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Teaching and Learning Centre

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Opportunities to upgrade your skills and teaching practice

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BB "How to test edit options"

Online workshop

This workshop will cover the following topics associated with the Blackboard test tool: why practice tests are important; How to use your preview user to check if the test really works well; How to extend test times for some students; Set Timer vs Force Completion; One at a Time vs All at Once; How to release the questions/answers/feedback after the test date; and, Announcement on the test.

See upcoming sessions

BB Grade Centre

Online workshop

The topics include column organization, navigation tips, manually-created columns, weighted total vs total, categories, smart views, and how to download a Grade Centre file.

See upcoming sessions

BB Ally

Online workshop

Blackboard Ally is an accessibility application that works with Blackboard to help ensure that your digital course content is accessible by learners. Ally provides course content in accessible formats, including electronic braille and audio files.

See upcoming sessions


Online workshop

Camtasia is a screen recorder and video editor that can be used to create and edit video tutorials and other instructional videos. Bring your questions and goals and get help virtually!

See upcoming sessions


Online workshop

This is an extremely flexible synchronous and asynchronous application that can help transfer your in-class activities to online, such as brainstorming by posting Post-it notes to a virtual whiteboard. It is an engaging alternative to a shared whiteboard.

See upcoming sessions


Online workshop

PeerScholar is a great way for students to learn from their peers through self and peer assessment. This is a very structured yet flexible way to provide self and peers assessments and to delve into really reflective learning practices every step of the way.

See upcoming sessions


Online workshop

Turnitin promotes academic integrity and writing skills by helping students paraphrase and cite accurately and check their grammar. This tool also enhances academic skills of the students by providing feedback on the content authorship.

See upcoming sessions


Online workshop

Zoom is an synchronous virtual classroom that is an alternative to Collaborate Ultra. With more participants' video feeds and stability, Zoom is a great tool for meeting your students out of Blackboard. Zoom requires the installation of an app.

See upcoming sessions

Building a Student-Centred Syllabus

Online workshop

In this workshop we will explore ways to make your course syllabi more student-centred.

See upcoming sessions

New Faculty Kick Start (NFKS)

Annual event

A full day of workshops and hands-on introduction to the UFV learning environment, learning management system, and teaching and learning strategies. Network with other new faculty members and meet the professionals on staff who are available to assist you throughout your time at UFV.

Email for more info

Annual Accessibility Awareness Event (AAE)

Annual event

The goal of this annual event is to promote and raise awareness of accessibility. The Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC), partnering with Centre for Accessibility Services (CAS) host an event featuring keynote presenters, workshops, and other relevant sessions to showcase and learn about accessibility. It coincides with National Accessibility Week.

Email for more info

Chat-I (Internationalization)

Video chat session

This session is meant as a casual time of dialogue around cultures, inclusive approaches to teaching, working with international & multilingual learners, or any other topics on internationalizing your curriculum, teaching, and assessment.

See upcoming sessions

Conversations about Culture

Online workshop

This workshop provides guidance for interacting across cultures with both students and colleagues. It provides background information on international student experiences, tools for spotting and interrupting microaggressions, and practical suggestions for creating inclusive spaces in your courses or student services.

This workshop runs as needed. Use the form below to let us know you're interested, and you'll receive an email when the workshop is scheduled.

Workshop request form

Building Trust Across Cultures

In-person workshopOnline workshop

In this interactive workshop, we discuss why taking time for trust building is vital in multicultural interactions and teams, define different orientations to trust-building and locate our own orientation, and explore strategies for shifting our approach trust-building in work with colleagues and students. This workshop can be delivered online or in person.

This workshop runs as needed. Use the form below to let us know you're interested, and you'll receive an email when the workshop is scheduled.

Workshop request form

What is internationalization anyway?

Online workshop

Learn about internationalization as it applies to teaching and learning (not just student recruitment). Discover ways to internationalize your curricula by incorporating intercultural elements that appeal to all students.

This workshop runs as needed. Use the form below to let us know you're interested, and you'll receive an email when the workshop is scheduled.

Workshop request form

Educators Journey Towards Reconciliation (EJTR)

In-person workshop

During this workshop we will go through a journey to discover challenges and best practices in decolonizing the classroom and, our education practice. We will explore strategies for creating a culturally safe learning environment and indigenizing through reconciling Indigenous worldviews, ways of knowing and being while we Indigenize our teaching practice and curriculum. We will practice reciprocity, respect, responsibility, and relevance throughout our journey together.

Date: Monday, August 19 – Tuesday, August 20
Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Location: G124 on the UFV Abbotsford Campus.

Use the form below to let us know you're interested, or if you are interested in any future EJTR events.

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Weaving Knowledge Systems (WKS)

In-person workshopOnline workshop

This workshop provides you with hands-on experience and resources that will bring together Indigenous and Western worldviews based on your subject area. We will explore experiential activities to weave cultural safety/humility, Indigenous Ways of knowing and being, Indigenous worldviews, into your course(s)/practice.

Date: Monday, August 26 – Wednesday, August 28
Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Location: G124 on the UFV Abbotsford Campus.

Use the form below to let us know you're interested, or if you are interested in any future WKS events.

Workshop request form

Beginner Halq’eméylem Learning and Sharing Workshop

In-person workshop

This workshop is a brief introduction to Halkomalem, the language family and dialects of the Stó:lō Territory. We will learn to recognize special characters and their sounds to help us pronounce the words we see around campus, and practice using those sounds while learning common greetings and place names. We will learn and practice Halq’eméylem that is supplemented using sign, a blend of ‘hand talk’ and ASL.

There are two steps to this Beginner Halq’eméylem Workshop which can be adapted to focus on the campus location.

