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Research and Graduate Studies

Events and workshops

Upcoming events


Faculty Microlectures | Faculty Publication Celebration

When: February 13, 2025
Time: 11:30am - 12:30pm | 12:30pm - 2:00pm
Location: A219 (Spirit Bear Cafe) | A225, Abbotsford Campus 

Each Winter semester, we invite members of UFV faculty to take part in the UFV Microlecture Series by presenting a "snapshot" of their research in two minutes or less. This fast-paced, engaging event is not only fun to watch — it highlights the interdisciplinary nature of UFV’s work, excites students about research, and exposes faculty to the scholarly work of colleagues in other disciplines.

This year's event will be followed by UFV's bi-annual Faculty Publication Celebration in A225. UFV faculty with scholarly work published within the last two years (peer-reviewed journal articles, books or book chapters, juried exhibitions, etc.) have their work featured at this open house event. Following Microlectures, stop by to celebrate the outstanding work of our faculty members over some light refreshments.

Registration for Microlectures is now closed and the presenter schedule full.


Student Research Day 2025

Date: Wednesday, April 2, 2025
Time: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Location: Evered Hall, Abbotsford Campus

Submission Deadline: March 10, 2025

Each year toward the end of Winter semester, UFV students are invited to design and submit a research poster to UFV Student Research Day. The purpose? To share the current state of their faculty-supervised research with a diverse audience of UFV academics, students, family and friends, industry and community leaders, and other members of the Fraser Valley community.


  • 9:30 - Doors open
  • 10:00-1:00 - Poster presentations / judging
  • 12:30-1:30 - Lunch available
  • 1:30-2:30 - Microlectures
  • 2:30-3:00 - Awards ceremony, closing remarks

Everyone welcome!

Student Research Day 2025

Annual research events & celebrations

View now

Faculty Publication Celebration 2023: In-person showcase celebrating peer-reviewed scholarly works of UFV faculty published February 2021 - January 2023.

View now

Student Research Day 2024: Student research poster online showcase & award competition featuring research projects by over 100 UFV students.

COVID-19 Research Panel Presentation

Adapting to a Pandemic World: Exploring COVID-19 Research at UFV. Some of UFV's leading researchers shared their work on the diverse areas impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Dr. Satwinder Bains (Director, South Asian Studies Institute and Associate Professor, SCMS)
Mitigating the Effects of Epidemic/Pandemic Outbreaks on Temporary Foreign Agricultural Workers and Farm Operations in British Columbia

Dr. Cindy Jardine (Canada Research Chair, Health and Community)
Developing travel readiness strategies for Chinese and South Asian populations in the Fraser Valley who regularly travel back to their countries of origin to visit friends and relatives

Dr. Lesley Jessiman & Dr. Andrea Hughes (Faculty Associate, Centre for Education and Research on Aging and Associate Professor, Psychology)
Social Isolation & Loneliness in the Face of COVID-19: An Examination of the Outcomes & the Key Protective/Predictive Factors

Dr. Shelley Canning (Director, Centre for Education and Research on Aging and Associate Professor, Nursing)
Nursing students and seniors: Using technology to maintain social connections during COVID-19


View recording

Student Research Day

UFV Student Research Day is an opportunity for graduate and undergraduate students to showcase their faculty-supervised research projects to the wider UFV community. The event takes place at the end of Winter semester (March-April) each year.

Students participate by designing a research poster covering their project's objectives, methodologies, and conclusions.

Posters are scored by a panel of UFV faculty researchers. Students with the top-scoring posters in roughly 11 categories receive a prize cheque in recognition of their scholarship, while all participants leave with a substantive product they can use for their CV, conferences, or other poster competitions.

Details and registration

Faculty Microlectures

Each Winter semester, we invite UFV faculty to take part in the Faculty Microlecture Series by presenting a "snapshot" of their research in two minutes or less. This fast-paced, engaging event is not only fun to watch — it highlights the interdisciplinary nature of UFV’s work, excites students about research, and exposes faculty to the scholarly work of colleagues in other disciplines.

Faculty Publication Celebration

UFV's Faculty Publication Central takes place after faculty microlectures every other year. This year, we'll be returning to an in-person event where UFV faculty with scholarly work published within the last two years (peer-reviewed journal articles, books or book chapters, juried exhibitions, etc.) have their work featured. 

More information

Undergraduate Research Excellence Awards

Each year, Undergraduate Research Excellence (URE) Awards are presented to UFV students who have conducted high-level research as part of the UFV Work Study program, as research assistants, or for an outstanding course project. UFV Departments/Schools nominate their top research students near the end of Winter semester, while additional awards are available for the best:

  • Community Service Research project completed by a student with a community service agency
  • Indigenous Research project completed by a student on an Indigenous-related topic
  • Industry Engagement Research project completed by a student with a UFV industry partner

Learn more about URE Awards

Annual research workshops for faculty and students

Grant Writing Workshop

Each year the Research Office hosts a workshop to answer the question "Why apply for a research grant?" 

