Ron was on staff with Amnesty International before he joined UFV in 1990. Ron has an interest in Canadian Nationalism, Canadian Red/High Toryism, Literature and Politics, Religion and Politics, Human Rights, World Religions, International Relations, International Organizations, the clash between the Ancients and the Moderns, Political Philosophy, Mountaineering and Mountaineering Culture, Ecology and Politics. He has also done work on political Zionism (Christian and Jewish) and the impact of Zionist ideology on the Palestinians.
Ron is the Political Science advisor to the Stephen Leacock Home/Museum, on the National Executive of the Thomas Merton Society of Canada, and he has written/published on George Grant, Stephen Leacock and Thomas Merton. Ron has published 40 books.
The North American High Tory Tradition (2024)
The Scholar-Gipsy v1: St. Macrina Press, 2024
The Scholar-Gipsy v2: St. Macrina Press, 2024
Canada's Red Tory Prophet: Synaxis Press, Dewdney BC, 2023
Tolstoy: Soul Probes: St. Macrina Press, Abbotsford, 2023
Scrutinizing Scruton: Canadian High Toryism and Scrutonia (High Tory Publishing: Abbotsford, 2022)
Haig-Brown: Canada's Green Prophet (Paidiea Publishing: Abbotsford, 2021)
The Beatitudes: When Mountain Meets Valley (True North Publishing, Abbotsford) 2021
The Gospel According to Hermes: Intimations of Christianity in Greek Myth, Poetry & Philosophy (St. Macrina Press: 2021)
(Editor) Myth and Meaning in Jordan Peterson: A Christian Perspective (Lexham Press, Bellingham, WA: 2020)
Hermann Hesse: Phoenix Arising (High Tory Publishing Company, 2019)
Christianity and Pluralism: The Primordial Tradition (Lexham Press, 2019)
George P. Grant: Athena’s Aviary (Abbotsford: St. Macrina Press, 2018)
Erasmus: Wild Bird (Chelsea Press, 2017)
The North American High Tory Tradition (New York: American Anglican Press, 2016)
Clarion Call of Love: Essays in Gratitude to Archibisop Lazar Puhalo (co-edited with Brad Jersak), Abbotsford: St. Macrina Press, 2018
Book Review: Whistler Hiking: Marc Bourdon-2024 (CLOUDBURST, Fall/Winter 2025)
"Whistler-Blackcomb Trek: Partial Lunar Eclipse-Harvest Supermoon: September 16-1819 2024 (CLOUDBURST: Fall/Winter 2025).
Book Review: Hot Springs of Western Canada: A Complete Guide (4th edition, 2023): THE BRITISH COLUMBIA REVIEW--January 14 2025
"Burckhardt, Hesse and Nietzsche: Which Pathway?" (pages 44-61), PHILANTHROPIA (Volume 1, Number 1, November 2024)
"High Tory Anglicans and Ecology: The Goldilocks Principle" LEGATUM III: ECOLOGY AND THEOLOGY (High Tory Publications: Abbotsford 2024)
"Francis Bacon: Source of our Ecological Crises?" LEGATUM III: ECOLOGY AND THEOLOGY (High Tory Publications: Abbotsford 2024)
"The Red and Green Pony: A Canadian High Tory Masterpiece" LEGATUM III: ECOLOGY AND THEOLOGY (High Tory Publications: Abbotsford 2024)
Book Review: WHISTLER HIKING: The British Columbia Review (December 17 2024)
"Capturing the Mountain Experience": THE BRITISH COLUMBIA REVIEW (November 13 2024)
"A Hermeneutic of Generosity: On Martin Buber", RADIX MAGAZINE (Winter 2024: Volume 45, No. 1)
