheppard                 CEPA   1360        M W    1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 KPE  360   CONCEPTS IN HEALTH PROMOTION     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Third year standing (60 university level credits

                                                             completed) and admission to the Bachelor of Kinesiology degree program


      92423 CH1 Joanna Sheppard                 CEPA   1105        M W    1600  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 KPE  362   THEORETICAL EXER PHYSIOLOGY      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 54 university-level credits including

                                                             KPE 163 and KPE 270; and admission to the Bachelor of

                                                             Kinesiology degree.

                                                             Note: Students who have declared a KPE minor can contact

                                                             the department for permission to register.

                                                             Pre- or co-requisite(s): KPE 370


      92424 CH1 Alastair Hodges                 CEPA   2201        M W    1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     54

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 KPE  363   LAB-BASED EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): KPE 362


      92425 CH1 Jason Brandenburg               CEPA   1105         T     1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 KPE  365   PHYSICAL GROWTH & MOTOR DEV      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): KPE 170 or BIO 111/112


      92426 ON1 Alison Pritchard-Orr            ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


      92427 ON2 Alison Pritchard-Orr            ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 KPE  366   APP COUNS SKLLS - FITNESS PROF   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 54 university-level credits including

                                                             KPE 266; and admission to the Bachelor of Kinesiology degree.

                                                             Note: Students who have declared a KPE minor can contact

                                                             the department for permission to register.


      92428 AB1 Carl Nienhuis                   ABD    123          T R   1430  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


      92429 CH1 Carl Nienhuis                   CEPA   1105         T R   0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 KPE  368   ADV MOTOR LEARNING & CONTROL     4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): KPE 268


      92432 ON1 Christopher Bertram             ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 Choose one of the following labs:

      92430 C#A Christopher Bertram             CEPA   1424        M      1300  1550  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92431 C#B Christopher Bertram             CEPA   1424          W    1300  1550  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18


 KPE  370   HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY II              4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): KPE 270


      92435 ON1 David Harper                    ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 Choose one of the following labs:

      92433 C#A Amber Johnston                  CEPA   1362           R   1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92434 C#B Amber Johnston                  CEPA   1362           R   1730  2020  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18


 KPE  371   INTRO TO ATHLETIC INJURIES       4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): 54 university-level credits including

                                                             KPE 170; and admission to the Bachelor of Kinesiology degree.

                                                             Note: Students who have declared a KPE minor can contact

                                                             the department for permission to register.



      92438 CH1 Gillian Hatfield                CEPA   1105        M W    1730  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 Choose one of the following labs:

      92436 C#A Angela Wilkinson                CEPA   1105        M      1900  2150  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92437 C#B Angela Wilkinson                CEPA   1105          W    1900  2150  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18


 KPE  435   ERGONOMICS/OCCUP BIOMECHANICS    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): KPE 215


      92439 CH1 Bassam Nyaeme                   CEPA   1354           R   1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 KPE  455   PROFESSIONAL EXPER IN KINESIOL   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 90 university-level credits completed;

                                                             admission to the Bachelor of Kinesiology degree program.

                                                             Note: No waivers will be provided for admission into this course.


      92440 AB1 Emilio Landolfi                 ABA    362          T     1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 KPE  462   ADV FIT TESTING & EXERCS PRESC   4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): KPE 362


      92443 CH1 Jason Brandenburg               CEPA   1354          W    0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 Choose one of the following labs:

      92441 C#A Brian Justin                    CEPA   1314          W    1130  1420  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92442 C#B Brian Justin                    CEPA   1355          W    1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18


 KPE  463   THERAPEUTIC EXERCISE             3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): KPE 362 and KPE 370; KPE 371 recommended


      92444 CH1 Alastair Hodges                 CEPA   1360        M W    1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 Latin American Studies


 LAS  161   AZTECS, MAYAS AND SPANIARDS      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None.


      92445 AB1 Geoffrey Spurling               ABA    234          T     0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            This course is offered as HIST 161 and LAS 161 – Students may take only one of these for credit.



      92446 ON1 Geoffrey Spurling               ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

            This course is offered as HIST 161 and LAS 161 – Students may take only one of these for credit.


 LAS  358   AFRICAN SLAVERY IN AMERICAS      4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): Nine credits of lower-level HIST/LAS or

                                                             45 university-level credits.

                                                             Familiarity with the basic skills of historical inquiry

                                                             is expected.


      92447 AB1 Geoffrey Spurling               ABC    1425          W    1300  1640  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30

            This course is offered as HIST 358 and LAS 358 – Students may take only one of these for credit.


 LAS  363   PROCESSES OF DEV & UNDER DEV     4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): 45 credits, to include at least 6

                                                             credits of Sociology, Anthropology, LAS, or GDS. (SOC 250,

                                                             ANTH 220, LAS 200 and GDS 100 are recommended.)


      92448 AB1 Stephen Piper                   ABD    136         M      1300  1640  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      1

            This course is offered as SOC 363, ANTH 363, LAS 363, & GDS 363 - Students may only take one of these for credit.


 LAS  457   SEXUALITY & GENDER -LATIN AMER   4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): Nine credits of lower-level HIST/LAS and

                                                             one 300-level HIST or LAS course.


      92449 AB1 Geoffrey Spurling               ABD    104            R   1300  1640  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     20

            Note: To request a prerequisite waiver, please contact the course instructor.

            This course is offered as HIST 457 and LAS 457 – Students may take only one of these for credit.


 Library & Information Technology


 LIBT 100   INTRO. TO INFORMATION SERVICES   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None.


      92450 AB1 Christina Neigel                ABA    302          T     1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                    Int’l Students                      5

                                                                                MAJOR:Library and Info Tech Dipl       28


 LIBT 115   DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUING TECH.    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Library and Information

                                                             Technology program

                                                             Pre- or co-requisite(s): One of LIBT 100, CIS 100, CIS 110, or BUS 160


      92451 AB1 Kenneth Gariepy                 ABA    302           W    0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 LIBT 120   INTRO. TO TECHNICAL SERVICES     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): LIBT 100, LIBT 115 and admission to the

                                                             Library and Information Technology program.


      92452 AB1 Christina Neigel                ABA    302            R   1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 LIBT 145   INTERNET INFORMATION RETRIEVAL   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None.


      92453 ON1 Louise Broadley                 ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                      5

            Students residing outside the Metro Vancouver / Lower               MAJOR:Library and Info Tech Dipl       22

            Mainland region may choose to write their exams on the

            Abbotsford campus or through invigilation at a designated post-secondary institution. Students residing within the

            Metro Vancouver / Lower Mainland region may be required to use resources located on the Abbotsford campus and are

            required to write scheduled midterm and final exams on the Abbotsford campus. All exams must be written on the date and

            time established either by the course instructor or, in the case of final exams, according to the UFV final exam

            schedule each semester. Prior to starting the course, students in LIBT courses are required to complete an

            orientation called LIBIT Orientation and Resources located at http://myclass.ufv.ca


 LIBT 200   INFORMATION AND SOCIETY          3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92454 ON1 Allan Cho                       ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                      3

            Students residing outside the Metro Vancouver / Lower               MAJOR:Library and Info Tech Dipl       25

            Mainland region may choose to write their exams on the

            Abbotsford campus or through invigilation at a designated post-secondary institution. Students residing within the

            Metro Vancouver / Lower Mainland region may be required to use resources located on the Abbotsford campus and are

            required to write scheduled midterm and final exams on the Abbotsford campus. All exams must be written on the date and

            time established either by the course instructor or, in the case of final exams, according to the UFV final exam

            schedule each semester. Prior to starting the course, students in LIBT courses are required to complete an

            orientation called LIBIT Orientation and Resources located at http://myclass.ufv.ca


 LIBT 205   SUPERVISION IN INFO CENTRES      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92455 ON1 Louise Broadley                 ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Library and Info Tech Dipl       25

            Students residing outside the Metro Vancouver / Lower

            Mainland region may choose to write their exams on the Abbotsford Campus or through invigilation at a designated

            post-secondary institution. Students residing within the Metro Vancouver / Lower Mainland region may be required to

            use resources located on the Abbotsford campus and are required to write scheduled midterm and final exams on the

            Abbotsford campus. All exams must be written on the date and time established either by the course instructor or, in the

            case of final exams, according to the UFV final exam schedule each semester. Prior to starting the course,

            students in LIBT courses are required to complete an orientation called LIBIT Orientation and Resources located

            at http://myclass.ufv.ca


 LIBT 235   INFO SERVICES FOR YOUNG ADULTS   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92456 ON1 Christina Neigel                ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                                   Int’l Students                      2

            Students residing outside the Metro Vancouver / Lower               MAJOR:Library and Info Tech Dipl       25

            Mainland region may choose to write their exams on the

            Abbotsford campus or through invigilation at a designated post-secondary institution. Students residing within the

            Metro Vancouver / Lower Mainland region may be required to use resources located on the Abbotsford campus and are

            required to write scheduled midterm and final exams on the Abbotsford campus. All exams must be written on the date and

            time established either by the course instructor or, in the case of final exams, according to the UFV final exam

            schedule each semester. Prior to starting the course, students in LIBT courses are required to complete an

            orientation called LIBIT Orientation and Resources located at http://myclass.ufv.ca
            The LIBT 235 class will be involved in an outreach project on November 6, 2017 from 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm in Chilliwack.
            Participation is expected of all students. Greater Vancouver/Lower Mainland students who absolutely can’t attend may
            contact the instructor to arrange other kinds of participation.  Distance students will be able to participate to the
            project without attending the event.


 LIBT 240   MEDIA IN INFORMATION CENTRES     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): LIBT 115


      92457 ON1 Richard Matiachuk               ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

            Students residing outside the Metro Vancouver / Lower Mainland region may choose to write their exams on the

            Abbotsford campus or through invigilation at a designated post-secondary institution. Students residing within the

            Metro Vancouver / Lower Mainland region may be required to use resources located on the Abbotsford campus and are

            required to write scheduled midterm and final exams on the Abbotsford campus. All exams must be written on the date and

            time established either by the course instructor or, in the case of final exams, according to the UFV final exam

            schedule each semester. Prior to starting the course, students in LIBT courses are required to complete an

            orientation called LIBIT Orientation and Resources located at http://myclass.ufv.ca


 LIBT 250   RECORDS MANAGEMENT               3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None.


      92458 ON1 TBA                             ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

            Students residing outside the Metro Vancouver / Lower Mainland region may choose to write their exams on the

            Abbotsford campus or through invigilation at a designated post-secondary institution. Students residing within the

            Metro Vancouver /Lower Mainland region may be required to use resources located on the Abbotsford campus and are

            required to write scheduled midterm and final exams on the Abbotsford campus. All exams must be written on the date and

            time established either by the course instructor or, in the case of final exams, according to the UFV final exam

            schedule each semester. Prior to starting the course students in LIBT courses are required to complete an

            orientation called LIBIT Orientation and Resources located at http://myclass.ufv.ca


 LIBT 383   DIVERSITY IN THE WORKPLACE       2.0    $436.28  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Library Technician Post

                                                             Diploma certificate program


      92893 ON1 Louise Broadley                 ONLINE UFV                            02-OCT-2017 24-NOV-2017     20

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above




 LING 101   AN INTRODUCTION TO LANGUAGE      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None.


      92459 AB1 Marcela Jonas                   ABB    161         M W    1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:TESL cert (25 credits)            2


      92460 ON1 Marcela Jonas                   ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:TESL cert (25 credits)            2




 MAND 101   INTRODUCTION TO MANDARIN I       3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92471 AB1 Linda Qiao                      ABA    233          T R   1600  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26


 MAND 201   INTERMEDIATE MANDARIN I          3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): MAND 102


      92472 IS1 Linda Qiao                      ABD    124          T R   1430  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     15




 MATH 052   FUNDAMENTAL MATH I               1.5    $207.47  Prerequisite(s): UUP Department permission (assessment

                                                             may be required)


      93038 AB1 Barb Stirskey                   ABA    232         M W    0830  1120  06-SEP-2017 25-OCT-2017     24


      93091 AB2 Barb Stirskey                   ABA    232         M W    0830  1120  30-OCT-2017 18-DEC-2017     24


      93039 AB3 Darlene Carson                  ABA    232          T R   1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 24-OCT-2017     24


      93092 AB4 Darlene Carson                  ABA    232          T R   1730  2020  26-OCT-2017 14-DEC-2017     24


      93040 CH1 Beverly JonesRedekop            CEPA   1415        M W    0830  1120  06-SEP-2017 25-OCT-2017     24


      93093 CH2 Beverly JonesRedekop            CEPA   1415        M W    0830  1120  30-OCT-2017 18-DEC-2017     24


      93041 CH3 Arthur de Leeuw                 CEPA   1415         T R   1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 24-OCT-2017     24


      93094 CH4 Arthur de Leeuw                 CEPA   1415         T R   1730  2020  26-OCT-2017 14-DEC-2017     24


      93042 CH5 Leonne Beebe                    CEPA   1415         T R   0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 24-OCT-2017     24


      93095 CH6 Leonne Beebe                    CEPA   1415         T R   0830  1120  26-OCT-2017 14-DEC-2017     24


      93158 GW1 Vicki Grieve                                       M W    0900  1200  05-SEP-2017 25-OCT-2017     20


      93164 GW2 Vicki Grieve                                       M W    0900  1200  26-OCT-2017 18-DEC-2017     20


      93043 HO1 Arthur de Leeuw                 HOHO   124         M W    1300  1550  06-SEP-2017 25-OCT-2017     20


      93096 HO2 Gina Bennett                    HOHO   124         M W    1300  1550  30-OCT-2017 18-DEC-2017     20


 MATH 053   FUNDAMENTAL MATH II              1.5    $207.47  Prerequisite(s): Completion of Math 052 or UUP Department

                                                             permission (assessment may be required).


