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Reading challenges and quizzes

The Truth and Reconciliation (TRC) challenge

  1. Visit the TRC reading challenge website to take the pledge.
  2. Read or listen to the full summary of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission report.
  3. Challenge others to do the same.

The United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) challenge

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s calls to action repeat over and over the need for all of us to know and understand the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). Do you? 

Fact:  It took nearly 10 years for Canada, the final official objector, to sign on to the UNDRIP — but on May 10, 2016 Canada adopted the UNDRIP.

What does this mean? To me? To you? To students at UFV?  

Take the 30-minute challenge by Ry Moran

  1. Read the 46 articles of the UNDRIP.
  2. Take the quiz.

For additional learning resources and more information about the Understanding UNDRIP challenge created by Ry Moran, visit Indian Horse #Next150 challenge.