"George Grant and Roger Scruton: Scrutinizing Scruton and the New Left", READING GEORGE GRANT IN THE 21st CENTURY ( Palgrave-Macmillan, 2024)
Book Review: "To See What He Saw: J.E.H. MacDonald and the O'Hara Years 1924-1932--Mann & Cucman (CLOUDBURST: Spring-Summer 2024)
Book Review: "Alpine Anatomy: The Mountain Art of Arnold Shives" (CLOUDBURST: Spring-Summer 2024)
Book Review: "The Boy and the Mountain: A Father, His Son and a Journey of Discovery" (CLOUDBURST: Spring-Summer 2024)
Article: "Missive from the Peaks" (THE BRITISH COLUMBIA REVIEW: May 2 2024)
Book Review: To See What He Saw: J.E.H. MacDonald and the O'Hara Years 1924-1932--Mann & Cucman (THE BRITISH COLUMBIA REVIEW: July 8 2024)
Book Review: "Save Your City:, How Toxic Culture Kills Community and What to Do About it"--Diane Kalen-Sukra (THE BRITISH COLUMBIA REVIEW: October 16, 2024)
:A Hermeneutic of Generosity", RADIX (Fall 2023, Vol. 44, No. 3)
Canadian Mountain Culture and Mountaineering", BRITISH COLUMBIA REVIEW (October 4, 2023)
Book Review: ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST: ESSAYS ON THE POLITICS OF THOUGHT AND IMAGINATION (Jan Zwicky), The British Columbia Review (August 18, 2023)
"Ernest Hemingway: Ski Nomad", CLOUDBURST (Spring-Summer 2023)
"Robin Mathews: Canadian Icon" BC Booklook (May24, 2023)
Book Review: SIXTY-SEVEN ONTOLGICAL STUDIES: 49 POEMS & 18 PHOTOGRAPHS (Jan Zwicky/Robert Moody): The British Columbia Review: June 13, 2023
Book Review: Bill Morgan: "Thomas Merton and Lawrence Ferlinghetti, and the Protection of All Beings: The Correspondence (THE UK MERTON JOURNAL: Eastertide 2023: Vol 30, No. 1).
"Scientism as Religion and Religion as Wisdom", SAM HARRIS: CRITICAL RESPONSES (Carus Books: Chicago, 2023).
"Erasmus and the New Testament", LEGATUM II (Abbotsford, 2023)
"Erasmus, the English Reformation and the Church Fathers", LEGATUN II (Abbotsford, 2023)
"The Adages of Erasmus: Philosophy, Formation and Wisdom", LEGATUM II (Abbotsford, 2023)
Book Review: MERTON AND HINDUISM: THE YOGA OF THE HEART: The Merton Journal (Advent 2022: Vol. 29, No.2).
"Swiss Edelweiss Village: To Be or Not To Be": CLOUDBURST (Fall-Winter 2022)
Book Review: "Snow Nomad: An Avalanche Memoir": CLOUDBURST (Fall-Winter 2022)
Book Review: SNOW NOMAD: AN AVALANCHE MEMOIR (Alan Dennis): The British Columbia Review (August 29, 2022)
"Edward Feuz Jr.: A Story of Enchantment, CANADIAN ALPINE JOURNAL (Volume 105, 2022).
"Edward Feuz Jr.: A Story of Enchantment by D.L. Stephen (The British Columbia Review: June 9, 2022)
"Save Swiss Edelweiss Village", THE BRITISH COLUMBIA REVIEW (June 3, 2022).
"Edward Feuz Jr.: A Story of Enchantment", (CLOUDBURST, Summer/Spring 2022)
"George Grant and the Anglican Church of Canada: A 20th century Prophet", LEGATUM: Volume 1 (High Tory Reader: Abbotsford, 2022)
"Participation in God: A Forgotten Strand in the Anglican Tradition"--Book Review, LEGATUM: Volume 1 (High Tory Reader: Abbotsford, 2022)
"Canadian High Toryism and Roger Scruton: Sic et Non", LEGATUM: Volume 1 (High Tory Reader: Abbotsford, 2022)
"Reading the Psalms: Thomas Merton, C.S. Lewis & Bede Griffiths", THE MERTON SEASONAL: A QUARTERLY REVIEW (Spring 2022, Vol. 47, No.1) p. 20-26.