      93044 AB1 Barb Stirskey                   ABA    232         M W    0830  1120  06-SEP-2017 25-OCT-2017     24


      93097 AB2 Barb Stirskey                   ABA    232         M W    0830  1120  30-OCT-2017 18-DEC-2017     24


      93045 AB3 Darlene Carson                  ABA    232          T R   1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 24-OCT-2017     24


      93098 AB4 Darlene Carson                  ABA    232          T R   1730  2020  26-OCT-2017 14-DEC-2017     24


      93046 CH1 Beverly JonesRedekop            CEPA   1415        M W    0830  1120  06-SEP-2017 25-OCT-2017     24


      93099 CH2 Beverly JonesRedekop            CEPA   1415        M W    0830  1120  30-OCT-2017 18-DEC-2017     24


      93047 CH3 Arthur de Leeuw                 CEPA   1415         T R   1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 24-OCT-2017     24


      93100 CH4 Arthur de Leeuw                 CEPA   1415         T R   1730  2020  26-OCT-2017 14-DEC-2017     24


      93048 CH5 Leonne Beebe                    CEPA   1415         T R   0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 24-OCT-2017     24


      93101 CH6 Leonne Beebe                    CEPA   1415         T R   0830  1120  26-OCT-2017 14-DEC-2017     24


      93159 GW1 Vicki Grieve                                       M W    0900  1200  05-SEP-2017 25-OCT-2017     20


      93165 GW2 Vicki Grieve                                       M W    0900  1200  26-OCT-2017 18-DEC-2017     20


      93049 HO1 Arthur de Leeuw                 HOHO   124         M W    1300  1550  06-SEP-2017 25-OCT-2017     20


      93102 HO2 Gina Bennett                    HOHO   124         M W    1300  1550  30-OCT-2017 18-DEC-2017     20


 MATH 062   FUNDAMENTAL MATH III             1.5    $207.47  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: MATH 051, MATH 053,

                                                             or Upgrading and University Preparation department

                                                             permission (assessment may be required).


      93050 AB1 Barb Stirskey                   ABA    232         M W    0830  1120  06-SEP-2017 25-OCT-2017     24


      93103 AB2 Barb Stirskey                   ABA    232         M W    0830  1120  30-OCT-2017 18-DEC-2017     24


      93051 AB3 Darlene Carson                  ABA    232          T R   1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 24-OCT-2017     24


      93104 AB4 Darlene Carson                  ABA    232          T R   1730  2020  26-OCT-2017 14-DEC-2017     24


      93052 CH1 Beverly JonesRedekop            CEPA   1415        M W    0830  1120  06-SEP-2017 25-OCT-2017     24


      93105 CH2 Beverly JonesRedekop            CEPA   1415        M W    0830  1120  30-OCT-2017 18-DEC-2017     24


      93053 CH3 Arthur de Leeuw                 CEPA   1415         T R   1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 24-OCT-2017     24


      93106 CH4 Arthur de Leeuw                 CEPA   1415         T R   1730  2020  26-OCT-2017 14-DEC-2017     24


      93054 CH5 Leonne Beebe                    CEPA   1415         T R   0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 24-OCT-2017     24


      93107 CH6 Leonne Beebe                    CEPA   1415         T R   0830  1120  26-OCT-2017 14-DEC-2017     24


      93160 GW1 Vicki Grieve                                       M W    0900  1200  05-SEP-2017 25-OCT-2017     20


      93166 GW2 Vicki Grieve                                       M W    0900  1200  26-OCT-2017 18-DEC-2017     20


      93055 HO1 Arthur de Leeuw                 HOHO   124         M W    1300  1550  06-SEP-2017 25-OCT-2017     20


      93108 HO2 Gina Bennett                    HOHO   124         M W    1300  1550  30-OCT-2017 18-DEC-2017     20


 MATH 063   FUNDAMENTAL MATH IV              1.5    $207.47  Prerequisite(s): MATH 062 or Upgrading and University

                                                             Preparation department permission (assessment may be required).


      93056 AB1 Barb Stirskey                   ABA    232         M W    0830  1120  06-SEP-2017 25-OCT-2017     24


      93109 AB2 Barb Stirskey                   ABA    232         M W    0830  1120  30-OCT-2017 18-DEC-2017     24


      93057 AB3 Darlene Carson                  ABA    232          T R   1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 24-OCT-2017     24


      93110 AB4 Darlene Carson                  ABA    232          T R   1730  2020  26-OCT-2017 14-DEC-2017     24


      93058 CH1 Beverly JonesRedekop            CEPA   1415        M W    0830  1120  06-SEP-2017 25-OCT-2017     24


      93111 CH2 Beverly JonesRedekop            CEPA   1415        M W    0830  1120  30-OCT-2017 18-DEC-2017     24


      93059 CH3 Arthur de Leeuw                 CEPA   1415         T R   1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 24-OCT-2017     24


      93112 CH4 Arthur de Leeuw                 CEPA   1415         T R   1730  2020  26-OCT-2017 14-DEC-2017     24


      93060 CH5 Leonne Beebe                    CEPA   1415         T R   0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 24-OCT-2017     24


      93113 CH6 Leonne Beebe                    CEPA   1415         T R   0830  1120  26-OCT-2017 14-DEC-2017     24

      93240 GW1 Vicki Grieve                                       M W    0900  1200  05-SEP-2017 25-OCT-2017     20


      93242 GW2 Vicki Grieve                                       M W    0900  1200  26-OCT-2017 18-DEC-2017     20


      93061 HO1 Arthur de Leeuw                 HOHO   124         M W    1300  1550  06-SEP-2017 25-OCT-2017     20


      93114 HO2 Gina Bennett                    HOHO   124         M W    1300  1550  30-OCT-2017 18-DEC-2017     20


 MATH 075   INTERMEDIATE MATH I              1.5    $207.47  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: MATH 061, MATH 063,

                                                             or UUP department permission (assessment may be required).


      93062 AB1 Barb Stirskey                   ABA    232         M W    0830  1120  06-SEP-2017 25-OCT-2017     24


      93115 AB2 Barb Stirskey                   ABA    232         M W    0830  1120  30-OCT-2017 18-DEC-2017     24


      93063 AB3 Darlene Carson                  ABA    232          T R   1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 24-OCT-2017     24


      93116 AB4 Darlene Carson                  ABA    232          T R   1730  2020  26-OCT-2017 14-DEC-2017     24


      93064 CH1 Beverly JonesRedekop            CEPA   1415        M W    0830  1120  06-SEP-2017 25-OCT-2017     24


      93117 CH2 Beverly JonesRedekop            CEPA   1415        M W    0830  1120  30-OCT-2017 18-DEC-2017     24


      93065 CH3 Arthur de Leeuw                 CEPA   1415         T R   1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 24-OCT-2017     24


      93118 CH4 Arthur de Leeuw                 CEPA   1415         T R   1730  2020  26-OCT-2017 14-DEC-2017     24


      93066 HO1 Arthur de Leeuw                 HOHO   124         M W    1300  1550  06-SEP-2017 25-OCT-2017     20


      93119 HO2 Gina Bennett                    HOHO   124         M W    1300  1550  30-OCT-2017 18-DEC-2017     20


 MATH 076   INTERMEDIATE MATH II             1.5    $207.47  Prerequisite(s): MATH 075 or UUP Department permission

                                                             (assessment may be required)


      93067 AB1 Barb Stirskey                   ABA    232         M W    0830  1120  06-SEP-2017 25-OCT-2017     24


      93120 AB2 Barb Stirskey                   ABA    232         M W    0830  1120  30-OCT-2017 18-DEC-2017     24


      93068 AB3 Darlene Carson                  ABA    232          T R   1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 24-OCT-2017     24


      93121 AB4 Darlene Carson                  ABA    232          T R   1730  2020  26-OCT-2017 14-DEC-2017     24


      93069 CH1 Beverly JonesRedekop            CEPA   1415        M W    0830  1120  06-SEP-2017 25-OCT-2017     24


      93122 CH2 Beverly JonesRedekop            CEPA   1415        M W    0830  1120  30-OCT-2017 18-DEC-2017     24


      93070 CH3 Arthur de Leeuw                 CEPA   1415         T R   1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 24-OCT-2017     24


      93123 CH4 Arthur de Leeuw                 CEPA   1415         T R   1730  2020  26-OCT-2017 14-DEC-2017     24


      93071 HO1 Arthur de Leeuw                 HOHO   124         M W    1300  1550  06-SEP-2017 25-OCT-2017     20


      93124 HO2 Gina Bennett                    HOHO   124         M W    1300  1550  30-OCT-2017 18-DEC-2017     20


 MATH 084   INTRO ALGEBRA & TRIGONOMETRY     3.0    $414.93  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: MATH 072 or MATH 076,

                                                             Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-calculus 10 with

                                                             at least a C; Principles of Mathematics 11, Applications

                                                             of Mathematics 11, Foundations of Mathematics 11, or Pre-

                                                             calculus 11 with at least a C-; or UUP department

                                                             permission (assessment may be required).


      93005 AB1 Darlene Carson                  ABA    232          T R   1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     24


      93006 CH1 Brian Lieuwen                   CEPA   1362        M W     1600 1850  06-SEP-2017 18-DEC-2017     24

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class


 MATH 085   INTERM ALGEBRA & TRIGONOMETRY    3.0    $414.93  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: MATH 084,

                                                             (Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-calculus 10 with at

                                                             least a B), (one of Principles of Mathematics 11,

                                                             Applications of Mathematics 11, Foundations of

                                                             Mathematics 11, or Pre-calculus 11 with at least a C),

                                                             (one of Foundations of Mathematics 12 or Pre-Calculus 12

                                                             with at least a C-), or UUP department permission

                                                             (assessment may be required).


      93007 AB1 Anna Kuczynska                  ABA    402          T R   1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     24

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class
            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


      93008 AB2 Judy Larsen                     ABA    232         M W    1730  2020  06-SEP-2017 18-DEC-2017     24

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class

            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


      93009 CH1 Greg St Hilaire                 CEPA   1415         T R   1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     24

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class


      93010 ON1 Judy Larsen                     ONLINE UFV                            06-SEP-2017 18-DEC-2017     24

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class.


 MATH 094   INTRO TO COLLEGE MATH I          4.0    $553.24  Prerequisite(s): Principles of Math 12 or Pre-calculus

                                                             12; or at least a C in one of the following: Principles

                                                             of Math 11, Pre-calculus 11, MATH 085, Applications of

                                                             Math 12; or at least a B in Foundations of Math 12.


      93128 AB1 Karamjit Dhande                 ABA    232         M W    1130  1320  05-SEP-2017 18-DEC-2017     24
            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class


 MATH 096   ALGEBRA AND TRIGONOMETRY         3.0    $414.93  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (C+ or better in

                                                             MATH 085), (B- or better in one of Principles of Math 11

                                                             or Pre-calculus 11), (C or better in one of Principles of

                                                             Math 12, Pre-calculus 12, or MATH 094), or Upgrading and

                                                             University Preparation assessment.


      93012 AB1 Anna Kuczynska                  ABA    232         M W    1430  1720  06-SEP-2017 18-DEC-2017     24


      93013 CH1 Daniel Muller                   CEPA   1426         T R   1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     24

            The final exam for this course will be scheduled during the last week of the class.


 MATH 105   MATH FOR ELEMENTARY TEACHERS     4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (C or better in

                                                             one of Principles of Math 11 or MATH 085) or (C or better

                                                             in both Foundations of Mathematics 11 and Precalculus 11)

                                                             or (B or better in one of Foundations of Mathematics 11

                                                             or Precalculus 11) or (C+ or better in Applications of

                                                             Math 11) or (one of Foundations of Mathematics 12 or

                                                             Precalculus 12 or MATH 096; or both MATH 094 and MATH 095.)


      92473 AB1 Karin Loots                     ABA    269          T R   1600  1810  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92474 AB2 Stan Manu                       ABA    354         M W F  1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 MATH 110   PRE-CALCULUS MATH                4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (C or better in one of

                                                             Principles of Math 12 or Precalculus 12) or (C- or better in both

                                                             MATH 094 and MATH 095) or (C- in MATH 096)or(C+ or better in

                                                             Applications of Math 12) or (at least 55% on the MDPT).


      92475 AB1 Stan Manu                       ABA    212         M W F  0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92476 AB2 Stan Manu                       ABD    123          T R   1130  1340  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36



 MATH 111   CALCULUS I                       4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (B or better in

                                                             one of Principles of Math 12, Precalculus 12, or MATH 096)

                                                             or (B or better in MATH 095) or (C+ or better in

                                                             MATH 110) or (at least 70% on the MDPT).


