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Centre for Accessibility Services

How to use your accommodations

You have your accommodation plan set up and ready to go. Now what?

Every semester, you'll need to log into Accommodate to confirm the specific accommodations you want to use in your courses. Accommodate is the system used to manage student accommodations and other accessibility-related requests at UFV.

Log into Accommodate

User guides for Accommodate

How to log into Accommodate

Instructions for logging into Accommodate for the first time.

Submit your semester request

Each semester, you'll need to submit a new request that confirms which accommodations you want to use to inform your instructors of your accommodation plan.

Request an alternate textbook

If alternate-format textbooks are a part of your accommodation plan, learn how to make alternate-format requests for required texts in your courses.

Submit a CAS exam request

If exam accommodations are a part of your accommodation plan, learn how to submit an Exam Booking Request to write your exam at the CAS Exam Centre.

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