Faculty Publication Central
Faculty Publication Celebration
Welcome to the 2025 UFV Faculty Publication Celebration! This in-person showcase was held February 13, 2025 and provided a snapshot of faculty research and scholarship including journal articles, books, major reports, visual art and film, exhibitions, and other scholarly outputs published by UFV faculty between January 2023 to January 2025.
An online repository of these publications will be available over the coming month. Please check back.
Explore the 2021-2023 Publication Celebration
Explore 2021-2023 faculty contributions below, or download the bibliography as pdf.
The Research Office gratefully acknowledges the faculty members who contributed works to this 2021-2023 collection, and we ask you to join us in congratulating them for their achievements!
Faculty contributors
Sara Babaee
Instructor, School of Business
- Babaee, S., Araghi, M., & Rostami, B. (2022). Coordinating transportation and pricing policies for perishable products. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 164, 105-125.
Coordinating transportation and pricing policies for perishable products
- Babaee, S., Araghi, M., Castillo, I., & Rostami, B. (2022). Attractiveness factors in retail category space location-allocation problem. International Journal of Production Research, 1-19
Attractiveness factors in retail category space location-allocation problem
Dr. Candace Couse
Assistant Professor, Foundations, Drawing and Painting, School of Creative Arts, College of Arts
- Couse, C., Canning, S., St-Martin, E., Projections: Understanding Student Attitudes Towards Ageing & Dementia. 18 Oct. - 4 Dec., S’eliyemetaxwtexw Art Gallery, University of the Fraser Valley, Abbotsford, BC, Canada.
Projections: Understanding Student Attitudes Towards Ageing & Dementia
Dr. Rita Dhungel
Assistant Professor, School of Social Work and Human Services
- Dhungel, R. & Webster, B. (2022). Trauma-Informed practice in anti-trafficking movement in urban centres, Nepal. Urban Crime International Journal, 3(1), 182-199.
Trauma-Informed practice in anti-trafficking movement in urban centres, Nepal
- Dhungel, R. (2022). SOAR as an Effective Community-based Response in Anti-Trafficking Movements. Journal of Advanced Academic Research, 9(1), 1–12
SOAR as an Effective Community-based Response in Anti- Trafficking Movements
- Sarson, J., MacDonald, L., Dhungel, R., Westbrook, J., Unaru, A., & Smith, A. (2022). Non- State Torture and Sexualized Human Trafficking: A Grassroots Science Framework. Mind and Society, 11(02), 21-32. https://doi.org/10.56011/mind-mri-112-20222.
Non-State Torture and Sexualized Human Trafficking: A Grassroots Science Framework
Dr. Christine Elsey
Associate Professor, Social, Cultural and Media Studies; Member, UFV Senate
- Elsey, Christine. 2022. "Social Anthropology and the Global World: An Introduction to Social Anthropology", Kendall-Hunt Publishing Company, Dubuque, Iowa.
Social Anthropology and the Global World: An Introduction to Social Anthropology
- Elsey, Christine. 2021. The Story of French Canadian Metis Voyageur Joseph Dussault in the Pacific Northwest, in "Eastern Metis: Chronicling and Reclaiming a Denied Past", Lexington Books, Lanham, Boulder, New York, London.
The Story of French Canadian Metis Voyageur Joseph Dussault in the Pacific North West
Dr. Shawn Geniole
Assistant Professor, Psychology
- Geniole, S. N., Bird, B. M., Witzel, A., McEvoy, J. T., & Proietti, V. (2022). Preliminary evidence that brief exposure to vaccination-related internet memes may influence intentions to vaccinate against COVID-19. Computers in Human Behavior, 131, 107218
Preliminary evidence that brief exposure to vaccination-related internet memes may influence intentions to vaccinate against COVID-19
- Geniole, S. N., Proietti, V., Robinson, B. A., Bird, B. M., Watson, N. V., Bonin, P. L., Goldfarb, B., & Carré, J. M. (2022). Relatively rapid effects of testosterone on men's ratings of female attractiveness depend on relationship status and the attractiveness of stimulus faces. Hormones and Behavior, 142, 105174. doi:10.1016/j.yhbeh.2022.105174
Relatively rapid effects of testosterone on men's ratings of female attractiveness depend on relationship status and the attractiveness of stimulus faces
- Kutlikova, H.H., Geniole, S.N., Eisenegger, C., Lamm, C., Jocham, G., & Studer, B. (2021). Not giving up: testosterone promotes persistence against a stronger opponent despite low perceived control. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 128, 105214. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2021.105214
Not giving up: testosterone promotes persistence against a stronger opponent despite low perceived control
Dr. Golfam Ghafourifar
Assistant Professor, Chemistry
- Ghafourifar, G,. Ku,K,. Frey, C,. Arad, M,. Analytical Methods, Volume 14, November 2022, Pages 4033–4154, DOI: 10.1039/D2AY00840H
Development of novel enzyme immobilization methods employing formaldehyde or triethoxysilylbutyraldehyde to fabricate immobilized enzyme microreactors for peptide mapping
Dr. Alesandros Glaros
Postdoctoral Fellow, Food and Agriculture Institute
- Glaros, A., Marquis, S., Major, C., Quarshie, P., Ashton, L., Green, A. G., Kc, K. B., Newman, L., Newell, R., Yada, R. Y., & Fraser, E. D. G. (2022). Horizon scanning and review of the impact of five food and food production models for the global food system in 2050. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 119, 550–564.
