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Centre for Public Safety and Criminal Justice Research

Centre for Public Safety and Criminal Justice Research

The Centre for Public Safety and Criminal Justice Research provides research and consulting expertise to a wide range of entities, including criminal justice agencies, governments, public safety agencies, and community organizations. Our primary focus is on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of public safety operations and proposed initiatives.

We provide a comprehensive range of analytic solutions, empowering public safety agencies and the criminal justice system to adopt an information and intelligence-led approach. Additionally, we evaluate emerging hardware and software solutions, offering recommendations for their adoption by public safety agencies.


Our mission

We assist government agencies related to public safety to evaluate programs, policies, strategies and propose evidence-based initiatives to the criminal justice system and agencies of public safety to reduce crime.


Our mandate

We bring experts and partners in criminal and social justice issues, government, academics, students, and agencies together to participate in community-based research initiatives focused on crime reduction and public safety.


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