What is the Math Challengers competition?
Math Challengers is an inter-school math competition in which students compete in teams of four or five. There are three categories: "Grade 8 and under", "Grade 9 and under", and "Grade 10 and under".
Regional competitions are held across BC each year in February, with the top teams from each region moving on to compete at the annual Provincial competition in March or April.
For the 2024 in-person regional competitions, schools can register up to three 5-person teams per grade for each of Grade 8, 9, and 10 (to a maximum of 9 teams) Note that each student can be on only one team. For example, a Grade 9 student could be on a "Grade 10 and under" team, but can't be on both a Grade 9 team and a Grade 10 team.
The Fraser Valley Regionals will take place on Thursday, February 22, 2024 at the Abbotsford Campus of the University of the Fraser Valley.
Competition format
There are four stages in each competition - Regionals and Provincials:
Stage 1: Blitz consists of one session on a variety of mathematical subjects. Contestants work individually for 40 minutes on 26 questions written on four pages. Each correct answer counts for one point.
Stage 2: Bull's Eye consists of three sessions on a certain mathematical subject. For each of the sessions, contestants have 12 minutes to work on the 4 questions on that subject. Each correct answer counts as two points.
Stage 3: Co-op is a Team competition. Contestants work together in their teams for 36 minutes on 15 questions. Each correct answer counts as two points.
Stage 4: Face-off is a one-to-one buzz-in verbal competition for [up to] the top 10 scoring individuals, but no more than 25% of the number of participants of each pool, and no more than 5 students per school (though this may be flexible at smaller in-person Regionals.) For each question, the participants will be allowed to work for 45 seconds from the time it appears on the screen. The participant who buzzes in first will have their correct answer count as one point.
How to Register
Please find the 2024 registration form and instructions on how to register here: https://www.mathchallengers.ca/registration.htm
Email questions@mathchallengers.ca
Math Challengers (Canadian Math Challengers Society) is a not-for-profit organization proudly sponsored by the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of B.C., Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, BC Hydro, IBM Canada, with generous support also provided by Simon Fraser University, the University of B.C., Camosun College, Okanagan College, University of the Fraser Valley, BCIT, and various private engineering and technology firms