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The College of Arts Council is the senior academic governance body for the College of Arts -
Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Social Sciences.
It is responsible for the governance and management of academic affairs and for recommending actions to Senate.

The College of Arts Council (CAC) holds virtual business meetings, typically on Fridays of Week 4.
The business meetings are accessible via MS Teams and take place from 1-2:30 pm.  

CAC also holds in-person meetings, engagement meetings, in order to delve more deeply into specific topics. 
The engagement meetings take place on Tuesdays, 3-4:00 pm of Week 2. 
CAC members can propose possible discussion topics to the dean or co-chairs at any time. 

Business Meeting Schedule

Friday Meetings
Time Agenda Item Deadline
September 27 2024 1-2:30 pm  September 17
October 18 2024
[moved to Week 3 for Senate]
1-2:30 pm October 8
November 15 2024
[moved to Week 3 for Senate]
1-2:30 pm November 5
 December 13 2024
[Week 3]
1-2:30 pm December 3
January 31 2025 1-2:30 pm January 21
February 28 2025 1-2:30 pm February 18
March 28 2025 1-2:30 pm March 18
April 25 2025 1-2:30 pm April 15
May 23 2025 1-2:30 pm May 13
June 20 2025 1-2:30 pm June 10

Engagement Meeting Schedule

Tuesday Meetings
October 8 2024  TBD 3-4 pm
November 5 2024 TBD 3-4 pm
January 14 2025 TBD 3-4 pm
February 11 2025 TBD 3-4 pm
March 11 2025 TBD 3-4 pm
April 8 2025 TBD 3-4 pm
May 6 2025 TBD 3-4 pm
June 3 2025 TBD 3-4 pm

CAC Resources

For agendas and minutes, see the CAC Archive

CAC Terms of Reference 2022-23

College of Arts Curriculum Committee

College of Arts Website‌


Dr. Sylvie Murray, Chair

Dr. Heather McAlpine, Co-Chair, Humanities 

Dr. Dana Landry, Co-Chair, Social Sciences

Sumitra Robertson, Administrator