"Confronting the New Puritans", JORDAN PETERSON: CRITICAL RESPONSES (Open Universe: Chicago, 2022)
"Lilleputians Meet Gulliver", JORDAN PETERSON: CRITICAL RESPONSES (Open Universe: Chicago, 2022)
Book Review: "Destination Hikes: In and Around Southwestern British Columbia" (CLOUDBURST: Winter 2021)
Book Review: "Paradise Won: The Struggle to Create Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve" (CLOUDBURST: Winter 2021)
"Coastal Mountain Mountaineering Literature: The Birthing Years", Cloudburst (Summer 2021)
"Conservatism: An Introduction to the Great Tradition---Questioning Scruton", VoegelinView (June 22, 2021)
"Book Review of Destination Hikes in and around Southwester British Columbia", Ormsby Review (October 28, 2021)
"The Canadian Red Tory Tradition: Janus", The Right and the Radical in the Americas (Tamir Bar-On & Barbara Mola eds.). Lexington Books: Boulder, 2021
"Kindred Minds: Pasternak, Zhivago and Merton", THE UK MERTON JOURNAL (Eastertide 2021: Vol. 28, No. 1)
"Charles Hill-Tout", ABBOTSFORD: A DIVERSE TAPESTRY (Island Blue Print, 2021)
"The Fraser Valley Arts and Peace Festival", ABBOTSFORD: A DIVERSE TAPESTRY (Island Blue Print, 2021).
"Patricia Ross: Ecological Pioneer", ABBOTSFORD: A DIVERSE TAPESTRY (Island Blue Print, 2021).
"University of the Fraser Valley: An Abridged History", ABBOTSFORD: A DIVERSE TAPESTRY (Island Blue Print, 2021).
"Abbotsford Interfaith Community", ABBOTSFORD: A DIVERSE TAPESTRY (Island Blue Print, 2021).
"Stephen Leacock: Walking the Tightrope Between Nationalism and the Market Economy" (VoegelinView: April 20 2021).
"Forward" to THE MYSTERY, THE WAY, AND THE JOURNEY: WALKING INTO THE DARKNESS OF THE UNKNOWN by Joshua S. Hopping (Wipf and Stock Publishers: Eugene Oregon, 2021).
"Castle Culture in Church and World: A Review of Thomas Merton on Franz Kafka (Rockville, MD: 2019)" THE MERTON SEASONAL: A QUARTERLY REVIEW (Volume.46, No. 1, 2021) pgs. 37-39
"Golden Larch Fest: Lake Louise" (CLOUDBURST: Fall/Winter 2020)
"Reminiscing about 7 decades of hikes" (CLOUDBURST: Fall/Winter 2020)
"Boris Pasternak, Doctor Zhivago and Thomas Merton: Part I", RADIX MAGAZINE (Volume 41, No. 2: Winter 2020).
"C.S. Lewis and Bede Griffiths: Chief Companions on the Contemplative Journey", THE INKLINGS AND CULTURE: A HARVEST OF SCHOLARSHIP FROM THE INKLINGS INSTITUTE OF CANADA: edited by Monika Hilder, Sara Pearson & Laura Van Dyke (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020).
Book Review of "The Spiritual Formation of Evelyn Underhill" (RADIX Volume 41)
"An Insider Look: The Tragic Climb (1967) of Denali: An Interview with Jeffrey Babcock" (Cloudburst: Spring/Summer 2020).
"Popular Day Hikes Book Series": Book Review (Cloudburst: Spring/Summer 2020)
"Stephen Leacock: Literary Artist, Humorist and Humanist", (Imago: Spring 2020, Volume 22, Issue 1)
"Introduction", Myth and Meaning in Jordan Peterson: A Christian Perspective (Lexham Press, Bellingham, WA: 2020).