Participants receive tips on:

  • Evaluating the funding source criteria
  • Defining your purpose and objectives
  • Writing your project summary
  • Developing a manageable timeline
  • Identifying potential outcomes, disseminations and publications

The Research Office is available to assist UFV faculty and students with grant writing. Please contact the Director of Research Services and Industry Engagement at for more information, or to set up a meeting to discuss your plans to apply for a research grant.

Student Graduate Scholarship Workshop

Each September the Research Office holds a workshop specific for students who plan to apply for NSERC, SSHRC & CIHR scholarships for graduate school. The deadline for these applications is December 1 each year.

If you would like more information regarding these scholarships at any time throughout the year, please contact the Director of Research Services and Industry Engagement at or 604-557-4044.

2019 workshop:Student Graduate Scholarship Workshop PPT

Faculty Sabbatical Planning and Application Workshops

Ask questions and receive feedback before submitting your UFV sabbatical application by attending a Sabbatical Planning and Application Workshop facilitated by Dr. Garry Fehr, AVP, Research. Check the UFV Research events calendar for upcoming workshops.


  • Learn to recognize what makes a good application
  • Write a project summary, objectives, and goal statements
  • Develop a detailed, clear timeline of activities
  • Identify potential outputs and disseminations

Please contact your Dean's Office if you are unsure about your sabbatical eligibility. For more information or individual assistance with sabbatical applications, contact

About sabbaticals

Research Option and Scholarly Activity (ROSA) Workshop

The Research Office facilitates a yearly workshop for faculty members interested in applying for either a Research Option (RO) or Scholarly Activity (SA) release. ROSA applications are due October 31 each year.

Keep an eye on the UFV Research events calendar for our annual ROSA Workshop, hosted by the Director of Research Services and Industry Engagement. We will run through how to prepare a ROSA application and how the applications are assessed, and answer any other questions you may have. Email with questions or to request application assistance.

About ROSA

Grant Writing Workshops

Thinking of applying for a research grant? Keep an eye on the UFV Research events calendar for our annual Grant Writing Workshops.

Participants receive tips on:

  • Evaluating funding source criteria
  • Defining their purpose and objectives
  • Writing a project summary
  • Developing a manageable timeline
  • Identifying potential outcomes, disseminations, and publications

The Research Office is also available to assist UFV faculty and students with grant writing on an ongoing basis. Please contact the Director of Research Services for more information, or to set up a meeting to discuss your research grant application plans.

UFV Scholarly Sharing Initiative

During the Fall and Winter semesters, faculty gather monthly to discuss their current scholarly work. The goal is to encourange partnerships and identify interdisciplinary opportunities. Events are sponsored with generous support by the Research Office and the College of Arts.

For more information about these events, please contact or

The NSERC Discovery Grant Workshop May 3, 2023

This presentation will be held in two parts:

Part 1:

Dr. Lucy Lee from the Faculty of Science will share her knowledgeable experience as a member of the NSERC's Discovery Grants Evaluation Group Biological Systems and Functions) since 2022 (two rounds so far). She has served as primary and secondary evaluator for over 20 grant proposals and as tertiary, quaternary or quinary evaluator for close to 100 grants. She has also served as an external reviewer in a multitude of grants, and has held NSERC discovery and strategic grants since 1990. Except for a one year hiatus in 2000, she has held continuous discovery grants and continues to hold until 2025. She has been principal investigator (PI ) or co-investigator in multitude of other grant proposals, provincially, nationally and internationally, from private or public funding agencies, and brings a wealth of knowledge as to how to be successful in grant applications. She also brings the experience from sitting on grant evaluation committees from the Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation and in decision making from her various roles as President of the Canadian Society of Zoologists, the Canadian Council of Deans of Science and as Board member of the Society for In Vitro Biology (US). Dr. Lee will share some insights into how the NSERC Discovery Grants evaluation committee functions and will respond to questions and answers from the audience.

Part 2:

Ash Lalani is the Director, Research Services and Industry Engagement within the Office of Research Services and Graduate Studies. She holds a B.Sc. in Computing Science and Philosophy (double major with honors) and an MBA. She joined UFV in October 2022 from Simon Fraser University where she worked for 16 years, the past 12 years (since 2010) in various research administrative roles. Ash will walk you through the application process as this grant requires a mandatory Letter of Intent that needs to be filled out and submitted on Tuesday August 1st, 2023 prior to the full application submission on Wednesday November 1st, 2023. She will go through the various sections that the applicant needs to pay attention to and go over the discovery grant merit indicator grid as well as internal deadlines and support from the research office for the application.

Weblink for funding program: NSERC Discovery Grant program

Presenters: Dr. Lucy Lee (as an expert panel member) and Ash Lalani (grants facilitation and proposal information)

Date: Wednesday May 3, 2023

Time: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm

Location: Abbotsford campus, A203b

Livestream: For those who cannot make it in person, please use the teams link and join virtually. Click here to join the meeting

Recording: We plan to record this workshop

If you have any questions, please reach out to Ash Lalani and


"(Research has) been a really sweet way to optimize my time at school. Looking back, I’m so grateful that I did this. It has truly been a highlight to work under Shelley (Canning). She has been a wonderful mentor and has impacted me and my nursing practice immensely."

  • – Rosaley Klassen
  •    BSN