      92477 AB1 Ben Vanderlei                   ABA    254             F  0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABA    254         M W    1130  1250

                                                                                MAJOR:Engineering Studies              24

            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


      92478 AB2 Kseniya Garaschuk               ABD    215             F  1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABA    310         M W    1300  1420

            This section of MATH 111 is designated for Biology students.        MAJOR:Biology                          26

            Examples, motivations & applications will be chosen from

            biology, as much as possible. Together with MATH 118 'Calculus II for Life Sciences' it forms a life sci

            calculus stream. NOTE: this is a section of MATH 111 & is thus equivalent to that course in every way,

            for purposes of prerequisites, program requirements, transfer, & representation on student record & transcript
            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


      92479 AB3 Kseniya Garaschuk               ABA    264         M W F  1430  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92480 AB4 Kseniya Garaschuk               ABA    254         M W F  1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg

      92481 AB5 Eugene Yablonsky                ABA    232             F  1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABA    264          T R   1300  1420


      92482 AB6 Joseph Yu                       ABA    264          T R   1600  1810  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36
            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


      92483 AB7 Ben Vanderlei                   ABD    213          T RF  1430  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36
            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


      92484 AB8 Joseph Yu                       ABA    264         M W F  0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36
            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


      92485 CH1 Cynthia Loten                   CEPA   2209        M W F  0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:Engineering Studies               6


 MATH 112   CALCULUS II                      4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): MATH 111 with a C or better


      92486 AB1 Rachel Toews                    ABA    252         M W F  1430  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 MATH 123   EVERYDAY MATH AND STATS          3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (C or better in

                                                             one of Principles of Mathematics 11, Applications of

                                                             Mathematics 11, MATH 085, Foundations of Mathematics 11,

                                                             or Pre-Calculus 11) or (B or better in Apprenticeship and

                                                             Workplace Mathematics 12) or (one of Foundations of

                                                             Mathematics 12, Pre-Calculus 12, Principles of

                                                             Mathematics 12, or Applications of Mathematics 12) or

                                                             (any MATH or STAT course numbered 094 or higher) or (45

                                                             university-level credits with department permission).


      92487 AB1 David Chu                       ABD    226             F  0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28

                Karin Loots                     ABD    104          T     1000  1120

                                                ABA    233            R   1000  1120

            Alternating Fridays to start September 15 - NO CLASS Nov 10/17


 MATH 125   INTRO TO DISCRETE MATHEMATICS    4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (C+ or better in

                                                             Principles of Math 12) or (C or better in one of MATH 124,

                                                             MATH 096, Foundations of Mathematics 12, or

                                                             Precalculus 12) or (C or better in both MATH 094 and MATH 095)

                                                             or (B or better in Applications of Math 12) or (MATH 110).


      92488 AB1 Tariq Nuruddin                  ABA    210          T     1730  1940  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABB    161            R   1730  1940

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     17


      92489 AB2 Cynthia Loten                   ABA    416          T R   1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABA    234             F  1430  1550

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     17


      92490 AB3 Cynthia Loten                   ABA    362          T R   1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABA    305             F  1130  1250

                                                                                    Int’l Students                     17


 MATH 140   ALGEBRA & FUNCTIONS FOR BUS      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: C+ or better in

                                                             one of Foundations of Mathematics 11 or Pre-calculus 11;

                                                             or C or better in one of Principles of Math 11 or MATH 085;

                                                             or one of Foundations of Mathematics 12, Pre-

                                                             calculus 12, or Principles of Math 12; or a score of

                                                             17/25 or better on Part A of the MSAT.


      92491 AB1 Russell Campbell                ABA    310          T R   1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABA    269             F  1300  1420

            Alternating Fridays to start September 15 - NO CLASS Nov 10/17            School of Business               36


      92492 AB2 Karin Loots                     ABA    352         M W    1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABA    232             F  1000  1120

            Alternating Fridays to start September 8                                  School of Business               36


      92493 AB3 Russell Campbell                ABD    215         M      1600  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABA    252           W    1600  1810

                                                                                      School of Business               36


 MATH 141   CALCULUS FOR BUSINESS            3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (C+ or better in

                                                             one of Foundations of Mathematics 12, Precalculus 12,

                                                             Principles of Math 12, MATH 096, or MATH 110) or (C+ or

                                                             better in both MATH 094 and 095) or (C or better in MATH 140)

                                                             or (a score of 17/25 or better on Part B of the MSAT together

                                                             with a score of 34/50 or better on Parts A and B combined).


      92494 AB1 Ian Affleck                     ABA    252         M W    1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABA    252             F  1130  1250

            Alternating Fridays to start September 8                            MAJOR:Aviation Dipl                     1

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Dipl      5

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Deg      29

                                                                                MAJOR:BBA Aviation                      1
            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


      92495 AB2 Ian Affleck                     ABD    219         M W    1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABA    312             F  1130  1250

            Alternating Fridays to start September 15 - NO CLASS Nov 10/17      MAJOR:Aviation Dipl                     1

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Dipl      5

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Deg      29

                                                                                MAJOR:BBA Aviation                      1
            This section is supported by SLG. For more information - visit www.ufv.ca/slg


      92496 AB3 Eugene Yablonsky                ABA    352          T R   1430  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABA    305             F  1430  1550

            Alternating Fridays to start September 8                            MAJOR:Aviation Dipl                     1

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Dipl      5

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Deg      29

                                                                                MAJOR:BBA Aviation                      1


      92497 AB4 Eugene Yablonsky                ABD    136          T     1730  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABD    119            R   1730  1940

                                                                                MAJOR:Aviation Dipl                     1

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Dipl      5

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Deg      29

                                                                                MAJOR:BBA Aviation                      1

       93295 AB5 Eugene Yablonsky               ABB    132          T R    1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017    36

             Section pending - waitlist only    ABC    1427             F  1300  1420

             Alternating Fridays to start September 15 - NO CLASS Nov 10/17

             MUST have a minimum enrollment of 24 to run                        MAJOR:Aviation Dipl                     1

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Dipl      5

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Deg      29

                                                                                MAJOR:BBA Aviation                      1


 MATH 211   CALCULUS III                     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): C or better in one of the following:

                                                             MATH 112, MATH 116, or MATH 118


      92498 AB1 Robin Endelman                  ABB    132          T R   1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABB    132             F  1300  1420

            Alternating Fridays to start September 15 - NO CLASS Nov 10/17      MAJOR:Engineering Phys Mechatronics    18


      92499 AB2 Robin Endelman                  ABB    140          T     1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36
ABA    301            R   1000  1120 

                                                ABB    140             F  1130  1250

            Alternating Fridays to start September 15 - NO CLASS Nov 10/17


 MATH 255   ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATNS    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): MATH 112 or at least a B in Math 118

                                                             Pre- or co-requisite(s): MATH 211 and one of the

                                                             following: MATH 152, MATH 221, or PHYS 221.


      92500 AB1 Erik Talvila                    ABB    132          T R   1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABD    226             F  1130  1250

            Alternating Fridays to start September 8


 MATH 270   INTRO TO PROBABILITY AND STATS   4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: MATH 112, MATH 118,

                                                             or a B or better in MATH 141.


      92501 AB1 Longlong Huang                  ABA    264          T     1430  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABA    312            R   1430  1550

                                                ABD    226             F  1430  1550

            This course is offered as MATH 270 and STAT 270 – Students may take only one of these for credit.


 MATH 340   INTRODUCTION TO ANALYSIS         3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): MATH 265


      92502 AB1 Ben Vanderlei                   ABA    305             F  1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABA    261          T R   1130  1250

            Alternating Fridays to start: September 8


 MATH 368   OPERATIONS RESEARCH              3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): MATH 221, or both MATH 152 and MATH 211.


      92503 AB1 Joseph Yu                       ABA    264         M W    1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABA    264             F  1000  1120

            Alternating Fridays to start September 15 - NO CLASS Nov 10/17


 MATH 439   MODERN ALGEBRA                   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): MATH 339 or MATH 355


      92504 AB1 Robin Endelman                  ABA    252          T     1600  1810  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABA    252            R   1600  1720


 Media & Communication Studies


 MACS 110   INTRO TO COMMUNICATION THEORY    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92461 AB1 Eric Spalding                   ABD    139          T     1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 MACS 130   MASS COMMUNICATION IN CANADA     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None.


      92462 AB1 Darren Blakeborough             ABD    134           W    1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92463 ON1 Darren Blakeborough             ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 MACS 201   MUSIC AND SOCIETY I              3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None. MUSC 100, MACS 110, or MACS 130 recommended.


      92464 AB1 Eric Spalding                   ABD    139           W    1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            This course is offered as MACS 201 and MUSC 201.  Students may only take one of these for credit.


 MACS 210   HISTORY OF COMMUNICATION         3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      93129 AB1 Darren Blakeborough             ABD    139         M      1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 MACS 212   INTRO MEDIA & PUBLIC RELATIONS   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of CMNS 115, CMNS 125, CMNS 145,

                                                             CMNS 155, CMNS 175 or ENGL 105


      92465 AB1 Shoaib Nasir                    ABD    213           W    1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     16

            Credit cannot be obtained for both CMNS 212 and MACS 212


 MACS 255   INTRODUCT. TO SOCIAL RESEARCH    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of ANTH 102, SOC 101, or MACS 110


      92467 AB1 Gabriela Pechlaner              ABD    215            R   1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      6

            This course is offered as MACS 255, ANTH 255 and SOC 255.           MINOR:Media & Comm Studies extended     6

            Students may only take one of these for credit.


 MACS 337   TASTE AND CULTURE                4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): 45 credits, to include at least six

                                                             credits of sociology and/or MACS.


      92468 AB1 Darren Blakeborough             ABD    136            R   1300  1640  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     15

            This course is offered as MACS 337 and SOC 337.  Students may only take one of these for credit.


 MACS 355   QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS    4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): (One of STAT 104, STAT 106, or PSYC 110)

                                                             and (ANTH 255/MACS 255/SOC 255).


      92469 AB1 Katherine Watson                ABD    221             F  0910  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      5

            This course is offered as MACS 355, ANTH 355 and SOC 355.  Students may only take one of these for credit.


 MACS 369   MEDIA LAW AND ETHICS             4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits, including

                                                             three credits of CMNS, JRNL or MACS


      92470 AB1 Eric Spalding                   ABD    139         M      1600  1940  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

            This course is offered as MACS 369 and JRNL 369.                    MINOR:Media & Comm Studies extended     6

            Students may only take one of these for credit.                     MINOR:Media & Communication Studies     6


 Mennonite Studies


 MENN 100   INTRO TO MENNONITE STUDIES       3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92505 ON1 TBA                             ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above




 MUSC 101   LISTENING TO MUSIC               3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92506 AB1 John Pitcher                    ABB    161          T     1430  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36
ABD    217            R   1430  1550 


 MUSC 201   MUSIC AND SOCIETY I              3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None. MUSC 100, MACS 110 or MACS 130 recommended.


      92507 AB1 Eric Spalding                   ABD    139           W    1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     11

            This course is offered as MACS 201 and MUSC 201.  Students may only take one of these for credit.




 PRLG 100   INTRODUCTION TO LAW              3.0    $722.98  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Paralegal certificate

                                                             or diploma program.


      92892 AB1 Sabrina Ngo                     CCL    114              S 0930  1500  05-SEP-2017 21-OCT-2017     20

                                                CCL    114              S 0930  1500

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above - Class meets on campus Sept 9, 16, 23, 30 & Oct 14


 PRLG 130   INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW        3.0    $722.98  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Paralegal certificate

                                                             or diploma program.


      92597 ON1 Danielle Lemon                  ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     20

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 PRLG 140   PROPERTY LAW                     3.0    $722.98  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Paralegal certificate

                                                             or diploma program


      92598 ON1 Sabrina Ngo                     ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     20

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 PRLG 155   CORPORATE & COMMERCIAL LAW       3.0    $722.98  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Paralegal certificate

                                                             or diploma program.


      92599 ON1 Sabrina Ngo                     ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     20

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 PRLG 210   TORTS I                          3.0    $722.98  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Paralegal certificate

                                                             or diploma program.


      92890 AB1 Mary Reinhardt                  CCL    114           W    1800  2130  05-SEP-2017 06-DEC-2017     20


            HYBRID - Please see explanation above

            Class meets on campus alternating Wednesdays starting Sept 6 - Sept 6, 20, Oct 4, 18, Nov 1, 15, 29


 PRLG 230   LEGAL RESEARCH AND WRITING I     3.0    $722.98  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Paralegal certificate

                                                             or diploma program.


      92891 ON1 Sabrina Ngo                     ONLINE UFV                            23-OCT-2017 06-DEC-2017     20

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 Peace and Conflict Studies


 PACS 100   INTRO TO PEACE STUDIES           3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92509 AB1 Steven Schroeder                ABD    134            R   1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36




 PHIL 100   REASONING: INTRO CRIT THINKING   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None.


