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Upcoming Courses

Course Offerings for the 2024 - 2025 Academic Year

Although we do our best to plan our course offerings there are instances where a course may be changed or cancelled. Please refer to the official timetable when planning your semester.

Upcoming Courses Fall 2024 Winter 2025 Summer 2025
100-Level Courses  
HIST 100C - A Century of Conflict: 1900-2000 (Special Topics Course) X X
HIST 100D - Ten Days that Change History (Special Topics Course) X X
HIST 100H - Secrets of World War II (Special Topics Course) X X
HIST 101 - Canada Before Confederation
HIST 102 - Canada: 1867 to the Present
HIST 103 - Stó:lō History
HIST 115 - Traditional East Asian Civilizations X X
HIST 116 - Modern East Asia: From 1600 to Recent Times X X
HIST 119 - Ancient Greece and Rome X
HIST 120 - Europe 500-1600: Saints and Sinners in the Medieval World
HIST 121 - Europe 1600-1850: Kings, Philosophers, and Revolutionaries X
HIST 122 - Europe since 1850: Imperialism, Total War, and the Question of Unity X X
HIST/LAS 161 - Aztecs, Mayas, and Spaniards X
200-Level Courses  
HIST 205 - British Columbia: Pre-Contact to the Present X X
HIST 211 - England from 1066-1688: An Emerging Nation-State X X
HIST 212 - A History of Britain, 1688-1990: Great Power Status and Beyond X X
HIST 227 - History of Indigenous-Newcomer Relations in Canada (New Course) X X
HIST 236 - Modern Japan: Samurai, Pearl Harbour, and Anime X X
HIST 241 - History of the United States to 1865 X X
HIST 242 - History of the United States since 1865 X X
HIST 264 - History of India: Akbar to Independence X X
HIST 265 - India and the Indo-Pacific World X X
HIST 299F - Religion in American History (Special Topics Course) X X
300-Level Courses  
HIST 309 - Witches, Whores, and Midwives: Women in Early Modern Europe X X
HIST 311 - The Reformation X X
HIST 314 - The Rise and Fall of the British Empire X X
HIST 316 - Violence and War in the West: A Cultural History X X
HIST 318 - Themes in Modern German History X X X
HIST 320 - The Holocaust X X
HIST 323 - History of Education in Canada X X
HIST 327 - Settler-Indigenous Relations in New Zealand and Canada X X
HIST 330 - Politics and Personalities in Canadian History X X
HIST 335 - History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict X X
HIST/LAS 357 - From the Big Stick to the CIA: The Troubled History of Inter-American Relations X X
HIST/LAS 358 -African Slavery in the Americas  X X
HIST 369 - History of the United States Civil War and Reconstruction Eras, 1840-1877 X X X
HIST 370 - The American Civil Rights Movement X X
HIST 371 - Populism in America: From Andrew Jackson to Donald Trump X X
HIST 385 - Imperialism and Colonialism in Modern East Asia X X
HIST 386 - History of East Asian Communities in North America: Migration, Denial, and Belonging X X
HIST 391 - Late Imperial and Revolutionary Russia, 1860-1945 X X
HIST 392 - The Soviet Union in the Cold War Era X X
HIST 397O - Ferocious Fears: The History of Monsters in the Western World(Special Topics Course) X X
HIST 398E - Samurai: The Warriors in Japanese History (Special Topics Course) X X
HIST 399G - Personal Pasts: Biography and History (Special Topics Course) X X
HIST 399M - A City in History: From Constantinople to Istanbul (Special Topics Course) X X
HIST 399O - Capitalism: A History (Special Topics Course) X X
HIST 399P - A History for Genocide  (Special Topics Course) X X
400-Level Courses  
HIST 400 - The Philosophy and Methodologies of History: Learning and Doing History X X
HIST 408 - Liberty and Authority in European Thought X X
HIST 414 - Tudor-Stuart Britain X X
HIST 418 - The Great War, 1914-1918 X X
HIST 419 - Tyranny, Demise, and Legacy: European Dictatorships of the 20th Century  X X
HIST 420 - World War II X X
HIST 427 - History of Tobacco and Alcohol in Indigenous Canada (New Course) X X
HIST 431- Canada and the World X X
HIST 454 - Gender in the United States X X
HIST 458 - History of Indigenous Peoples in Latin America  X X
HIST/LAS 460 - State Terror, Human Rights, and the Politics of Memory in Latin America X X
HIST 465 - British India X X
HIST 499T - The Silk Road: A History of Commercial and Intellectual Exchange in Pre-Modern Eurasia (Special Topics Course) X X

If you haven't found the course you were searching for or if you have any questions related to your academic planning, please schedule an appointment with an Academic Advisor.