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Academic Success Centre

Get feedback on your assignment (WriteAway)

What is WriteAway?

WriteAway is a service for undergraduate students to receive online feedback on their academic written work from a trained tutor. Qualified tutors from 20 participating BC institutions manage the program and will provide feedback on your draft writing assignments.

How does WriteAway work?

When using WriteAway, you do not interact with tutors directly. Here is how it works:

  1. Submit your document online through the WriteAway platform
  2. Wait for an email to tell you your feedback is ready
  3. Receive your paper back with comments, strategies, resources, and suggestions to help you improve your writing

You can submit up to three drafts of your paper to WriteAway. Tutors do their best to share feedback within 48 hours, but response times can get longer at peak times. Make sure to submit your work well in advance of your deadlines if you would like feedback.

Watch this quick video to learn more about WriteAway and how to use the service.

Submit a paper through WriteAway


Questions about WriteAway?

  • Can't find an answer on the FAQ page? Contact the Academic Success Centre at