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Research Ethics

Course designation

Course-Based Research Approval (under review)

Your course may be eligible for a course designation if you are teaching about research methods or the course has a large research assignment. Course designations require the instructor to provide oversight and supervision of the student research. These projects should have some uniformity and limits. Instructors will be asked to provide a summary of the projects and any issues at the end of each semester. Research completed as part of a course that is approved in this way cannot be published or presented to the general public. 

NOTE: Course designations are not permitted for directed studies or honours courses.

Please review this document to determine eligiblity for a course designation.

Instructors may wish to have students complete this form when creating their projects to use for their own records - this is not an HREB requirement and is meant as a tool to help instructors. 

Course designations are given a three year approval instead of the typical one year approval. This makes it much easier for students to get their assignments done.

Submit your course designations according to the deadlines here.  New course designations are reviewed at a full board meeting.