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Rhonda Schuller

Rhonda Schuller

Retired Faculty


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Interdisciplinary graduate work in Rhetoric, Linguistics and Literature characterizes Rhonda's deep interest in language. Teaching and research have explored uses and implications of language, particularly roles it plays in identities we construct. 


MS Iowa State University, MA University of Southern California

Teaching Philosophy

To teach is to guide students in an apprenticeship to ideas and their applications.

Teaching Interests

Rhetoric as the situation use of language, and the implications of that use. Linguistics as the understanding of how languages work, and which version of systems various languages select from the “menu” of what is possible in language.

Research Interests

I am deeply interested in ways language shapes our early lives, and what agency people have in growing our identities or fossilizing identities.

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Having worked as a human resources professional since graduating, I saw first-hand the value of an English degree in a business setting. Being able to write well definitely gives you a solid foundation that you’ll be able to use to succeed anywhere.

  • – Richel Davies
  •    Human Resources professional
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