      92510 AB1 Rana Ahmad                      ABA    315         M      0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


      92511 AB2 Wayne Henry                     ABA    421         M      1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


      92512 AB3 Peter Raabe                     ABB    132         M      1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


      92513 AB4 Ethan Davis                     ABA    312          T     1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


      92514 AB5 Ethan Davis                     ABA    234          T     1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


      92515 AB6 Peter Raabe                     ABD    123           W    0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


      92516 AB7 Wayne Henry                     ABA    233           W    1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


      92517 AB8 Ethan Davis                     ABA    421            R   1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


      92518 AB9 Rana Ahmad                      ABA    416             F  1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28

      93294 ABA Alirio Rosales                  ABA    254            R   1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


      92519 CH1 Glen Baier                      CEPV   115           W    1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


      92520 CH2 Glen Baier                      CEPA   2211            F  1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


 PHIL 110   MORALITY AND POLITICS            3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92521 AB1 Anastasia Anderson              ABA    252            R   1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


      92522 AB2 Anastasia Anderson              ABD    139             F  1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


 PHIL 120   KNOWLEDGE AND REALITY            3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92523 AB1 Jeffrey Morgan                  ABD    215          T     1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


      92524 AB2 Jeffrey Morgan                  ABC    1425          W    0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


      92525 AB3 Peter Raabe                     ABA    402           W    1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


 PHIL 240   FAITH AND REASON:PHIL OF RELGN   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 15 credits of university-level course work


      92526 AB1 Jeffrey Morgan                  ABA    312            R   1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


 PHIL 252   HIST OF CONTINENTAL PHILOSOPHY   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 15 credits of university-level course work


      92527 AB1 Glen Baier                      ABA    312            R   1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


 PHIL 300   SYMBOLIC LOGIC IN CONTEXT        3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits


      92528 AB1 Wayne Henry                     ABA    252           W    1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


 PHIL 310   ETHICS AND PUBLIC POLICY         3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 45 credits in Applied or Arts or Science

                                                             programs, including nine credits in Philosophy or

                                                             Political Science; or permission of the instructor


      92529 AB1 Rana Ahmad                      ABA    305            R   1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


 PHIL 322   THE PHILOSOPHY OF MIND           3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits


      92530 AB1 Peter Raabe                     ABA    360         M      1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


 PHIL 364   PHILOSOPHY AND CHILDREN          3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 45 credits from Applied or Arts or

                                                             Science programs


      92531 AB1 Anastasia Anderson              ABA    252          T     1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


 PHIL 482G  HIST OF PHILOSOPHY - NIETZSCHE   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 45 credits from Arts, Sciences or

                                                             Applied programs, including one of PHIL 120, PHIL 220,

                                                             PHIL 250, PHIL 251 or PHIL 252


      92532 AB1 Glen Baier                      ABA    360          T     1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28




 PHYS 083   PREP UNIVERSITY PHYSICS I        4.0    $553.24  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: MATH 084, MATH 085,

                                                             Principles of Mathematics 11 or 12, Applications of

                                                             Mathematics 11 or 12, Foundations of Mathematics 11 or 12,

                                                             Pre-calculus 11 or 12, or Apprenticeship and Workplace Math 11 or 12.

                                                             Note: Students with other Mathematics 11 or 12 courses,

                                                             or who are currently enrolled in a Mathematics 11 course,

                                                             may contact the instructor to request permission to register.


      93014 AB1 Peter Rasquinha                 ABA    253          T R   1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     24


 PHYS 093   PREPARATORY UNIV. PHYSICS II     4.0    $553.24  Prerequisite(s): One of (Applications of Mathematics 11,

                                                             Principles of Mathematics 11, Pre-Calculus 11,

                                                             Foundations of Mathematics 11, MATH 084, or MATH 085) and

                                                             one of (Physics 11, PHYS 083, or PHYS 100).


      93015 AB1 TBA                             ABA    253          T R   1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     24


 PHYS 100   INTRODUCTORY PHYSICS I           4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): Any BC Mathematics 12, MATH 094, or COMP 138.

                                                             Co-requisite(s): MATH 095 is suggested.


      92535 AB1 Mohammad Mallakzadeh            ABA    351         M W    1430  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 Choose one of the following labs:

      92533 A#A Mohammad Mallakzadeh            ABA    351         M      1900  2150  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92534 A#B Mohammad Mallakzadeh            ABA    351           W    1900  2150  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18


 PHYS 101   GENERAL PHYSICS:MECH. & FLUIDS   5.0    $796.30  Prerequisite(s): One of (Principles of Mathematics 12,

                                                             MATH 094/095, or Pre-Calculus 12) and one of (Physics 11,

                                                             PHYS 083, or PHYS 100); or Physics 12; or PHYS 093.

                                                             Because of an overlap in course material, students taking

                                                             MATH 111 should take PHYS 111 instead.


      92549 AB1 Jeff Krahn                      ABA    351         M W F  1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:Aviation Dipl                     2

                                                                                MAJOR:BBA Aviation                     10

  Choose one of the following labs:

      92536 A#A Carmen Herman                   ABA    359          T     1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92537 A#B TBA Lab pending                 ABA    351          T     1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17        0

      92538 A#C John Buker                      ABA    359          T     1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

                                                                                      MAJOR: Engineering Studies       11

      92539 A#D TBA Lab pending                 ABA    351          T     1900  2150  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17        0

      92540 A#E John Buker                      ABA    359          T     1900  2150  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92541 A#F Norm Taylor                     ABA    359           W    1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92542 A#G Carmen Herman                   ABA    359            R   1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92543 A#H John Buker                      ABA    351            R   1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

                                                                                      MAJOR: Engineering Studies       11

      92544 A#I Norm Taylor                     ABA    359            R   1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

                                                                                      MAJOR: Engineering Studies       11

      92545 A#J Mohammad Mallakzadeh            ABA    351            R   1900  2150  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18
            MUST have minimum enrollment of 9 to run

      92546 A#K Norm Taylor                     ABA    359            R   1900  2150  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92547 A#L John Buker                      ABA    351          T     1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92548 A#M TBA                             ABA    351            R   1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18


 PHYS 111   MECHANICS                        5.0    $796.30  Prerequisite(s): One of (Principles of Mathematics 12,

                                                             Pre-calculus 12, MATH 095, or MATH 110) and one of

                                                             (Physics 11, PHYS 083, or PHYS 100); or Physics 12; or PHYS 093.

                                                             Note: Students with B.C. Calculus 12, IB Math 12, or AP

                                                             Calculus 12 A or B should contact the instructor or

                                                             department head for permission to register.


                                                             Pre- or co-requisite(s): MATH 111 highly recommended.

                                                             Note: Math 111 with a C or better and MATH 112 are

                                                             required pre or co-requisites for PHYS 112.


      92563 AB1 Lin Long                        ABA    351         M W F  0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92564 AB2 Tim Cooper                      ABB    101         M W F  1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     76            
1430  1720, Room A351                        MAJOR:Engineering Studies        22


      92565 AB3 TBA                             ABA    351         M W F  1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      0

            Section pending - waitlist only


      92566 AB4 Jeff Krahn                      ABA    351         M W F  1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 Choose one of the following labs:

      92550 A#A Carmen Herman                   ABA    359          T     1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92551 A#B TBA Lab pending                 ABA    351          T     1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17        0

      92552 A#C John Buker                      ABA    359          T     1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

                                                                                      MAJOR: Engineering Studies       11

      92553 A#D TBA Lab pending                 ABA    351          T     1900  2150  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17        0

      92554 A#E John Buker                      ABA    359          T     1900  2150  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92555 A#F Norm Taylor                     ABA    359           W    1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92556 A#G Carmen Herman                   ABA    359            R   1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

                                                                                      MAJOR: Engineering Studies       11

      92557 A#H John Buker                      ABA    351            R   1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92558 A#I Norm Taylor                     ABA    359            R   1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92559 A#J Mohammad Mallakzadeh            ABA    351            R   1900  2150  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18
            MUST have minimum enrollment of 9 to run

      92560 A#K Norm Taylor                     ABA    359            R   1900  2150  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92561 A#L John Buker                      ABA    351          T     1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92562 A#M TBA                             ABA    351            R   1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18


      92569 CH1 Derek Harnett                   CEPA   1103        M W F  1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     18

                                                                                MAJOR:Engineering Studies               4

  Choose one of the following labs:

      92567 C#A Norm Taylor                     CEPA   1103         T     1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

                                                                                      MAJOR: Engineering Studies        4

      92568 C#B TBA   Lab pending               CEPA   1103         T     1900  2150  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17        0


 PHYS 221   INTERMEDIATE MECHANICS           4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): (PHYS 111 and PHYS 112) or (PHYS 101 and

                                                             PHYS 105 with a B+ or higher in each)

                                                             Pre- or co-requisite(s): MATH 211


      92572 AB1 Tim Cooper                      ABA    359         M W F  0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:Engineering Phys Mechatronics    18

  Choose one of the following labs:

      92570 A#A Carmen Herman   Lab pending     ABA    359         M      1000  1250  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       24

      92571 A#B Carmen Herman                   ABA    359         M      1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       24


 PHYS 231   THERMODYNAMICS                   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): PHYS 112    Pre- or co-requisite(s): MATH 211


      92573 AB1 Robin Kleiv                     ABA    359         M   F  1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24
ABA    359           W    1130  1250 

                                                                                MAJOR:Engineering Phys Mechatronics    18


 PHYS 275   SURVEY OF MEDICAL PHYSICS        1.0    $159.26  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: BIO 111, PHYS 105, or PHYS 112.


      92574 IS1 Iulian Badragan                                                       05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      6

            Students also interested in taking PHYS 375 (4 cr.) should contact the Dept. Head.


 PHYS 311   STATISTICAL PHYSICS              3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): PHYS 231) and (one of PHYS 221 or PHYS 381).


      92575 AB1 Robin Kleiv                     ABA    351         M   R  1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24 
                                                ABA    310           T    1130  1250 


 PHYS 312   INTERMEDIATE ELECTROMAGNETISM    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): PHYS 112 and PHYS 381

                                                             Pre- or co-requisite(s): MATH 312 recommended


      92576 AB1 Derek Harnett                   ABA    305             1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24
ABA    352            R   1000  1120 

                                                ABA    235           W    1430  1550


 PHYS 325   FLUID MECHANICS                  3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): PHYS 221.   Pre- or co-requisite(s): PHYS 381.


      92577 AB1 Jeff Chizma                     ABA    353         MT R   0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24 


 PHYS 351   QUANTUM MECHANICS                3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): PHYS 225.   Pre- or co-requisite(s): PHYS 381.


      92578 AB1 Derek Harnett                   ABA    353          T R   1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                                                ABA    353         M      1430  1550


 PHYS 375   RADIOBIOLOGY                     4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): PHYS 275, (one of the following: STAT 104,

                                                             STAT 106, MATH 270/STAT 270, or PHYS 232), and

                                                             instructor's permission. Note: Both PHYS 225 and BIO 202

                                                             are recommended prerequisite courses.


      92579 IS1 Iulian Badragan                                                       05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      6

            Pending budget approval.


 Political Science


 POSC 100   INTRODUCTION TO POLITICS         3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92580 AB1 Fiona MacDonald                 ABD    219            R   1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92581 AB2 Fiona MacDonald                 ABA    301            R   1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 POSC 110   INTRO TO CANADIAN POLITICS       3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92582 AB1 Hamish Telford                  ABC    1420        M      1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92583 AB2 Hamish Telford                  ABC    1427        M      1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92584 AB3 Hamish Telford                  ABC    1427          W    1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 POSC 120   IDEOLOGY AND POLITICS            3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92585 AB1 Ron Dart                        ABA    254          T     1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92586 AB2 Ron Dart                        ABA    315           W    0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 POSC 230   COMPARATIVE POLITICS             3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92587 AB1 Allan Craigie                   ABB    140            R   1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     35


 POSC 260   INT'L REL & GLOBAL POLITICS      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92588 AB1 Edward Akuffo                   ABA    266          T     1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 POSC 300   RESEARCH MTHD & APPRCH IN POSC   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 60 university-level credits, including

                                                             nine credits in lower-level Political Science


      92589 AB1 Katherine Watson                ONLINE UFV                              05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28

                                                ABA    310           W    1430  1720    06-SEP-2017 06-SEP-2017     

                                                ABA    310           W    1430  1720    04-OCT-2017 04-OCT-2017

                                                ABA    310           W    1430  1720    01-NOV-2017 01-NOV-2017

                                                ABA    310           W    1430  1720    29-NOV-2017 29-NOV-2017

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 POSC 311   PKO:EARLY WEST POLITIC THOUGHT   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of POSC 120, POSC 270, PHIL 110,

                                                             PHIL 210, or 45 university-level credits.


      92590 AB1 Scott Fast                      ABA    254            R   0830  1210  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


 POSC 320   CANADIAN POLITICAL THOUGHT       3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: POSC 100, POSC 110,

                                                             POSC 120, or 45 university-level credits.


      92591 AB1 Ron Dart                        ABD    104         M      1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


 POSC 331   WESTERN PEACE TRADITIONS         3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits


      92592 AB1 Ron Dart                        ABD    215         M      1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


 POSC 332   POLITICS OF MULTICULTURALISM     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits


      92593 AB1 Fiona MacDonald                 ABD    119          T     1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


 POSC 360   THE UN & INT'L ORGANIZATIONS     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): POSC 260 (formerly POSC 190) or 45

                                                             university-level credits


      92594 AB1 Edward Akuffo                   ABC    1426         T     1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


 POSC 368   CANADIAN FOREIGN POLICY          3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): POSC 260 (formerly POSC 190) or 45

                                                             university-level credits.


      92595 AB1 Edward Akuffo                   ABC    1424           R   1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28


 POSC 410   SEMINAR IN CANADIAN POLITICS     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): POSC 110 and 6 credits of 300-level POSC


      92596 AB1 Hamish Telford                  ABA    235           W    0830  1120  06-SEP-2017 06-SEP-2017     18
                                                ABA    203B         
W    0830  1120  13-SEP-2017




 PORT 398   PORTFOLIO I                      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits.


      93153 AB1 Claire Hay                                                              05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABC    1015            F  1300  1700    08-SEP-2017 08-SEP-2017     

                                                ABC    1015            F  1300  1700    22-SEP-2017 22-SEP-2017

                                                ABC    1015            F  1300  1700    13-OCT-2017 13-OCT-2017

                                                ABC    1015            F  1300  1700    27-OCT-2017 27-OCT-2017

                                                ABC    1015            F  1300  1700    17-NOV-2017 17-NOV-2017

                                                ABC    1015            F  1300  1700    01-DEC-2017 01-DEC-2017 

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above - Class meets on campus Sept 8, 22, Oct 13, 27, Nov 17 & Dec 1.