"Myth, Memoricide, and Jordan Peterson", Myth and Meaning in Jordan Peterson (Lexham Press, Bellingham, WA: 2020).
"Foreward" to Wayne Northey's JUSTICE that TRANSFORMS (WipfandStock: Eugene, Oregon: 2020).
"Hermann Hesse: Dienst and Knecht: A Probe" (Clarion Journal: December 16, 2019)
Book Review: "J.B. Harkin: Father of Canadian National Parks", CLOUDBURST (Fall/Winter 2019).
"Mountains and the Arts: Banff and Whistler", CLOUDBURST (Fall/Winter 2019).
"Two Trips: Sunshine Coast/Tin Hat Hut & Tonquin/Ramparts", CLOUDBURST (Fall/Winter 2019).
"Reflections on Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha" (Clarion Journal, August 27, 2019)
"Introduction" to Stephen Leacock's UNSOLVED RIDDLE OF SOCIAL JUSTICE (High Tory Publishing, Abbotsford, 2019).
"Remembrances: Dick Culbert (1940-2017)", CANADIAN ALPINE JOURNAL (Volume 102, 2019).
"Introduction" to ARCADIAN ADVENTURES WITH THE IDLE RICH (High Tory Publishing Company, Abbotsford)
"George Grant and Charles Taylor: Canadian Owls", WALK AWAY: WHEN THE POLITICAL LEFT TURNS RIGHT (Rowan/Littlefield Publishing, UK)
Book Reviews of "105 Hikes In and Around Southwestern British Columbia" & "The Glorious Mountains of Vancouver's North Shore: A Peakbagger's Guide", THE ORMSBY REVIEW: June 8 2019
"Whistler Museum and Archives Society: Coast Mountain Gothic", CLOUDBURST: Spring/Summer 2019
Review of "The Glorious Mountains of Vancouver's North Shore: A Peakbagger's Guide", CLOUDBURST: Spring/Summer 2019
"Jordan Peterson: Transcending Tribalism", ALT VISIONS (May 23 2019)
"Herman Hesse's Journey to the East: Part II": CLARION JOURNAL (March 16 2019).
"Anglo-Canadian Toryism and Anglo-American Conservatism: A Dialogue with Roger Scruton", COSMOS & TAXIS: STUDIES IN EMERGENT ORDER AND ORGANIZATION (Volume 6, No. 3-4, 2019).
"A Lively Pas de Deux" Rev. of Superabundantly Alive: Thomas Merton's Dance with the Feminine" by Susan McCaslin & J.S. Porter, THE MERTON SEASONAL: A QUARTERLY REVIEW (Volume 44, No. 1, Spring 2019).
Book Review of Naim Ateek's "A Palestinian Theology of Liberation: The Bible, Justice and the Palestine-Israel Conflict" (Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies: Volume 17, Issue 2, November 2018)
“Review of We Are All Poets Here: Thomas Merton’s 1968 Journey to Alaska. a shared story about spiritual seeking by Kathleen Witkowska Tarr. The Merton Seasonal: A Quarterly Review (Vol. 43, No. 1: Spring 2018) 25-27.
Book Review of David Downing's "Into the Region of Awe: Mysticism in C.S. Lewis" (The Evelyn Underhill Association Newsletter: 2018-2019)
Review of “Human Beings in International Relations” (Jacobi, Daniel and Freyberg- Inan, Annettte editors: Cambridge University Press, 2015).
Neue Politische Literatur Jg. 63,2018.
Review of “A Palestinian Theology of Liberation: The Bible, Justice, and the Palestine-Israel Conflict” (Naim Ateek). Topic 2018.
Review of “Our Vanishing Glaciers” (Robert William Sandford). Canadian Alpine Journal 2018.