Horizon scanning and review of the impact of five food and food production models for the global food system in 2050
- Glaros, A., Luehr, G., Si, Z., & Scott, S. (2022). Ecological Civilization in Practice: An Exploratory Study of Urban Agriculture in Four Chinese Cities. Land, 11(10), 1628.
Ecological Civilization in Practice: An Exploratory Study of Urban Agriculture in Four Chinese Cities
Dr. Wayne Henry
Associate Professor, Philosophy, College of Arts
- Henry, Wayne. A Philosopher’s Guide to Natural Capitalism: A Sustainable Future Within Reach. New York: Routledge, 2023
Dr. Candy Ho
Assistant Professor, Arts and Integrated Studies
- Healy, M., Brown, J.L. & Ho, C. Graduate employability as a professional proto-jurisdiction in higher education. High Educ 83, 1125–1142 (2022)
Graduate employability as a professional proto-jurisdiction in higher education
- Ho, C. Focus on relationships and strengths: Engaging international learners online. At Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse International Students in Open and/or Online Learning Environments: A Research Symposium. (2021, June 17-18). International Teaching Online Symposium, Windsor, Ontario
Focus on relationships and strengths: Engaging international learners online
- Ho, C. “University of the Fraser Valley Career Success as a Lifelong Journey: A Capstone Course Case Study”, in Career Advising as a Tool for Student Success and Educational Equity (Pg 64-69)
Career success as a lifelong journey: A capstone course case study
Dr. Cindy Jardine
Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences; Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Health and Community
- Lines, L.-A., S. Anderson, C. Marty, K. Stanley, P. Stanley and C.G. Jardine. 2021. Indigenizing Forum Theatre through a strength-based approach. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples. 17(4): 504–513
Indigenizing Forum Theatre through a strength-based approach
- Sebring, J. C. H., G. Capurro, C. Kelly, C.G. Jardine, J. Tustin and S.M. Driedger. 2022. “None of it was especially easy”: Improving COVID-19 vaccine equity for people with disabilities. Canadian Journal of Public Health
“None of it was especially easy”: Improving COVID-19 vaccine equity for people with disabilities
- Capurro, G., C. Jardine, J. Tustin, and S.M. Driedger. (2022). “They're trying to bribe you and taking away your freedoms”: COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in communities with traditionally low vaccination rates.