 PSYC 101   INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY I     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Same as for ENGL 105; see ENGL 105 for details.


      92600 AB1 Dianne Crisp                    ABD    215         M      0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92601 AB2 Dianne Crisp                    ABA    253         M      1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92602 AB3 Alicia Spidel                   ABD    219         M      1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92603 AB4 Alicia Spidel                   ABD    219          T     1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36           


      92604 AB5 Diljot Kaur                     ABD    121          T     1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92605 AB6 Candace Taylor                  ABA    254          T     1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92606 AB7 Rhonda Snow                     ABB    132            R   1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


      92607 AB8 TBA                             ABD    215           W    1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92608 AB9 Candace Taylor                  ABD    119            R   1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92609 ABA Candace Taylor                  ABD    213            R   1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92610 ABB Zoe Dennison                    ABD    121             F  1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above

            This section uses a FREE online text. Students should NOT buy the textbook available in the bookstore.

      93244 ABC Alard Malek                     ABA    269           W    1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92611 CH1 Zoe Dennison                    CEPA   2201          W    1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            This section uses a FREE online text. Students should NOT buy the textbook available in the bookstore.


      92612 ON1 Rhonda Snow                     ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

            Requires final exam written at UFV (may be proctored for distance students)


 PSYC 102   INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY II    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Same as for ENGL 105; see ENGL 105 for details.


      92613 AB1 Aman Bassi                      ABD    121         M      0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92614 AB2 Alicia Spidel                   ABD    121         M      1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92615 AB3 Alicia Spidel                   ABD    104          T     1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92616 AB4 Bryan Nadeau                    ABD    136          T     1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92617 AB5 Bryan Nadeau                    ABD    121           W    1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92618 AB6 Richard Legrand                 ABD    121            R   1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92619 ON1 Zoe Dennison                    ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above

            This section uses an online FREE textbook. Students should NOT buy the text available in the bookstore.

            Requires final exam written at UFV (may be proctored for distance students)


 PSYC 110   APPLIED STAT. ANALYSIS IN PSYC   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: Essentials of

                                                             Mathematics 11, Principles of Mathematics 11,

                                                             Applications of Mathematics 11, Pre-Calculus 11,

                                                             Foundations of Mathematics 11, Apprenticeship and

                                                             Workplace Mathematics 11, MATH 084 with D grade or

                                                             better, MATH 085 with D grade or better, or MSAT with

                                                             15/25 (60%) or better on Part A.


      92620 AB1 Wayne Podrouzek                 ABD    121          T     1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


      92621 AB2 Dada Adebayo                    ABD    215           W    0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92622 AB3 Dada Adebayo                    ABD    217           W    1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92623 AB4 Wayne Podrouzek                 ABD    121            R   1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 PSYC 202   RESEARCH METHODS IN PSYCHOLOGY   4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): PSYC 101 and PSYC 102

                                                             Pre- or co-requisite(s): One of the following: PSYC 110,

                                                             STAT 104 (formerly MATH 104), or STAT 106 (formerly MATH 106).


      92626 AB1 Wayne Podrouzek                 ABD    121          T     1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above


 Choose one of the following labs:

      92624 A#A Melissa Hoeppner                ABD    228            R   1430  1720  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18

      92625 A#B Melissa Hoeppner                ABD    228            R   1730  2020  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       18


 PSYC 221   INTRO TO COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): PSYC 101 and PSYC 102


      92627 AB1 Andrea Hughes                   ABC    1426        M      1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:Psychology                       20

                                                                                MINOR:Psychology Extended               5


      92628 AB2 Andrea Hughes                   ABD    213          T     1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:Psychology                       20

                                                                                MINOR:Psychology Extended               5


 PSYC 241   PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS          3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): PSYC 101 and PSYC 102


      92629 AB1 Tiffany Shepherd                ABA    315          T     1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:Psychology                       20

                                                                                MINOR:Psychology Extended               5


      92630 AB2 Tiffany Shepherd                ABD    217           W    1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:Psychology                       20

                                                                                MINOR:Psychology Extended               5


 PSYC 250   INTRO TO DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCH     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): PSYC 101 and PSYC 102


      92631 AB1 Lesley Jessiman                 ABA    266            R   1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Psychology                       20

                                                                                MINOR:Psychology Extended               5


      92632 ON1 Lesley Jessiman                 ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Psychology                       20

            Requires final exam written at UFV (may be proctored for            MINOR:Psychology Extended               5

            distance students)


 PSYC 280   INTRO TO BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): PSYC 101 and PSYC 102


      92633 AB1 Zoe Dennison                                                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017   36

                                                ABD    121             F  1300  1550    05-SEP-2017 15-SEP-2017     

                                                ABD    121             F  1300  1500    22-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017

                                                ABD    124             F  1500  1550    22-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Psychology                       20

                                                                                MINOR:Psychology Extended               5


 PSYC 302   PSYCHOLOGY OF LEARNING           3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): PSYC 202.


      92634 AB1 Dada Adebayo                    ABA    310         M      1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                MAJOR:Psychology                       20

                                                                                MINOR:Psychology Extended               5


 PSYC 303   PERCEPTION                       3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): (PSYC 202 [formerly PSYC 210]) and (PSYC 221

                                                             or PSYC 280)


      92635 AB1 Richard Legrand                  ABD    121            R   1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Psychology                       20

                                                                                MINOR:Psychology Extended               5


 PSYC 325   MEMORY                           3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): PSYC 202 (formerly PSYC 210) and PSYC 221.


      92636 AB1 Andrea Hughes                   ABD    121           W    1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                MAJOR:Psychology                       25


 PSYC 326   PSYCHOLOGY OF CONSCIOUSNESS      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): PSYC 221


      92637 ON1 Wayne Podrouzek                 ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Psychology                       20

            Requires final exam be written on campus (may be proctored          MINOR:Psychology Extended               5

            for distance students)

       93282 ON2 Wayne Podrouzek                 ONLINE UFV                           05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Psychology                       20

            Requires final exam be written on campus (may be proctored          MINOR:Psychology Extended               5

            for distance students)


 PSYC 343   PSYCHOLOGY OF HEALTH             3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): (PSYC 101) and (PSYC 102) and (one of

                                                             the following: PSYC 202 [formerly PSYC 210], CRIM 220,

                                                             KPE 301, KPE 400, or SOC 255/ANTH 255/MACS 255 [formerly SCMS 255]).


      92638 AB1 Tiffany Shepherd                ABD    225           W    1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                MAJOR:Psychology                       20

                                                                                MINOR:Psychology Extended               5


 PSYC 351   CHILD PSYCHOLOGY                 3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): PSYC 250, and one of PSYC 202, CRIM 220,

                                                             KPE 301, KPE 400, SOC 255/ANTH 255/MACS 255 (formerly

                                                             SCMS 255); or PSYC 210 and PSYC 220


      92639 AB1 Rhonda Snow                     ABA    235            R   1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Psychology                       20

                                                                                MINOR:Psychology Extended               5


 PSYC 355   ADOLESCENT PSYCHOLOGY            3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): PSYC 250, and one of PSYC 202, CRIM 220,

                                                             KPE 301, KPE 400, SOC 255/ANTH 255/MACS 255 (formerly

                                                             SCMS 255); or PSYC 210 and PSYC 220


      92640 AB1 Lesley Jessiman                 ABD    121           W    1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Psychology                       20

                                                                                MINOR:Psychology Extended               5


 PSYC 357   ADULTHOOD AND AGING              3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): (PSYC 250) and (one of the following:

                                                             PSYC 202 [formerly PSYC 210], CRIM 220, KPE 301, KPE 400,

                                                             or SOC 255/ANTH 255/MACS 255 [formerly SCMS 255]).


      92641 ON1 Lesley Jessiman                 ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Psychology                       20

            Requires final exam written at UFV (may be proctored for            MINOR:Psychology Extended               5

            distance students.


 PSYC 360   SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY                3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits including

                                                             PSYC 101 and PSYC 102.


      92642 AB1 Joseph Comeau                   ABA    235         M      1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                MAJOR:Psychology                       20

                                                                                MINOR:Psychology Extended               5


      92643 ON1 Rhonda Snow                     ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Psychology                       20

            Requires final exam written at UFV (may be proctored for            MINOR:Psychology Extended               5

            distance students)

      93283 ON2 Rhonda Snow                     ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Psychology                       20

            Requires final exam written at UFV (may be proctored for            MINOR:Psychology Extended               5

            distance students)


 PSYC 364   ENVIRONMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY         3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 30 university-level credits including

                                                             PSYC 101 and 102.


      92644 AB1 Sven Van de Wetering            ABD    119          T     0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                MAJOR:Psychology                       20

                                                                                MINOR:Psychology Extended               5

      93287 AB1 Sven Van de Wetering            ABA     360            F   1130 1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                MAJOR:Psychology                       20

                                                                                MINOR:Psychology Extended               5


 PSYC 367   PSYCHOLOGY OF LANGUAGE           3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): (PSYC 101) and (PSYC 102) and (one of the

                                                             following: PSYC 202 [formerly PSYC 210], CRIM 220, KPE 301,

                                                             KPE 400, or SOC 255/ANTH 255/MACS 255 [formerly SCMS 255]).

      92645 ON1 Zoe Dennison                    ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            ONLINE - please see explanation above.                              MAJOR:Psychology                       20

            Requires final exam written at UFV (may be proctored for            MINOR:Psychology Extended               5

            distance students)


 PSYC 368   POLITICAL PSYCHOLOGY             3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits including

                                                             two of the following: PSYC 101, PSYC 102, POSC 100, POSC 110,

                                                             POSC 120, or POSC 230.


      92646 AB1 Sven Van de Wetering            ABA    421          T     1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                MAJOR:Psychology                       20

                                                                                MINOR:Psychology Extended               5


 PSYC 370   INTRO TO PERSONALITY THEORY      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): (PSYC 101) and (PSYC 102) and (one of

                                                             the following: PSYC 202 [formerly PSYC 210], CRIM 220,

                                                             KPE 301, KPE 400, or SOC 255/ANTH 255/MACS 255 [formerly SCMS 255])


      92647 AB1 Candace Taylor                  ABD    213          T     1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                MAJOR:Psychology                       20

                                                                                MINOR:Psychology Extended               5


 PSYC 375   FUNDAMENTALS OF CLINICAL PSYCH   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): (PSYC 241) and (one of the following:

                                                             PSYC 202 [formerly PSYC 210], CRIM 220, KPE 301, KPE 400,

                                                             or SOC 255/ANTH 255/MACS 255 [formerly SCMS 255]).


      92648 AB1 Alard Malek                     ABD    104             F  1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                MAJOR:Psychology                       20

                                                                                MINOR:Psychology Extended               5


  PSYC 383   DRUGS AND BEHAVIOUR              3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): (PSYC 280) and (one of the following:

                                                             PSYC 202 [formerly PSYC 210], CRIM 220, KPE 301, KPE 400,

                                                             or SOC 255/ANTH 255/MACS 255 [formerly SCMS 255]).


      93238 AB1 Bryan Nadeau                    ABA    264            R   0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                MAJOR:Psychology                       20

                                                                                MINOR:Psychology Extended               5


 PSYC 408   HISTORY OF PSYCHOLOGY            3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): PSYC 202 (formerly PSYC 210) and 15

                                                             credits of upper-level psychology


      92649 AB1 Tiffany Shepherd                ABD    121            R   0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Psychology                       20

                                                                                MINOR:Psychology Extended               5


 PSYC 460   SOCIAL COGNITION                 3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): (PSYC 202) and (one of PSYC 325 or PSYC 360)


      92650 AB1 Andrea Hughes                   ABD    121         M      1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25
                Sven Van de Wetering


 PSYC 490   HONOURS SEMINAR                  3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Psychology Honours

                                                             program, and permission of a supervising instructor for

                                                             PSYC 498   Co-requisite(s): PSYC 498


      92651 IS1 Wayne Podrouzek                 ABD    124          T     1900  2000  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     10
ABD    228          T     2000  2150 


 PSYC 491T  PSYCHOLOGY & CRITICAL THINKING   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 45 university level credits, including

                                                             PSYC 101 and 102, and instructor’s permission.


      92652 AB1 Sven Van de Wetering            ABD    121         M      1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25


 PSYC 493A  DIRECTED STUDIES                 3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Department's permission


      92653 IS1 Sven Van de Wetering                                                  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      6


 PSYC 493B  DIRECTED STUDIES                 3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Department's permission, major in Psychology


      92654 IS1 Sven Van de Wetering                                                  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      6


 PSYC 495   DIRECTED STUDIES                 5.0    $796.30  Prerequisite(s): Psychology major, 90 credits, permission

                                                             of instructor and department


      92655 IS1 TBA                                                                   05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      6


 PSYC 498   HONOURS INDEPENDENT STUDY        3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Psychology Honours

                                                             program, and permission of the supervising instructor

                                                             Co-requisite(s): PSYC 490


      92656 IS1 Lesley Jessiman                                                       05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     10

                                                                                      MAJOR:Psychology                  10


      92657 IS2 Sven Van de Wetering                                                  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      6

      93232 IS3 Robin White                                                           05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      6

      93243 IS4 Wayne Podrouzek                                                       05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      6




 PUNJ 101   INTRO TO PUNJABI I               3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92658 AB1 Prabhsharanbir Singh            ABA    402          T R   1430  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26


 PUNJ 102   INTRO TO PUNJABI II              3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): PUNJ 101 or instructor's permission


      92659 IS1 Prabhsharanbir Singh            ABD    238          T R   1600  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     15

      93286 AB1 Prabhsharanbir Singh            ABD    238          T R   1600  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26


 PUNJ 210   INTERMEDIATE PUNJABI I           3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Familiarity with spoken modern Punjabi

                                                             language is essential for success in this course.