Review of “A Peakbagger’s Guide to the Canadian Rockies” (Ben Nearingburg & Eric Coulthard). Canadian Alpine Journal 2018.
Book Review of Kenotic Ecclesiology: Select Writings of Donald M. Mackinnon (edited by John C. McDowell, Scott A. Kirkland, Ashley John Moyse) in Colloquim: The
Australian and New Zealand Theological Review (Volume 50, Issue 1: June 2018).
Review of Searching for the Tao Canyon by Pat Morrow, Jeremy Schmidt, Art Twomey (BC Booklook-The Ormsby Review: June 30 2018).
“Audain Art Museum/Whistler Museum: Mountaineering Convergence”, Cloudburst (Spring/Summer 2018).
Review of Legacy in Time: Three Generations of Mountain Photography in the Canadian Rockies by Henry Vaux Jr. , Cloudburst (Spring/Summer 2018).
Review of A Century of Antics, Epics & Escapades: The Varsity Outdoor Club, 1917-2017, Cloudburst (Spring/Summer 2018).
“Review of We Are All Poets Here: Thomas Merton’s 1968 Journey to Alaska. a shared story about spiritual seeking by Kathleen Witkowska Tarr. The Merton Seasonal: A Quarterly Review (Vol. 43, No. 1: Spring 2018) 25-27.
“Hermann Hesse and Thomas Merton: Countercultural Affinities”, The Merton Journal (UK: Eastertide 2018, Vol. 25, No. 1).
"The Political Theology of Archbishop Lazar Puhalo: High Tory", (co-edited with Brad Jersak) Clarion Call of Love: Essays in Gratitude to Archbishop Lazar Puhalo. (Abbotsford: St. Macrina's Press, 2018).
Book Review: GEORGIA STRAIGHT: 50TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION, BC Books/Ormsby Review March 10, 2018.
Book review: "12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos", Vancouver Sun (March 3, 2018).
Book review: "12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos", The Ormsby Review (February 23, 2018).
"Erasmus, the English Reformation and the Church Fathers", Anglican Tradition (Vol. 2 No. 4, Summer-Autumn 2017).
"Refinding the Tory Path in North America", The Other North America: Traditions and Identities, edited by D. H. Graham (New York: American Anglican Press, 2017).
“Hellbound? and the Calvinist Evangelical Sanhedrin: A Ginger Group”, Hellrazed, edited by Kevin Miller (Kimberley BC, 2017).
“Rocky Mountain Rambles: July 16-23”, Cloudburst (Fall/Winter 2017).
“Dick Culbert (1940-2017): Coastal Mountain Pioneer”, Cloudburst (Fall/Winter 2017).
Book Review: “Art of Freedom: The Life and Climbs of Voytek Kurtyk”, Bernadette McDonald: Cloudburst (Fall/Winter 2017).
Book Review: “A Peakbagger’s Guide to the Canadian Rockies North”, Ben Nearingburg & Eric Coulthard: Cloudburst (Fall/Winter 2017).
“Thomas Merton and George Grant: When Justice and Peace Embrace: Two North American Prophets”, Globalization and Economic Justice: From Terrorism to Global Peace, edited by arikottuchira Kuriakose (Gorgias Press, Piscataway, NJ: 2017).
"Erasmus and Luther: Dove Meets Hawk”, Clarion Journal (November 30 2017).
"Dick Culbert: 1940-2017", GAZETTE: THE ALPINE CLUB OF CANADA, Vol. 32, No. 3 (Winter 2017).
“Hermann Hesse and Thomas Merton: Countercultural Affinities”, Clarion Journal Website (May 18 2017).
(Colter Louwerse & Ron Dart): “Donald Trump and the Christian Zionist Lobby”, Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies: Volume 16.2 (2017): Edinburgh University Press.
"Henk Smidstra: Huguenot Gadfly”, Henk Smidstra: Huguenot Gadfly, 2017.