“They're trying to bribe you and taking away your freedoms”: COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in communities with traditionally low
vaccination rates
Dr. Cindy Jardine - continued:
- Wilson, L.A., A.M.L. Quan, A.B. Bota, S.S. Mithani, M. Paradis, C. Jardine, C. Hui, K. Pottie, N. Crowcroft and K. Wilson. 2021. Newcomer knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination. BMC Family Practice 22:17
Newcomer knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination
- Capurro, G., R. Maier, J. Tustin, C. Jardine, and S.M. Driedger. (2022). "Stay home and stay safe… but maybe you can have somebody over": Public perceptions of COVID-19 harm reduction messages during the 2020 holiday season. Journal of Communication in Healthcare
"Stay home and stay safe… but maybe you can have somebody over": Public perceptions of COVID-19 harm reduction messages
during the 2020 holiday season
- Capurro, G., J. Tustin, C. Jardine, and S.M. Driedger. (2022). When good messages go wrong: Public perspectives on changing COVID-19 vaccine communication. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics 18(7):2145822
When good messages go wrong: Public perspectives on changing COVID-19 vaccine communication
Dr. Cindy Jardine - continued:
- Capurro, G., C.G. Jardine, J. Tustin, and S.M. Driedger. 2022. Moral panic about “covidiots” in Canadian newspaper coverage of COVID-19. PLoS ONE 17(1):e0261942
Moral panic about “covidiots” in Canadian newspaper coverage of COVID-19
- Capurro, G., C.G. Jardine, J. Tustin and M. Driedger. 2021. Communicating scientific uncertainty in a rapidly evolving situation: a framing analysis of Canadian coverage in early days of COVID-19. BMC Public Health 21:2181
Communicating scientific uncertainty in a rapidly evolving situation: a framing analysis of Canadian coverage in early days of COVID-19
- Driedger, S.M., R. Maier, G. Capurro and C. Jardine. 2021. Drawing from the 'Bank of Credibility': Perspectives of health officials and the public on media handling of the H1N1 pandemic. Journal of Risk Research
Drawing from the 'Bank of Credibility': Perspectives of health officials and the public on media handling of the H1N1 pandemic
- Capurro, G., R. Maier, J. Tustin, C.G. Jardine, and S.M. Driedger. 2022. The spokesperson matters: Evaluating the crisis communication styles of primary spokespersons when presenting COVID-19 modeling data across three jurisdictions in Canada. Journal of Risk Research
The spokesperson matters: Evaluating the crisis communication styles of primary spokespersons when presenting COVID-19 modeling data across three jurisdictions in Canada
Dr. Karun Karki
Assistant Professor, School of Social Work and Human Services
- Shokirova, T., Brunner, L. R., Karki, K., Coustere, C., & Valizadeh, N. (2022). Confronting and reimagining the orientation of international graduate students: A collaborative autoethnography approach. Journal of Teaching and Learning, 16(2), 5-27. 10.22329/jtl. v16i2.7019
Confronting and reimagining the orientation of international graduate students: A collaborative autoethnography approach
- Mulling, D.V., Karki, K. K., Giwa, S., Brushett, L., Garland, S., & Thomas, J. (2022). Using Critical Race Theory to Analyse Community Engagement Practice in a Graduate Social Work Course. International Journal of Educational Development in Africa, 7(1), 53-70. doi.org/10.25159/2312-3540/9769
Using Critical Race Theory to Analyse Community Engagement Practice in a Graduate Social Work Course
- Karki, K. K., Moasun, F., Freymond, N., Giwa, S., & Zoltek, A. M. (2022). MSW students’ perceptions of the professional identities of the social work practitioner and the social work researcher: Considerations for educators. Journal of Social Work Education. doi.org/10.1080/10437797.2021.1997683
MSW students’ perceptions of the professional identities of the social work practitioner and the social work researcher: Considerations for educators
Dr. Karun Karki - continued:
- Mullings, D. V., Power, E., Giwa, S., Karki, K. K., English-Lillos, P., McLean, A., Caines, C., Ricketts, J., Burt, M. (2022). Using Community Service-Learning as a Conduit to Decolonise Bachelor of Social Work Education. International Journal of Educational
Development in Africa, 7(1), 138-156. doi.org/10.25159/2312-3540/9772
Using Community Service-Learning as a Conduit to Decolonise Bachelor of Social Work Education
- Karki, K. K., & KC, H. (2021). Revisiting the homeland through a transnational lens. Contemporary Research an Interdisciplinary Academic Journal, 5(1), 159-168. doi.org/10.3126/craiaj.v5i1.40502
Revisiting the homeland through a transnational lens
- Giwa, S., Colvin, R., Karki, K. K., Mullings, D. V., & Warren, A. (2021). Analysis of "Yes" responses to uniformed police marching in pride: Perspectives from LGBTQ+ communities in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Sage Open, 11(2), 1-16. doi: 10.1177/21582440211023140
Analysis of "Yes" responses to uniformed police marching in pride: Perspectives from LGBTQ+ communities in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Dr. Emilio Landolfi
Associate Professor, School of Kinesiology
- Landolfi, E. (2022). Exercise Behaviour Patterns Amongst University Varsity Athletes. The Journal of Concurrent Disorders
Exercise Behaviour Patterns Amongst University Varsity Athletes
- Yang, P., Wang, T., Herold, F., Müller, N.G., Taylor, A., Szabo, A., Granziol, U., Cook, B., Landolfi, E., Solmi, M., Liye Zou, L. (2022). Relationships between personality traits and disordered eating among Chinese female exercisers: the role of symptoms of exercise dependence and obsessive‑compulsiveness. Journal of Eating Disorders,10:169.
Relationships between personality traits and disordered eating among Chinese female exercisers: the role of symptoms of exercise dependence and obsessive‑compulsiveness. Journal of Eating Disorders,10:169
- Landolfi, E. (2023). “A Pilot – Project of Exercise Behavior Patterns Amongst University Varsity Athletes.” National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education Conference. Connections: Leading for Good in a Post-Pandemic World. New Orleans, LA.