See upcoming sessions

Chat-R (Reconciliation)

Video chat session

Let’s chat online chat about Reconciliation, Decolonization, Indigenization, or anything associated with Reconciliation. Sessions are scheduled via ZOOM for the 1st Wednesday of the month with a topic to guide our discussion.

See upcoming sessions

Chat-S (Storytelling and Stó:lō)

Video chat session

Let’s chat about all things Storytelling and Stó:lō and how we can connect what we know with what we want to know more about. Sessions are scheduled via Zoom for the last Wednesday of the month with a topic to guide our discussion. 

See upcoming sessions

Circle Works Session

In-person workshopOnline workshop

This workshop will provide an overview of the history, cultural protocols, and Indigenous worldviews of Circles. Learn about using Circle Works as a pedagogical tool in both the face-to-face and online classrooms. Strategies to facilitate a culturally appropriate Circle will be discussed and modelled.

Workshop request form

UFV Launch - First Year Faculty Professional Development Program

Annual event

The purpose of this year-long program is to provide newly hired permanent faculty members with the foundation of educational, support, resources and a learning network as they move into their new role at UFV.

Email for more info

Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW)

In-person workshop

The Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) is an internationally recognized program that provides participants with opportunities to explore their teaching practice through experiential learning. This workshop is designed for new and experienced educators alike. As part of the ISW process, participants deliver mini-lessons and receive peer feedback from fellow participants. In this model, feedback relates directly to the learning experiences of participants and is not formally evaluated. The ISW is a unique opportunity to explore several aspects of teaching, from designing lesson plans, developing assessment devices, managing time, managing group process to experimenting with new approaches, all with the support and feedback of colleagues, and with the guidance of experienced UFV facilitators.

If you are looking for experience in developing and delivering engaging and participatory lessons and want to test-drive new ideas, then ISW is for you. 


  • December 12-15, 2024, Abbotsford campus
  • February 18-21, 2025, Abbotsford campus

Sign up today for one of our upcoming ISW offerings.


Workshop request form

Facilitator Development Workshop (FDW)

In-person workshop

The Facilitator Development Workshop (FDW) is the second level of training within the Instructional Skills Workshop program. Building on ISW experiences around teaching effectiveness, the FDW offers participants the opportunity to build facilitation skills within the ISW context.  Participants deliver mini-lessons and receive peer-feedback but also manage the feedback process.  This experiential learning approach provides space to learn new facilitation approaches and receive feedback from colleagues. 

Unlike the Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW), which is a developmental and completion only workshop, the Facilitator Development Workshop (FDW) is a competency-based certification workshop. Individuals who wish to be certified in an FDW must first complete an ISW. Following that, the steps that participants who wish to become ISW Facilitators are required to complete for certification may vary but will be communicated to participants. Certification requirements depend on:

  • The prior experience of the participant, and
  • The FDW Training Team's assessment of the performance of the participant during the FDW with respect to:
    • Appropriate facilitation knowledge and skills
    • Ability to demonstrate and genuinely communicate to ISW participants the values and principles inherent to the ISW approach to professional development.

Following completion of the FDW, the Trainers will provide the supporting institution details of the completion requirements for each participant.  Completion of these requirements is a necessary step in participant registration with the ISW Network.

For more information on the ISW and FDW, please reach out to

To express your interest in an upcoming workshop, please email

Upcoming workshops:

  • December 2-6, 2024, Abbotsford campus
  • April 7-11, 2025, Chilliwack campus
  • June 23-27, 2025, Abbotsford campus
Workshop request form

Trainer Development Workshop (TDW)

In-person workshop

The Trainer Development Workshop (TDW) is the third and final level of training within the Instructional Skills Workshop program. Successful completion of the TDW provides participants with the tools to offer FDW sessions at their own institutions as an FDW Facilitator.  Using an apprentice model, TDW participants assist the trainer in all aspects of FDW delivery, receive feedback from FDW participants and trainer, and engage in reflective practice. 

Completion of the FDW and experience with delivering ISW sessions is a requirement for participation in the TDW.

Please reach out to to inquire about TDW opportunities at UFV.

Workshop request form

Chat Tech

Online workshopMonthly tech discussions

Join Michelle Johnson, Teaching and Learning Specialist in Learning with Technology, in her Chat Tech. A monthly online discussion group with the goal of having a non-structured, casual discussion about the use of Technology in the UFV classroom. Bring your technology-related strategies to share and brainstorm ways to target the use of technology to enhance learning.

See upcoming sessions

Holistic Teaching and Learning

In Person

Holistic Teaching and Learning

Indigenous peoples of turtle island have strived to live a balanced lifestyle. This balance relates to the worldview that everything is interconnected. Holism involves the four domains of self: mind (to know), heart (to belong), body (to do), and spirit (to be). Participants will learn about holism, how to use it as a teaching and learning tool, and if there is time,  ways to create an inclusive assessment tool.


Upcoming Sessions



About TLC learning formats


Workshops & Chats

  • Workshops cover teaching apps, Blackboard skills, and course design elements
  • Most workshops are interactive and practical.
  • Chat sessions provide space for helpful conversation.


Annual events & programs

  • Programs to equip new faculty & instructors
  • Longer-format workshops
  • Annual events & conferences



Over the summer I completed the Building Strengths online module. This program consists of five units that you can work through at your own pace. And you get a certificate of completion!

I found the module to be thoughtfully constructed and easy to follow. It includes useful interviews and follow-up quizzes to assess your comprehension of the material. Most important is that I learned more about what "inclusiveness" really means and how to prepare and deliver my courses to a diverse audience that might have challenges of which I am not, necessarily, aware.

  • – Dr. David Harper
  •    Kinesiology