“More Than a Tory Touch: Political Culture in 19th Century Canada”, Anglican Tradition (Vol. 2, No. 3: Winter-Spring, 2017).
“C.S. Lewis and Bede Griffiths: Spiritual Friendship”, The Bulletin of The New York C.S. Lewis Society (Vol. 48, No. 1: January/February 2017, Whole No. 477).
“The Canadian Red Tory Tradition: Individualism, Selfhood, Community and the Good”, Renewing the Self: Contemporary Religious Perspectives (edited by Benjamin J. Wood): Cambridge Scholars Publishing: England, 2017.
Book Review: Mystical Landscapes: From Vincent van Gogh to Emily Carr (edited by Katharine Lochnan withRoald Nasgaard & Bogomila Welsch-Ovcharov, New York: DelMonico Books, Prestel, 2016: IMAGO: Spring 2017Newsletter, Volume 19, Issue 1.
“Georgia Engelhard and Peterli and the Mountain”, CLOUDBURST (Spring-Summer 2017).
Book Review: Mountains of the Mind: How Desolate and Forbidding Heights were Transformed into Experiences of Indomitable Spirit, Robert MacFarlane, CLOUDBURST (Spring-Summer 2017).
Book Review: On The Highest Hill, Roderick Haig-Brown, CLOUDBURST (Spring-Summer 2017).
“Mazo de la Roche & H.R. MacMillan: Growth of a Man”, The Ormsby Review (December 16 2016) Book Review: Raif Mair’s I Remember Horsebuns: “Rafe Mair’s fox-like rambles”, The Ormsby Review (October 19 2016)
“Evelyn Underhill and C.S. Lewis: Elective Affinities”, The Evelyn Underhill Association Newsletter (2016-2017)
“Mt. Norquay Via Ferrata: Déjà vu Alpine Europe”, Cloudburst (Fall/Winter 2016)
“Lake Louise Icefields: July 16-24”, Cloudburst (Fall/Winter 2016)
“Yoho National Park and the Burgess Shale”, Cloudburst (Fall/Winter 2016)
Book Review: Ontario Climbing Volumes 1-2: The Southern Escarpment and The Northern Escarpment, Cloudburst (Fall/Winter 2016)
Book Review: Warnings Against Myself: Meditations on a Life in Climbing, Cloudburst (Fall/Winter 2016)
"Soul of Wilderness: Mountain Journeys in Western B.C. and Alaska”, Canadian Alpine Journal 2016 (Volume 99, 2016)
"T.S. Eliot and Stephen Leacock: The New Englander and Canadian Meet", Anglican Tradition (Vol. 2, No.2, Summer-Autumn 2016).
"Canadian Christian Zionism: Hawkish Eccentrics", The Bible, Zionism and Palestine: The Bible's Role in Conflict and Liberation in Israel-Palestine (Relegere Publishers: Dunedin, New Zealand, 2016).
“Chic Scott: Mountain Phoenix”, Cloudburst (Spring-Summer 2016).
“Sunshine Coast Trail: Northern Section”, Cloudburst (Spring-Summer 2016).
Book Review: Soul of Wilderness: Mountain Journeys in Western BC and Alaska, John Baldwin & Linda Bily: Cloudburst (Spring-Summer 2016).
Book Review: Southern Chilcotin Mountain Guidebook, Tim & Claudia O’Hearn: Cloudburst (Spring-Summer 2016).
"C.S. Lewis and Thomas Merton: Soul Friends", The Merton Journal (Eastertide 2016: Vol. 23, No. 1)
Book Review: From Suffering to Solidarity: The Historical Seeds of Mennonite Interreligious , Interethnic, and International Peacebuilding, Andrew Klager (Roots and Branches: Volume 22 Number 1, February 2016)
“Thomas Merton and Henry Miller: Our Faces”, Thomas Merton and the Counterculture: A Golden String (Abbotsford: St. Macrina Press, 2016).