National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education Conference Presentation on Exercise Addiction
Dr. Lucy Lee
- Bols NC, Lee LEJ, Dowd GC (2023) Distinguishing between ante factum and post factum properties of animal cell lines and demonstrating their use in grouping rayfinned fish cell lines into invitromes. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol-Anim
Distinguishing between ante factum and post factum properties of animal cell lines and demonstrating their use in grouping ray-finned fish cell lines into invitromes
- Chong GLW, Bohmert B, Lee LEJ, Bols NC, Dowd GC (2022) A continuous myofibroblast precursor cell line from the tail muscle of Australasian snapper (Chrysophrys auratus) that responds to transforming growth factor beta and fibroblast growth factor. In
Vitro Cell Dev Biol-Anim 58: 922-935
A continuous myofibroblast precursor cell line from the tail muscle of Australasian snapper (Chrysophrys auratus) that responds to transforming growth factor beta and fibroblast growth factor
- Pumputis PG, Braley E, Hamilton ME, Dayeh VR, Lee LEJ, Bols NC (2022) Integrity and wound healing of rainbow trout intestinal epithelial cell sheets at hypo-, normo-, and hyper-thermic temperatures. Journal of Thermal Biology 103
Integrity and wound healing of rainbow trout intestinal epithelial cell sheets at hypo-, normo-, and hyper-thermic temperatures
Dr. Olav Lian
Professor and Director of the Luminescence Dating Laboratory
- Gauthier, M.S., Hodder, T.J., Lian, O.B., Finkelstein, S.A., Dalton, A.S. and Paulen, R.C. 2021. Stratigraphic, paleoenvironmental and geochronological investigations of intertill nonglacial deposits in northeastern Manitoba (parts of NTS 54B–F, K, L, 64A, H, I) in Report of Activities 2021, Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development, Manitoba Geological Survey, p. 71–76.
Stratigraphic, paleoenvironmental and geochronological investigations of intertill nonglacial deposits in northeastern Manitoba
- Nelson, L.-A.*, Sanborn, P., Cade-Menun, B.J., Walker, I.J., and Lian, O.B. 2021. Pedological trends and implications for forest productivity in a Holocene soil chronosequence. Calvert Island, British Columbia, Canada. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 101: 654–672.
Pedological trends and implications for forest productivity in a Holocene soil chronosequence, Calvert Island, British Columbia, Canada
- Hickin, A.S.*, Lian, O.B., Telka, A., Levson, V.M., and Geertsema, M. 2021. Geomorphic and ecological age constraints for paraglacial to boreal transition in northeastern British Columbia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 268: 107002
Geomorphic and ecological age constraints for paraglacial to nonglacial transition in northeastern British Columbia, Canada
Dr. Olav Lian - continuted:
- Wolfe, S.A., and Lian, O.B. 2021. Timing, rates and geomorphic controls on Holocene aeolian sand deposition using multiple chronometric methods, southeastern Cordillera, Alberta, Canada. Aeolian Research, 50: 100687
Timing, rates and geomorphic controls on Holocene loess and aeolian sand deposition using multiple chronometric methods, southeastern Cordillera, Alberta, Canada
- McIntosh, P.D., Neudorf, C.*, Lian, O.B., Slee, A.J., Walker, B., Eberhard, R., Doyle, R., and Dixon, G. 2021. Late Pleistocene and early Holocene aeolian deposits of Tasmania and their climatic implications. Quaternary Research, 102: 91–114
Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene aeolian deposits of Tasmania and their climatic implications
Catherine Liao
Associate Professor, School of Health Studies, Faculty of Health Sciences
- Liao. C., & Dordunoo, D. (2022) Rethinking global health topics to advance social justice in undergraduate nursing education. Nurse Education Today, 118(2022)
Rethinking global health topics to advance social justice in undergraduate nursing education
- Varcoe, C., Browne, A.J., Perrin, N., Wilson, E., Bungay, V., Byres, D., Wathen, N., Stones, C., Liao, C., & Price, R (2022) EQUIP emergency: can interventions to reduce racism, discrimination, and stigma in EDs improve outcomes? BMC Health Service Research 22, 1113(2022)
EQUIP emergency: can interventions to reduce racism, discrimination and stigma in EDs improve outcomes?