93246 AB1 Prabhsharanbir Singh            ABD    124          T R   1730  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     15


      92660 IS1 Prabhsharanbir Singh            ABD    124          T R   1730  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     15




 RUSS 101   RUSSIAN LANGUAGE I               3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92662 AB1 Alan Cameron                    ABA    234          T R   1900  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26


 RUSS 391   TOLSTOY & DOSTOYEVSKY IN ENGL    4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: RUSS 251, RUSS 252,

                                                             or any 200-level English course.


      92663 AB1 Alan Cameron                    ABC    1420        M W    1600  1750  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26

            This course is cross listed with ENGL 391. Students cannot obtain credit for both ENGL 391 and RUSS 391.


 Social Work


 SOWK 110   INTRO TO SOCIAL WK & HUMAN SER   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92693 AB1 Lisa Moy                                                                05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      30
                                                ABC    1422           R   1430  1720    07-SEP-2017 05-OCT-2017     

                                                ONLINE UFV                              12-OCT-2017 12-OCT-2017
                                                ABC    1422           R   1430  1720    19-OCT-2017 02-NOV-2017

                                                ONLINE UFV                              09-NOV-2017 09-NOV-2017
                                                ABC    1422           R   1430  1720    16-NOV-2017 30-NOV-2017

                                                                                        05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017

            NOTE: Oct 12 & Nov. 9 classes will be taught online.                MAJOR:Community Support Worker Cert    10

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services Dipl             15

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services First Nations     5


      92694 AB2 Lisa Moy                                                                05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      30
                                                ABC    1421         T     0830  1120    05-SEP-2017 03-OCT-2017     

                                                ONLINE UFV                              10-OCT-2017 10-OCT-2017
                                                ABC    1421         T     0830  1120    17-OCT-2017 31-OCT-2017

                                                ONLINE UFV                              07-NOV-2017 07-NOV-2017
                                                ABC    1421         T     0830  1120    14-NOV-2017 28-NOV-2017                                       

            Note: Oct 10 & Nov. 7 classes will be taught online.                MAJOR:Community Support Worker Cert    10

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services Dipl             15

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services First Nations     5


      92695 CH1 Jeff Wood                       CEPA   0022        M      0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30

                                                                                MAJOR:Community Support Worker Cert    10

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services Dipl             15

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services First Nations     5


      92696 ON1 Robert Harding                  ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above                               MAJOR:Community Support Worker Cert    10

            This section will have a classroom-based mid-term                   MAJOR:Social Services Dipl             15

            and final exam. Students that reside outside of the                 MAJOR:Social Services First Nations     5

            normal catchment area of the university are required

            to make arrangements to have the final exam invigilated locally (some restrictions apply - contact

            instructor). The mid-term exam will be Wed Oct 18 at 18:00 - 20:00 on the Abbotsford campus.  Room A235

            Final examination dates are announced later in the semester.


 SOWK 210   INTRO TO SOCIAL WELFARE          3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): SOWK 110


      92697 AB1 Patrick Storey                  ABC    1424         T     1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services Dipl             25

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services First Nations     5


      92698 CH1 Anita Vaillancourt              CEPA   1360         T     1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services Dipl             25

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services First Nations     5


 SOWK 225   HUMAN BEHAVIOUR & SOC ENVIRON.   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): PSYC 101 recommended.

                                                             Pre- or co-requisite(s): SOWK 110


      92699 AB1 John Hogg                       ABA    362           W    1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30

                                                                                MAJOR:Community Support Worker Cert    10

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services Dipl             15

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services First Nations     5


      92700 CH1 John Hogg                       CEPA   1314         T     1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30

                                                                                MAJOR:Community Support Worker Cert    10

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services Dipl             15

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services First Nations     5


 SOWK 283   FAMILY DYNAMICS                  3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): HSER 120


      92701 AB1 Glen Paddock                    ABB    140           W    1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services Dipl             25

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services First Nations     5


      92702 CH1 John Hogg                       CEPA   2213           R   1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services Dipl             25

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Services First Nations     5


 SOWK 300   SOC WK PRACTICE W/INDIVIDUALS    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission into the BSW program


      92703 AB1 Cecelia Mannella                ABC    1423         T     0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     18


      92704 AB2 Alison Hansen                   ABC    1424          W    1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     18


      92705 AB3 Darrell Fox                     ABA    354            R   1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     18


 SOWK 301   SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE W/GROUPS    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission into the Bachelor of Social

                                                             Work program, or 45 credits in Human Services or Arts programs.


      92706 AB1 Glen Paddock                    ABA    261           W    1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     18

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Work                      18


 SOWK 311   SOCIAL WORK THEORY & ETHICS      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission into the BSW program and SOWK 210,

                                                             or permission of the School.


      92707 AB1 Darrell Fox                     ABC    1424        M      1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30


      92708 AB2 Darrell Fox                     ABC    1422        M      1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30


 SOWK 320   ANTI-RACIST & CROSS CULT SOC     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission into the BSW program or

                                                             permission of the School of Social Work and Human

                                                             Services.   Pre- or co-requisite(s): SOWK 311


      92709 AB1 Lisa Moy                                                                05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017   30
                                                ABC    1424           R   1730  2020    07-SEP-2017 05-OCT-2017      30

                                                ONLINE UFV                              12-OCT-2017 12-OCT-2017
                                                ABC    1424           R   1730  2020    19-OCT-2017 02-NOV-2017

                                                ONLINE UFV                              09-NOV-2017 09-NOV-2017
                                                ABC    1424           R   1730  2020    16-NOV-2017 30-NOV-2017   

            Note: Oct. 12 & Nov. 9 classes will be taught online.


      92710 AB2 Lisa Moy                                                                05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30

                                                ABC    1424         T     1300  1550    05-SEP-2017 03-OCT-2017     

                                                ONLINE UFV                              10-OCT-2017 10-OCT-2017
                                                ABC    1424         T     1300  1550    17-OCT-2017 31-OCT-2017

                                                ONLINE UFV                              07-NOV-2017 07-NOV-2017
                                                ABC    1424         T     1300  1550    14-NOV-2017 28-NOV-2017

            Note: Oct 10 & Nov. 7 classes will be taught online.


 SOWK 392   ABORIGINAL SOCIAL WORK           3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): SOWK 311 and admission to the BSW

                                                             program. Students in other degree programs, with a

                                                             minimum of 45 credits, may be able to obtain instructor’s

                                                             permission at the first class. However, they should check

                                                             with their program head to see whether they can apply

                                                             this course to their degree.


      92711 AB1 Anita Vaillancourt              ABD    219          T     1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Work                      30


      92712 AB2 Anita Vaillancourt              ABA    421           W    1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Work                      30


 SOWK 394   SUBSTANCE MISUSE ISSUES          3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits, including

                                                             PSYC 101 with a GPA of 2.5 or greater; or instructor’s permission


      92713 AB1 Leah Douglas                    ABC    1420        M      1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Work                      20


 SOWK 404   RESEARCH METHODS & EVALUATION    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): SOWK 330, and one of STAT 104 (formerly

                                                             MATH 104), STAT 106 (formerly MATH 106), or PSYC 110.


      92714 AB1 Natasha Files                   ABA    269         M      1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     18


 SOWK 410   SOCIAL POLICY ANALYSIS           3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission into the BSW program and SOWK 330

                                                             and SOWK 392, or permission of the

                                                             School of Social Work and Human Services.


      92715 AB1 Robert Harding                  ABC    1425         T     1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30


      92716 AB2 Robert Harding                  ABC    1422           R   1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30


 SOWK 412   LEGAL SKILLS FOR SOC WORK PRAC   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): CYC 310A & B, or SOWK 330; and CYC 350

                                                             or SOWK 312. Students must be enrolled in either the

                                                             Bachelor of Social Work or Bachelor of Arts (Child and Youth Care).

                                                             Note: Priority enrolment is reserved for Bachelor of

                                                             Social Work students in the Child Welfare specialization;

                                                             other Social Work students may register with department

                                                             permission, based on seat availability.


      92717 AB1 Karen Hedman                    ABA    305          T     1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                                                MAJOR:BA (Child & Youth Care)           6


 SOWK 483   FAMILY CENTRED SOCIAL WORK       3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): SOWK 283 or SOC 331, and SOWK 300, or

                                                             instructor's permission.


      92718 AB1 Glen Paddock                    ABA    212          T     1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30

                                                                                MAJOR:Social Work                      30 


      93300 AB2 Nicole Giesbrecht               ABB    140           W    1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30

            MUST have a minimum enrollment of 18 by August 22 to run.                


 SOWK 491   CHILD WELFARE                    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission into the Bachelor of Social

                                                             Work program and SOWK 330.


      92719 AB1 Anita Vaillancourt              ABC    1424           R   1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24


 SOWK 497   SOCIAL WORK AND MENTAL HEALTH    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Admission into the Bachelor of Social

                                                             Work program, PSYC 101, and either PSYC 250 or SOWK 225.

                                                             (Students in other degree programs, with a minimum of 45

                                                             credits, may be able to obtain instructor's permission at

                                                             the first class. However, they should check with their

                                                             program head to see whether they can apply this course to their degree).


      92720 AB1 Leah Douglas                    ABC    1422          W    1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     30        


 SOWK 730A  PRACT & ADV DIR PRACT SEM PT I   4.5   $2645.10  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSW program and (SOWK 700,704,710,

                                                             711, and 720) and (one of the following: SOWK 750, 783, or 797).


      92721 PR1 Leah Douglas                                                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017    8

                                                ONLINE UFV                              05-SEP-2017 08-SEP-2017
                                                ABB    140              S 1000  1420    09-SEP-2017 09-SEP-2017      

                                                ONLINE UFV                              10-SEP-2017 13-OCT-2017
                                                ABB    140              S 1000  1250    14-OCT-2017 14-OCT-2017

                                                ONLINE UFV                              15-OCT-2017 17-NOV-2017
                                                ABB    140              S 1000  1250    18-NOV-2017 18-NOV-2017

            Online - Please see explanation above

            Mostly online with 3 mandatory class times-Sep 9, Oct 14 & Nov 18 - In-class times combined with 730 PR2


      92722 PR2 Glen Paddock                                                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017    8

                                                ABB    140              S 1000  1420    09-SEP-2017 09-SEP-2017      

                                                ONLINE UFV                              10-SEP-2017 13-OCT-2017
                                                ABB    140              S 1000  1250    14-OCT-2017 14-OCT-2017

                                                ONLINE UFV                              15-OCT-2017 17-NOV-2017
                                                ABB    140              S 1000  1250    18-NOV-2017 18-NOV-2017

                                                ONLINE UFV                              19-NOV-2017 04-DEC-2017

            Online - Please see explanation above

            Mostly online with 3 mandatory class times-Sep 9, Oct 14 & Nov 18. In-class times combined with SOWK 730 PR1.


  SOWK 799A  MAJOR PAPER/PROJECT              1.5    $881.70  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the MSW program and (SOWK

                                                             700, 704, 710, 711, and 720) and (one of the following:

                                                             SOWK 750, 783, or 797).


      93248 ON1 Anita Vaillancourt              ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      1


      93249 ON2 Curtis Magnuson                 ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      1


      93250 ON3 Elizabeth Dow                   ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      2


      93251 ON4 Glen Paddock                    ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      2


      93252 ON5 Leah Douglas                    ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      3


      93253 ON6 Lisa Moy                        ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      2


      93254 ON7 Lucki Kang                      ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      1


      93255 ON8 Melanie Scott                   ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      1


      93256 ON9 Robert Harding                  ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      2

      93421 ONA Darrell Fox                     ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      1




 SOC  101   INTRODUCTORY SOCIOLOGY           3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92664 AB1 Anita Vanwyk                    ABD    136         M      1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92665 AB2 Alicia Horton                   ABD    134         M      1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92666 AB3 Stephen Piper                   ABD    136          T     1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92667 AB4 Luanne Yellowfly                ABD    139          T     1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92668 AB5 Anita Vanwyk                    ABD    119           W    1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92669 AB6 Leah Bishop                     ABD    134            R   0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92670 AB7 Stephen Piper                   ABD    219            R   1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92671 AB8 Alicia Horton                   ABD    134             F  1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92672 AB9 Anita Vanwyk                    ABD    134           W    1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

      93227 ABA Darren Blakeborough             ABC    1427         T     1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

      93228 ABB Martha Dow                      ABD    134            R   1900  2150  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      92673 CH1 Luanne Yellowfly                CEPA   2215          W    1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36     


      92675 ON1 Anita Vanwyk                    ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 SOC  201   KEY IDEAS IN SOCIOLOGY           3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): SOC 101



      92676 AB1 Alicia Horton                   ABD    217            R   1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


      93126 ON1 Satwinder Bains                 ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 SOC  245   DEVIANT BEHAVIOUR                3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): SOC 101. CRIM 104 recommended


      92677 AB1 Martha Dow                      ABD    136           W    1430  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 SOC  250   SOC OF DEVELOP: GLOBAL SOUTH     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None. Recommended: SOC 101, GDS 100, or

                                                             any lower-level LAS course.