“Thomas Merton and William Everson: Wild Birds”, Thomas Merton and the Counterculture: A Golden String (Abbotsford: St. Macrina Press, 2016).
“Introduction”, Thomas Merton and the Counterculture: A Golden String (Abbotsford: St. Macrina Press, 2016).
“George Grant and Robert Crouse: Prophetic Tories”, Anglican Tradition (Vol. 1, No. 7: Summer-Autumn 2015)
“Kananaskis-Waterton: Edge of Eden”: Cloudburst, Fall/Winter 2015.
Book Review: “Death on Denali: Climbing Disasters on Mount McKinley”: Cloudburst, Fall/Winter 2015.
Book Review: “Climber’s Paradise: Making Canada’s Mountain Parks, 1906-1974”, Cloudburst, Fall/Winter 2015.
Book Review: “Thomas Merton and the Noonday Demon: The Camaldoli Correspondence”, The Merton Journal, Advent 2015, Vol. 22, No. 2.
"Chic Scott: Mountain Phoenix", Tripper (October 2015).
“Thomas Merton and C.S. Lewis: Soul Friends”, Crux (Summer 2014, Vol. 50, No. 2).
“An Annotated Bibliography of Suggested Readings: Thomas Merton”, Crux (Summer 2014, Vol. 50, No. 2).
Book Review of Don Grayston’s, Thomas Merton and the Noonday Demon: The Camaldoli Correspondence. Crux (Summer 2014, Vol. 50, No. 2).
“Red Tories, vereinigt Euch! Das Individuum, der Staat und die Gesellschaft”, INDES: Zeitschrift fur Politik und Gesellschaft (Heft-Archiv: 3: 2015).
“Merton on the West Coast: New Camaldoli and Redwoods”, The Merton Seasonal (Fall 2015: Vol. 40, No. 3) pp. 10-18.
“Introduction”, White Gulls and Wild Birds: Essays on C.S. Lewis, Inklings and Friends & Thomas Merton (Abbotsford: St. Macrina Press, 2015).
“Preface” & “Introduction”, “We are not Our Own”, The Platonic Christianity of George P. Grant: From the Cave to the Cross & Back with Simone Weil (Abbotsford: St. Macrina Press, 2015).
Book Review: Harry Loewen. Ink Against the Devil: Luther and His Opponents (Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier Press, 2015) Roots and Branches: Periodical of the Mennonite Historical Society of BC (Volume 21 Number 3: August 2015).
Book Review: Climber’s Paradise: Making Canada’s Mountain Parks, 1906-1974 (PearlAnn Reichwein: University of Alberta Press, 2014).
The Canadian Alpine Journal , Volume 98, 2015.
“George Grant and Radical Orthodoxy”, Renewal (No. 6B: Spring 2015).
"Reinhold Messner and the Messner Mountain Museum”, Cloudburst (Spring/Summer 2015).
Book Review: Conrad Kain: Letters from a Wandering Mountain Guide, 1906-1933. Cloudburst (Spring/Summer 2015).
“University of the Fraser Valley: The Road Goes Ever On: A History”, Abbotsford, from Village to City: A Commitment to Excellence and Innovation (Abbotsford: MSA Museum Society, 2015.
Book Review: Najla Said Looking for Palestine: Growing Up Confused in An Arab-American Family: Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies (Edinburgh University Press) Volume 14, Issue 1, May 2015.
“Challenging Christian Zionism”, Journal of Holy Land and Palestine Studies (Edinburgh University Press) Volume 14, Issue 1 May 2015.
"George Grant and the Anglican Church of Canada: A Twentieth Century Prophet": Renewal, Winter 2014-2015.
Book Review: "Stephen Leacock and Arcadian Adventures with the Idle Rich": Renewal, Winter 2014-2015.
“Thomas Merton: Hedgehog and Fox”, The Merton Seasonal: A Quarterly Review (Vol. 40, No. 1: Spring 2015).