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Academic Integrity

Academic Misconduct appeal

This appeal process, effective as of Fall semester 2019, has been revised with the thoughtful input of both faculty and 1100 UFV students and is described in section 5 of the Student Academic Misconduct (70) Regulations and Procedures.

Appealing an academic misconduct or penalty

Within 5 university business days of receiving a Notice of Disciplinary Action for Academic Misconduct discussed at your resolution meeting, you may appeal the finding of academic misconduct, any bias or procedural unfairness in the investigation, or the severity of the academic misconduct penalty assigned.


Determine the basis of your appeal

Quoted from Student Academic Misconduct policy (70):

5.1. Students have a right to appeal a Notice of Disciplinary Action when:

5.1.1.        The student can provide proof, through tangible evidence, that the Academic Misconduct did not occur;

5.1.2.        The student can provide proof, through tangible evidence, that there was bias or procedural unfairness in the initial investigation; or

5.1.3.        The student wishes to appeal the severity of an assigned penalty and can provide sufficient grounds to warrant a change in penalty. [Penalty specifics are described in section 7 of the Student Academic Misconduct (70) Procedures and Regulations and briefly summarized at Understanding misconduct penalties.]


Complete the academic misconduct appeal form

Within 5 days of your resolution meeting or receipt of your Notice of Disciplinary Action for Academic Misconduct, complete the Academic Misconduct Appeal digital form by checking the appropriate boxes, writing out your reasoning for the appeal, attaching any evidence, and attaching your Notice of Disciplinary Action for Academic Misconduct. Once your appeal has been submitted, you will receive an email back within 5 days. For assistance with completing the digital form, to request an alternate format of the form, or if you have any questions, please contact the Student Rights and Responsibilities Office


Attend a hearing

The Dean or designate responsible for the subject area will contact you to schedule a hearing. You have an opportunity to respond to the evidence presented at the hearing by the complainant (typically the instructor) and the department head.


Receive the outcome

After reviewing the evidence in support of the complainant and your response, the Dean determines if the complaint is valid and, where applicable, determines the penalty imposed. You will receive the outcome in writing from the Dean or designate within 60 UFV business days of the hearing. The Student Rights and Responsibilities Office retains a copy of the decision.

Appealing Dean's decision

After you have received the decision of the dean or designate, you have the right to request an appeal of the validity of the complaint and/or the penalty within 10 UFV business days of receiving the decision. To learn next steps, contact the Student Rights and Responsibilities Office. The process is outlined in point 5.4 of the Student Academic Misconduct (70) Regulations and Procedures.

Note: Where there is a perceived difference between the meaning or intent of the steps found on our website and the Student Academic Misconduct policy (70) and its Student Academic Misconduct (70) Procedures and Regulations, the wording of the Student Academic Misconduct (70)‌ policy and procedures will apply.