      92678 AB1 Stephen Piper                   ABD    136           W    1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     18

            This course is offered as SOC 250 and GDS 250.  Students may only take one of these for credit.


 SOC  255   INTRODUCT. TO SOCIAL RESEARCH    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of ANTH 102, SOC 101, or MACS 110


      92679 AB1 Gabriela Pechlaner              ABD    215            R   1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     23

            This course is offered as MACS 255, ANTH 255 and SOC 255.           MAJOR:Sociology                         6

            Students may only take one of these for credit.                     MINOR:Sociology Extended                1


 SOC  299O  SOCIOLOGY OF LAW                 3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): SOC 101


      92680 AB1 Alicia Horton                   ABD    134          T     1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 SOC  299P  ALCOHOL AND CULTURE              3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): SOC 101


      92681 AB1 Alicia Horton                   ABD    134           W    0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 SOC  331   SOCIOLOGY OF FAMILIES            4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): 45 credits, to include at least six

                                                             credits sociology


      92683 ON1 Elizabeth Dennis                ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


      92684 ON2 Elizabeth Dennis                ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

            ONLINE - Please see explanation above


 SOC  333   SCHOOLING AND SOCIETY            4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): 45 credits to include at least six

                                                             credits of  Sociology.


      92685 AB1 Katherine Watson                ABD    119           W    1000  1340  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25


 SOC  337   TASTE AND CULTURE                4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): 45 credits, to include at least six

                                                             credits of sociology and/or MACS.


      92686 AB1 Darren Blakeborough             ABD    136            R   1300  1640  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     10

            This course is offered as MACS 337 and SOC 337.  Students may only take one of these for credit.


 SOC  352   PUBLIC POLICY ANALYSIS           4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits, to include

                                                             at least six credits of Sociology and/or Political Science.


      93221 AB1 Martha Dow                      ABD    139           W    0910  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25


 SOC  353   PROGRAM EVALUATION               4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): 45 university-level credits, to include

                                                             SOC 255 and an additional three credits of Sociology


      92687 AB1 Martha Dow                      ABD    139           W    0910  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25


 SOC  355   QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH METHODS    4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): (One of STAT 104, STAT 106, or PSYC 110)

                                                             and (ANTH 255/MACS 255/SOC 255).


      92688 AB1 Katherine Watson                ABD    221             F  0910  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     15

            This course is offered as MACS 355, ANTH 355 and SOC 355.           MAJOR:Sociology                         9

            Students may only take one of these for credit.


 SOC  360   FOOD, IDENT & PWER IN GLOB SOC   4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): ANTH 102 or SOC 101 required; ANTH/SOC

                                                             230 recommended; in addition to 45 university-level credits.


      92689 AB1 Gabriela Pechlaner              ABD    139          T     0910  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     15

            This course is offered as ANTH 360 and SOC 360.  Students may only take one of these for credit.


 SOC  363   PROCESS OF DEV & UNDER DEV       4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): 45 credits, to include at least 6

                                                             credits of Sociology, Anthropology, LAS, or GDS. (SOC 250,

                                                             ANTH 220, LAS 200 and GDS 100 are recommended.)


      92690 AB1 Stephen Piper                   ABD    136         M      1300  1640  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     12

            This course is offered as SOC 363, ANTH 363, LAS 363, & GDS 363 - Students may only take one of these for credit.


 SOC  445   ADV TOPICS IN DEVIANT BEHAVIOR   4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): 60 credits to include at least 9 credits

                                                             of Sociology (SOC 245 recommended)


      92691 AB1 Martha Dow                      ABD    139         M      0910  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25


 SOC  450H  HEALTH, WEALTH AND REASON        4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): 60 credits, to include at least nine

                                                             credits sociology. (SOC 350 recommended)


      92692 AB1 Katherine Watson                ABD    139            R   0910  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25




 SPAN 101   SPANISH LANGUAGE I               3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None.


      92731 AB1 Teresa Arroliga-Piper           ABC    1421        M W    1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26


      92732 AB2 Teresa Arroliga-Piper           ABA    310          T     1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26
ABA    360            R   1000  1120 


      92733 AB3 Francisco Armengual             ABC    1424         T R   1600  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26


 Choose one of the following seminars: Seminars start first week of classes

      92723 A#A Francisco Armengual             ABD    115         M      1430  1525  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17        9

      92724 A#B Francisco Armengual             ABD    115         M      1300  1355  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17        9

      92725 A#C Francisco Armengual             ABD    115           W    1300  1355  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17        9

      92726 A#D Francisco Armengual             ABD    124          T     1130  1225  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17        9

      92727 A#E Francisco Armengual             ABD    124            R   1130  1225  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17        9

      92728 A#F Francisco Armengual             ABD    115            R   1500  1555  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17        9

      92729 A#G Francisco Armengual             ABD    115          T     1500  1555  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       13

      92730 A#H Francisco Armengual             ABD    238            R   1730  1825  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       13


 SPAN 102   SPANISH LANGUAGE II              3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): SPAN 101 or instructor's permission


      92736 AB1 Teresa Arroliga-Piper           ABA    300         M W    1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26


 Choose one of the following seminars: Seminars start first week of classes

      92734 A#A Francisco Armengual             ABD    115         M      1200  1255  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       13

      92735 A#B Francisco Armengual             ABD    115           W    1200  1255  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17       13

      93127 A#C Francisco Armengual             ABD    115           W    1430  1525  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17        9


 SPAN 201   INTERMEDIATE SPANISH I           3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Spanish 12 or SPAN 102.


      92740 AB1 Teresa Arroliga-Piper           ABA    210          T R   1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     26


 Choose one of the following seminars: Seminars start first week of classes

      92737 A#A Francisco Armengual             ABD    124          T     1030  1125  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17        9

      92738 A#B Francisco Armengual             ABD    124          T     1300  1355  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17        9

      92739 A#C Francisco Armengual             ABD    115            R   1300  1355  05-SEP-17   04-DEC-17        9


 SPAN 340   SPANISH TRANSLATION              4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): SPAN 201, SPAN 202, and one 300-level

                                                             SPAN course.


      92741 IS1 Juan Carlos Rodriguez           ONLINE UFV                            05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     10




 STAT 104   INTRODUCTORY STATISTICS          4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: C or better in one

                                                             of Principles of Math 11, Applications of Math 11, MATH 085,

                                                             Foundations of Mathematics 11, or Precalculus 11; or

                                                             B or better in Apprenticeship and Workplace Mathematics 12;

                                                             or one of Foundations of Mathematics 12, Precalculus 12,

                                                             Principles of Math 12, or Applications of Math 12; or

                                                             45 university-level credits with department permission.


      92742 AB1 Gillian Mimmack                 ABD    219         M W    0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABD    223             F  0830  0950


      92743 AB2 Ali Reza Fotouhi                ABA    212         M W    1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABD    204             F  1000  1120


      92744 AB3 Karamjit Dhande                 ABA    416          T     1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABA    416            R   1130  1250

                                                ABD    204             F  1130  1250


      92745 AB4 Gillian Mimmack                 ABA    210         M W    1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABD    223             F  1000  1120


      92746 AB5 Ali Reza Fotouhi                ABD    213         M      1430  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABA    302           W    1430  1550

                                                ABD    219             F  1430  1550


      92747 AB6 Karamjit Dhande                 ABA    302          T     1730  1940  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABA    354            R   1730  1940

                                                                                MAJOR:Nursing Deg                      12


      92748 AB7 Ken Li                          ABB    161          T     1600  1810  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABA    302            R   1600  1810


 STAT 106   STATISTICS I                     4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (C or better in

                                                             one of Principles of Mathematics 12, Applications of

                                                             Mathematics 12, Foundations of Mathematics 12, Pre-

                                                             calculus 11, MATH 096, MATH 110, MATH 124, or MATH 140)

                                                             or (C or better in both MATH 094 and MATH 095) or (Pre-

                                                             calculus 12) or (a score of 17/25 or better on Part B of

                                                             the MSAT together with a score of 34/50 or better on

                                                             Parts A and B combined).


      92749 AB1 Ken Li                          ABA    259         M      1600  1720  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABA    269           W    1600  1720

                                                ABA    302         M      1730  1850

                                                                                MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Deg  Int   15

                                                                                MAJOR:Computer Info Systems Deg        15


      92750 AB2 David Chu                       ABA    252          T R   1430  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABD    223             F  1430  1550

                                                                                MAJOR:Accounting Cert                   1

                                                                                MAJOR:Aviation Dipl                     2

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Dipl      8

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Deg       8

                                                                                MAJOR:BBA Aviation                      3


      92751 AB3 Karamjit Dhande                 ABA    269          T R   1430  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABA    302             F  1430  1550

                                                                                MAJOR:Accounting Cert                   1

                                                                                MAJOR:Aviation Dipl                     2

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Dipl      8

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Deg       8

                                                                                MAJOR:BBA Aviation                      3


      92752 AB4 Longlong Huang                  ABA    302             F  1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABA    210         M W    1300  1420

                                                                                MAJOR:Accounting Cert                   1

                                                                                MAJOR:Aviation Dipl                     2

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Dipl      8

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Deg       8

                                                                                MAJOR:BBA Aviation                      3


      92753 AB5 Longlong Huang                  ABA    362         M W    1000  1120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABD    226             F  1000  1120

                                                                                MAJOR:Accounting Cert                   1

                                                                                MAJOR:Aviation Dipl                     2

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Dipl      8

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Deg       8

                                                                                MAJOR:BBA Aviation                      3


      92754 AB6 Tariq Nuruddin                  ABD    204         M      1730  1940  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABA    269           W    1730  1940

                                                                                MAJOR:Accounting Cert                   1

                                                                                MAJOR:Aviation Dipl                     2

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Dipl      8

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Deg       8

                                                                                MAJOR:BBA Aviation                      3

      93350 AB7 David Chu                       ABA    234          T     1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABD    204            R   1130  1250

                                                ABA    269             F  1130  1250


      92755 CH1 Ken Li                          CEPA   2209         T     1000  1210  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                CEPA   0024           R   1000  1210

                                                                                MAJOR:Accounting Cert                   1

                                                                                MAJOR:Aviation Dipl                     2

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Dipl      8

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Deg       8

                                                                                MAJOR:BBA Aviation                      3

                                                                                MAJOR:Kinesiology Degree                6


      92756 MI1 Tariq Nuruddin                  MID    223          T     1430  1640  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                MID    226C           R   1430  1640

                                                                                MAJOR:Accounting Cert                   1

                                                                                MAJOR:Aviation Dipl                     2

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Dipl      8

                                                                                MAJOR:Business Administration Deg       8

                                                                                MAJOR:BBA Aviation                      3


 STAT 270   INTRO TO PROBABILITY AND STATS   4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: MATH 112, MATH 118,

                                                             or a B or better in MATH 141.


      92757 AB1 Longlong Huang                  ABA    264          T     1430  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABA    312            R   1430  1550

                                                ABD    226             F  1430  1550

            This course is offered as MATH 270 and STAT 270 – Students may take only one of these for credit.


 STAT 271   INTRO: DATA ANAL & STAT MODEL    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: STAT 104 with a B,

                                                             STAT 106, or STAT 270.


      92758 AB1 Ali Reza Fotouhi                ABD    204           W    1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABA    302         M      1300  1420

                                                ABD    226             F  1300  1420

            ALTERNATING FRIDAYS TO START: SEPTEMBER 8                           MAJOR:Data Analysis Cert                8

                                                                                MAJOR:Data Analysis Cert                2


 STAT 272   STATISTICAL GRAPHICS &LANGUAGE   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: STAT 104 with a B,

                                                             STAT 106, or STAT 270


      92759 AB1 David Chu                       ABA    302          T     0830  0950  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABD    204            R   0830  0950

                                                ABD    226             F  0830  0950

            Alternating Fridays to start September 8                            MAJOR:Data Analysis Cert                8

                                                                                MAJOR:Data Analysis Cert                2


 STAT 350   SURVEY SAMPLING                  3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: STAT 106 with a B,

                                                             STAT 104 with a B+, STAT 270, or STAT 271.


      92760 AB1 Gillian Mimmack                 ABD    223          T     1130  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

                                                ABA    269            R   1130  1340

                                                                                MAJOR:Data Analysis Cert                8

                                                                                MAJOR:Data Analysis Cert                2


 Teaching English as a 2nd Language


 TESL 400   FOUNDATIONS OF SLE               4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): 60-university-level credits or

                                                             permission of the Adult Education department.


      92761 AB1 Gilmour Jope                    ONLINE UFV                              05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25
                                                ABD    225         M      1730  2130    11-SEP-2017 11-SEP-2017     

                                                ABD    225         M      1730  2130    02-OCT-2017 02-OCT-2017

                                                ABD    225         M      1730  2130    06-NOV-2017 06-NOV-2017

                                                ABD    225         M      1730  2130    04-DEC-2017 04-DEC-2017

            HYBRID - Please see explanation above           

            Although this course is primarily conducted on-line, it does require participation in class meetings on the days and times
            noted above.
Distance students not within the UFV district may be approved to participate in the above sessions synchronously
            through Blackboard Collaborate.  Those wishing to be considered for this option should contact
            in advance of the start of classes.


 TESL 408   APPLIED LING IN SLE              4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): 60-university-level credits or

                                                             permission of the Adult Education department.


