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Mathematics and Statistics

Community initiatives

The Mathematics and Statistics Department values our community. We host a variety of programs and events for most age groups designed to spark interest, facilitate discussions, and just have fun!

View all science events.

Math Mania

Math Mania is an evening of mathematical demonstrations, puzzles, and hands-on activities for elementary or middle school children. It’s been designed by members of the University of the Fraser Valley’s Department of Mathematics & Statistics to show children – and their parents – how much fun you can have playing with mathematical concepts. Math Mania is held in a school gymnasium and lasts about ninety minutes. We have games and puzzles to intrigue people of all ages.

Learn more about Math Mania.

Math Club Talks

The Mathematics and Statistics Department invites you to attend our guest lectures and talks.

Find out about Math and Stats guest lectures.

Math Contests

The Mathematics and Statistics department facilitates a number of contests for elementary, high school, and university students.

Learn more about math contests at UFV.

Science Rocks

The Faculty of Science offers Science Rocks! summer camp every year in July and August. Designed especially for young people going into Grades 4, 5, 6, and 7. These camps are great fun and an awesome learning opportunity for campers.

Learn more about Science Rocks.