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Student Services

Info for faculty and staff

Are you concerned about a student?

If you are concerned for a student's immediate safety

Call UFV Campus Security at local 7654 or 1-855-239-7654.

If the student is an immediate risk to themselves or others, call 911 as well as campus security.

Concerns for a student's wellbeing

What types of concerns may lead you to consider referring a student for support? It's not uncommon to notice intersecting, complex, or acute concerns that my require several support resources.

You may become aware of one or more of the following:

Academic concerns

  • Sudden and observable changes in a student’s academic performance
  • Multiple requests for extensions


  • Food, housing, financial insecurity
  • Physical accident, injury, or death impacting student or loved ones
  • Student may be experiencing bullying, harassment, discrimination, racism, or other harmful behaviours

Behavioural, Mental Health, or Physical Wellbeing

  • Student reports mental health concerns getting in the way of academics and/or personal life
  • Change in social behaviour
  • Marked changes in physical appearance, including grooming, signs of excessive fatigue
  • Disproportionate emotional response to events, including excessive tearfulness, panic reactions, anger, or paranoia
  • Change in demeanor which may include aggression, irritability, or apathy


What can you do about these concerns?


Direct referral

If the student has identified a specific concern, encourage them to connect directly with a relevant service or program at UFV. This is the best place to start in straightforward situations.

For example:

  • If the student needs academic help, share the Academic Success Centre or Supported Learning Groups.
  • If the student needs mental health support, you could encourage a visit to Counselling.
  • If the student needs help with program planning, tell them about Academic Advising.

What you could say:

  • I’ve noticed [specify behaviour or struggle]. Sometimes when students struggle with [restate struggle], they could benefit from [insert appropriate UFV resource]”
  • “I’ve noticed you scored low on the last two quizzes.  Sometimes when students struggle with course content, the Academic Success Centre can be a helpful resource as they offer tutoring.”

See the list of available services and programs


Refer the student to the Student Support Centre

When to use this option:

If you think the student needs additional support or has multiple concerns. You could also encourage students to refer themselves.

We recommend letting the student know you've referred them to the SSC. You might say something like this:

  • "I am concerned about you. I have noticed that you
    • [have missed many classes and your assignments are late],
    • [seem distressed and distracted in class],
    • [disclosed you have a lot of stress outside of school].
  • I have referred you to the Student Support team for additional support and resources and I hope you consider connecting with them, but it is ultimately up to you if you want to work with them or not. Meetings with Support Coordinators are private and you will not be required to disclose any specific information in order to receive support.”

Submit a referral

What happens after you submit a Student Support Referral for a student?

  • A Student Support Coordinator will reach out to the student directly, usually via email, within 2-3 business days.
  • We will invite the student to schedule a meeting or decide next steps together
  • Moving forward we will communicate directly with the student. If you have any questions or follow-up concerns you can reach out to studentsupport@ufv.ca.

Still have questions?

If you have questions about the Student Support Centre, when to refer a student, or about the referral process, we are happy to provide training.

Request training 

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