      92762 AB1 Ivelina Tchizamarova            ONLINE UFV                              05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                ABD    225              S 0830  1230    16-SEP-2017 16-SEP-2017     

                                                ABD    225              S 0830  1230    30-SEP-2017 30-SEP-2017

                                                ABD    225              S 0830  1230    21-OCT-2017 21-OCT-2017

                                                ABD    225              S 0830  1230    25-NOV-2017 25-NOV-2017
            HYBRID - Please see explanation above

            Although this course is primarily conducted on-line, it does require participation in class meetings on the days and times
            noted above.
Distance students not within the UFV district may be approved to participate in the above sessions synchronously
            through Blackboard Collaborate.  Those wishing to be considered for this option should contact
            in advance of the start of classes.




 THEA 101   INTRODUCTION TO THEATRE          3.0    $732.78  Prerequisite(s): None.


      92763 AB1 Alex Ferguson                   ABD    119          T     1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36

            Mandatory Field trips, 5 Thursdays from 5:30-10:30 (approx.)

            Check ufv.ca/theatre for details - Tuition includes $255.00 mandatory field trips fee


 THEA 111   ACT SKILLS FOR WORK AND LIFE     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None.


      92764 AB1 Raina von Waldenburg            ABD    105          T     1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     18


      92765 AB2 Raina von Waldenburg            ABD    104            R   1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     18


 THEA 112   ESSENTIALS OF ACTING             3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None.


      92766 AB1 Raina von Waldenburg            ABD    104           W    1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     18


 THEA 121   STAGECRAFT I                     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None.


      92767 AB1 Claire Carolan                  ABD    105            R   1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     18


 THEA 203   HIST OF THEA/DRAMA: ANTIQ-1642   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: (THEA 101 and one

                                                             100-level ENGL course numbered ENGL 105 or higher), or

                                                             (two 100-level ENGL courses numbered ENGL 105 or higher),

                                                             or (B or better in THEA 101), or (B or better in one 100-

                                                             level ENGL course numbered ENGL 105 or higher).


      92768 AB1 Anna Griffith                   ABD    119             F  1130  1420  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     28
            Credit cannot be obtained for both ENGL 233 and THEA 203


 THEA 215   VOICE AND BODY I                 3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): THEA 111 with a minimum grade of B, or

                                                             THEA 112. Note: As of January 2018, prerequisites will

                                                             change to the following: THEA 112.


      92769 AB1 Raina von Waldenburg            ABD    104          T     1730  2020  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     18


 THEA 290T  THE BEAR                         1.0    $159.26  Prerequisite(s): Department permission; audition required.


      92770 PR1 Parjad Sharifi                  ABD    105        U       1300  1550  01-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      6

                                                ABD    105         M WR   1600  1850


 THEA 295T  THE BEAR                         1.0    $159.26  Prerequisite(s): Department permission.


      92771 PR1 Parjad Sharifi                  ABD    105        U       1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      8

                                                ABD    105         M WR   1600  1850


 THEA 299T  THE BEAR                         3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): (THEA 199 or THEA 123) and department permission.

                                                             Note: As of January 2018, prerequisites will change to

                                                             the following: THEA 123 and department permission. 


      92772 PR1 Parjad Sharifi                  ABD    105        U       1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     12

                                                ABD    105         M WR   1600  1850


 THEA 305   THEATRE FOR YOUNG AUDIENCES      4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): THEA 101and completion of 45 university-

                                                             level credits.


      92773 AB1 Claire Carolan                  ABD    104         M      1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     16


 THEA 311   DIGITAL PERFORMANCE              4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: THEA 211, THEA 215,

                                                             (THEA 112 and THEA 250), or 15 university-level

                                                             credits from a combination of FILM, MACS, MEDA, or VA courses.


      92774 AB1 Parjad Sharifi                  ABD    115          T R   1000  1250  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     18


 THEA 351   DIRECTING I                      4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): (One of THEA 211, THEA 215, or [THEA 112 and

                                                             THEA 250]), THEA 299, and 12 additional THEA credits.

                                                             Note: As of January 2018, prerequisite will change to the following:

                                                             (One of THEA 203 or THEA 204) and (one of THEA 211,THEA 215, OR (THEA 112

                                                             and THEA 250]).


      92775 AB1 Bruce Kirkley                   ABD    104         M W    1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     14


 THEA 399T  THE BEAR                         4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): THEA 199 & 299. Admission only by department permission.


      92776 PR1 Parjad Sharifi                  ABD    105        U       1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      6

                                                ABD    105         M WR   1600  1850


 THEA 499T  THE BEAR                         4.0    $637.04  Prerequisite(s): THEA 399. Admission only by department permission.


      92777 PR1 Parjad Sharifi                                    U       1300  1550  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017      6

                                                                   M WR   1600  1850


 Visual Arts


 VA   101   FIGURE DRAWING                   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None.


      92778 AB1 Shelley Stefan                  ABC    1043        M      0830  1220  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25


 VA   113   INTRODUCTION TO DRAWING          3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92779 AB1 Toni Latour                     ABC    1043          W    1300  1650  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts            15

                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               5


      92780 AB2 Toni Latour                     ABC    1043        M      1300  1650  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts Visual A   15

                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma Visual Art    5


      92781 MI1 Dennis Greer                    MID    227         M      0830  1220  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             3

                                                                                MAJOR:Graphic & Digital Design Dipl    22


 VA   115   INTRO STUDIO I                   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92782 AB1 Dennis Greer                    ABC    1031          W    1730  2120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts            10

                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               5


      92783 AB2 Dennis Greer                    ABC    1031           R   1730  2120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts            10

                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               5


 VA   116   INTRO STUD II:SPACE,FORM &TIME   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92784 AB1 Brenda Fredrick                 ABC    1031         T     0830  1220  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     17

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts            10

                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               5


      92785 AB2 Brenda Fredrick                 ABC    1031         T     1300  1650  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     17

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts            10

                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               5


 VA   160   INTRO TO VIDEO PRODUCTION        3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92786 AB1 Melanie Jones                   ABC    1120        M      1300  1650  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts            10

                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               5


 VA   180   DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY              3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None.


      92787 AB1 Tetsuomi Anzai                  ABC    1120         T     0830  1220  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts            15

                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               5


      92788 AB2 Tetsuomi Anzai                  ABC    1120         T     1300  1650  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts            10

                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               5


      92789 AB3 Tetsuomi Anzai                  ABC    1120          W    0830  1220  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     24


 VA   221   DRAWING II                       3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): VA 101 or VA 113.


      92790 AB1 Shelley Stefan                  ABC    1043          W    0830  1220  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25


 VA   223   PAINTING I                       3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None.


      92791 AB1 Chris Friesen                   ABC    1043        M      1730  2120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts Visual A   10

                                                                                MINOR:Visual Arts Extended Visual Ar    2

                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               5


      92792 AB2 Chris Friesen                   ABC    1043         T     1730  2120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     25

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts Visual A   10

                                                                                MINOR:Visual Arts Extended Visual Ar    2

                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               5


 VA   231   SCULPTURE & EXTENDED MEDIA I     3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None. One of VA 113, 115, or 116 is recommended.


      92793 AB1 Melanie Jones                   ABC    1050          W    0830  1220  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     17

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts Visual A    8

                                                                                MINOR:Visual Arts Extended Visual Ar    2

                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               5


 VA   251   PRINT MEDIA I                    3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None; one of VA 113, VA 115, or VA 116

                                                             is strongly recommended.


      92794 AB1 Davida Kidd                     ABC    1127        M W    1000  1200  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     17

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts Visual A    8

                                                                                MINOR:Visual Arts Extended Visual Ar    2

                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               5


      92795 AB2 Davida Kidd                     ABC    1127        M W    1300  1500  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     17

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts Visual A    8

                                                                                MINOR:Visual Arts Extended Visual Ar    2

                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               5


 VA   280   DIGITAL PHOTOG: ADV IMAGING      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): VA 180


      92796 AB1 Michael Love                    ABC    1120          W    1730  2120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     20


 VA   283   INTRODUCTION TO PHOTOGRAPHY      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None. One of VA 113, VA 115, or VA 116

                                                             is strongly recommended.


      92797 AB1 Grace Tsurumaru                 ABC    1113         T R   1300  1500  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     17

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts Visual A    6

                                                                                MINOR:Visual Arts Extended Visual Ar    2

                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               3


      92798 AB2 Grace Tsurumaru                 ABC    1113         T R   1900  2100  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     17

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts Visual A    6

                                                                                MINOR:Visual Arts Extended Visual Ar    2

                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               3


 VA   284   DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY             3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): VA 283.


      92799 AB1 Grace Tsurumaru                 ABC    1113         T R   1600  1800  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     17

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts Visual A    8

                                                                                MINOR:Visual Arts Extended Visual Ar    2

                                                                                MAJOR:Visual Arts Diploma               5


 VA   321   PAINTING/DRAWING III             3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): One of the following: VA 222, VA 224, or

                                                             (VA 223 and VA 221).


      92800 AB1 Chris Friesen                   ABC    1043           R   1730  2120  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     20

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts Visual A   10

                                                                                MINOR:Visual Arts Extended Visual Ar    5

      93184 AB2 Chris Friesen                   ABC    1043         T     1300  1650  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     20

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts Visual A    8

                                                                                MINOR:Visual Arts Extended Visual Ar    2


 VA   331   SCULPTURE & EXTENDED MEDIA III   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): VA 113, VA 115, VA 116, VA 232, and one

                                                             of either VA 160 or VA 180. Students in programs outside

                                                             of the BFA or the Visual Art diploma who do not have the

                                                             100-level prerequisites may seek permission of the department.


      92801 AB1 Melanie Jones                   ABC    1050        M      0830  1220  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     17

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts Visual A   10

                                                                                MINOR:Visual Arts Extended Visual Ar    5


 VA   351   PRINT MEDIA III:MIXED MEDIA      3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): VA 113, VA 115, VA 116, VA 252, and one

                                                             of either VA 160 or VA 180. Students in programs outside

                                                             of the BFA or the Visual Art diploma who do not have the

                                                             100-level prerequisites may seek permission of the department.


      92802 AB1 Davida Kidd                     ABC    1127        M W    1600  1800  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     17

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts Visual A    9

                                                                                MINOR:Visual Arts Extended Visual Ar    5


 VA   365   DOCUMENTARY VIDEO STORYTELLING   3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 15 credits of university-level arts

                                                             courses. It is also recommended that students have FILM 110 or

                                                             FILM 120 and one of the following: VA 160, VA 165/ENGL 365,

                                                             VA 170, or VA 272. Alternatively, students should have some other
                                                             experience of working with film or
video production. 


      92803 AB1 Stephanie Gould                 ABC    1031          W    1300  1650  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     17

            Credit can be obtained for only one of FILM 365, JRNL 365 or VA 365


 VA   383   INTERMEDIATE PHOTOGRAPHY         3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): VA 283 and one of the following: VA 284

                                                             or VA 180.


      92804 AB1 Grace Tsurumaru                 ABC    1113          W    1300  1650  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     17

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts             9

                                                                                MINOR:Visual Arts Extended              5


 VA   390   COMMUNITY ARTS PRACTICE          3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): 6 university-level credits of Visual Arts.


      92805 AB1 Shelley Stefan                  ABC    1031        M      1300  1650  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     20

            This course involves off-campus instruction and activities          MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts Visual A    8

            Please refer to http://www.ufv.ca/ufv_visual_arts/ after

            August 15/17

            A Community Arts Practice course dedicated to the eagles and salmon of the North Fraser region. Students will study

            in conjunction with the 22nd annual Fraser Valley Bald Eagle Festival and the Harrison Salmon Stronghold, incorporating

            Indigenous teachings into the production of eco-conscious artworks that celebrate the diversity and cyclic ecosystem

            of this precious river valley. Students will work with local First Nations communities in collaboration with aboriginal

            youth in the schools and community centres.


 VA   402   SENIOR STUDIO I                  3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): Two of the following: VA 322, VA 332, VA 352,

                                                             VA 372, or VA 384.

                                                             Pre- or co-requisite(s): VA 401 or AH 401


      92806 AB1 Brenda Fredrick                 ABC    1031          W    0830  1220  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     20

                                                                                MAJOR:Bachelor of Fine Arts            15


 Women's Studies


 WMST 101   INTRO TO WOMEN'S STUDIES I       3.0    $477.78  Prerequisite(s): None


      92807 AB1 Jenea Tallentire                ABD    139            R   1600  1850  05-SEP-2017 04-DEC-2017     36


 Workplace TASK


 TASK 051   PERSONAL & WKPLACE ESSENTIALS    0.0    $445.48  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Workplace TASK Program


      93016 CH1 Steve Vogel                     CEPA   1426        MTW    0830  1120  05-SEP-2017 18-DEC-2017     16

            Must have a minimum enrolment of 15 to run


 TASK 052   CAREER EXPLORATION               0.0    $334.11  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Workplace TASK Program


      93017 CH1 Steve Vogel                     CEPA   1426           R   0830  1120  06-SEP-2017 14-DEC-2017     16

                                                CEPA   0024          W    1300  1420

                                                CEPA   0024           R   1300  1420

            Must have a minimum enrolment of 15 to run


 TASK 053   SAFETY & INDUSTRY CERTIFICATES   0.0    $445.48  Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Workplace TASK Program


      93018 CH1 Steve Vogel                     CEPA   0024        MT     1300  1420  05-SEP-2017 18-DEC-2017     16

            Must have a minimum enrolment of 15 to run
