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Faculty of Science

London International Youth Science Forum

London International Youth Science Forum

The London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF) offers a two-week science Summer Camp in the UK both online and in-person held, at Imperial College London & The Royal Geographical Society. Each year 500 students aged 16-21 years old from 70 countries enjoy our 15-day STEM Summer Camp with lecture demonstrations from leading scientists, scientific visits to world-class laboratories and science universities combined with international cultural interaction.

Students can apply directly to LIYSF and pay the cost themselves, however if you are a student enrolled in a science program at UFV, who is academically outstanding and has great leadership and communication skills why not apply through us and we'll cover the cost! The Faculty of Science sends at least one science student to LIYSF each summer all expenses paid to represent UFV.

Past UFV representatives: Connor Goodvin (2024), Manjot Benning & Catherine Laflamme (2023), Rhien Hare & Annabelle Czihaly (2022); Annabelle Czihaly, Connor Frey & Heather Kelly (2021); Annabelle Czihaly (2020); Isabelle St-Martin (2019); Nikola Trotzuk (2018); Tessa Webb & Perrin Waldock (2017); Vivienne Beard (2016); Kevin Kobes (2015); Etienne Dreyer (2014); Andrew Alexander (2013); and Timothy Richards (2012). Read the Blog articles submitted by our past representatives!


Around December each year, the Faculty of Science requests applications from interested science students. The deadline for applications is typically the end of February.

To qualify for the selection process, you must:

  • be aged 16 to 21
  • Submit a portfolio, consisting of:
    • Resume and cover letter stating why you qualify for this
    • Your vision of where Science or Technology will make the biggest contribution to the future (short essay, video or other visual presentation)
    • 2 letters of reference from faculty who can speak to your ability & accomplishments as a science student and why you would be a good representative for UFV at the Forum


Shortlisted candidates will be required to present on a research interest in March to our selection panel. Presentations will be widely advertised to the university community and attendance will be open to any interested students, family, friends, staff and faculty.

For more information, please contact us!



"The speakers I’ve heard, places I’ve seen, and the people I have met I can think of nothing else in my life so meaningful, so life-changing! Regardless of the photos and souvenirs I’ve accrued during my time here, it would be impossible to forget my time here. LIYSF is truly an experience of a lifetime and I can’t think of any greater gift to be bestowed upon me."
~Connor Goodvin

These past two weeks have been a blast from interesting lectures to scientific excursions, and exploring London together! The absolute highlight of the forum was getting to meet fellow science enthusiasts from all over the world! We learned about their cultures, made some awesome friends, and we’re just so thankful for this incredible experience that’s given us lifelong memories! 
~ Manjot Benning and Catherine Laflamme 2023


This experience was  truly career altering and life changing. We will take what we have learned into our studies, apply what we have learned in our future careers, and hold onto the memories for the rest of our lives!
~ Annabelle Czihaly and Rhien Hare 2022


LIYSF and CERN has gifted me with so many new and wonderful people in my life, and I owe these fond memories and new friendships to these events, their organizers, and of course, the participants themselves. The impact on my life has been huge.
~ Nikola Trotzuk 2018


This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, not only will it expand your worldview and engage you in various areas of current science, it’s an opportunity to see the world and make a huge number of new friends with lasting memories! 
~ Kevin Kobes 2015


I leave a different Etienne; permanently impacted by the enlightening lectures, the astonishing tours, the engaging participation, and in a truly deep sense the hundreds of inspiring personalities from around the globe who constitute the heart of this forum. 
~ Etienne Dreyer 2014

Update for 2025!

The 65th London International Youth Science Forum is happening July 23 - August 6, 2025. We will be sending one UFV representative next summer to London! Please visit our Faculty of Science Blog for updates. If you have any questions, please contact us at