Dr. Dale McCartney, PhD
Assistant Professor, Arts and Integrated Studies, College of Arts
- McCartney, D. M. (2021). “A question of self-interest”: A brief history of 50 years of international student policy in Canada. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 33–50
A question of self-interest": A brief history of 50 years of international student policy in Canada
- Stein, S., & McCartney, D. M. (2021). Emerging Conversations in Critical Internationalization Studies. Journal of International Students, 11(S1), Article S1
Emerging Conversations in Critical Internationalization Studies
- McCartney, D. M. (2022, July 19). Virtual authenticity: The potential risks of historical video games. Active History
Virtual authenticity: The potential risks of historical video games
Dr. Stefania Pizzirani
Associate Director, Food and Agriculture Institute, Assistant Professor, School of Land Use and Environmental Change, Faculty of Science
- Mahmud, T. S., Ng, K. T. W., Karimi, N., Adusei, K. K., Pizzirani, S. (2022) “Evolution of COVID-19 municipal solid waste disposal behaviors using epidemiology-based periods defined by World Health Organization guidelines”. Sustainable Cities and Society, Elsevier. SCSI-D-22-03206R2
Evolution of COVID-19 municipal solid waste disposal behaviors using epidemiology-based periods defined by World Health Organization guidelines
- Issac, J., Newell, R., Dring, C., White, C., Ghadiri, M., Pizzirani, S., and Newman, L. (2022). “Integrated sustainability planning and local food systems: Examining areas of and gaps in food systems integration in community sustainability plans for municipalities across British Columbia”. Sustainability 14(11), 6724
Integrated Sustainability Planning and Local Food Systems: Examining Areas of and Gaps in Food Systems Integration in Community Sustainability Plans for Municipalities across British Columbia
Dr. Talha Qadri
Instructor, School of Land Use and Environmental Change, Faculty of Science
- Qadri, S.M.T.; Mirza, M.Q.; Raja, A.; Yaghmaei-Sabegh, S.; Hakimi, M.H.; Ali, S.H.; Khan, M.Y. Application of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment to Understand the Earthquake Hazard in Attock City, Pakistan: A Step towards Linking Hazards and Sustainability. Sustainability 2023, 15, 1023
Application of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment to Understand the Earthquake Hazard in Attock City, Pakistan: A Step towards Linking Hazards and Sustainability
- Talha Qadri, S.M., Shah, A.A., Sahari, S. et al. Tectonic geomorphology-based modeling reveals dominance of transpression in Taxila and the contiguous region in Pakistan: implications for seismic hazards. Model. Earth Syst. Environ. (2022)
Tectonic geomorphology-based modeling reveals dominance of transpression in Taxila and the contiguous region in Pakistan: implications for seismic hazards
Dr. Saeed Rahman
Assistant Professor, School of Business, Faculty of Business and Computing
- Rahman, S., Slawinski, N, & Winn, M. (May 23, 2022). How Ecological Knowledge Can Catalyze System-Level Change: Lessons from Agriculture & Beyond. Amplify, vol. 35, no. 5, 2022
How Ecological Knowledge Can Catalyze System-Level Change: Lessons from Agriculture & Beyond
- Rahman, M. S., Winn, M., & Pogutz, S. (2022). Organizing in the Era of the Anthropocene: The Role of Human Agency in Building Resilient SESs. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2022, No. 1, p. 15326). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management
Organizing in the Era of the Anthropocene: The Role of Human Agency in Building Resilient SESs
- Rahman, M. S., Pogutz, S., & Winn, M. (2020, July). Inventing regenerative sustainability: Theoretically, empirically, practically. Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society (IABS), 31, 89-99
Inventing regenerative sustainability: Theoretically, empirically, practically
Dr. Afia Raja, PhD
Assistant Professor, School of Land Use and Environmental Change, Faculty of Science
- Tectonic geomorphology-based modeling reveals dominance of transpression in Taxila and the contiguous region in Pakistan: implications for seismic hazards, SM Talha Qadri, AA Shah, S Sahari, A Raja… - Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 2022
Tectonic geomorphology-based modeling reveals dominance of transpression in Taxila and the contiguous region in Pakistan: implications for seismic hazards
- Qadri, S.M.T.; Mirza, M.Q.; Raja, A.; Yaghmaei-Sabegh, S.; Hakimi, M.H.; Ali, S.H.; Khan, M.Y. Application of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment to Understand the Earthquake Hazard in Attock City, Pakistan: A Step towards Linking Hazards and Sustainability. Sustainability 2023, 15, 1023
Application of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment to Understand the Earthquake Hazard in Attock City, Pakistan: A Step towards Linking Hazards and Sustainability
Dr. Brianna Strumm
Assistant Professor, School of Social Work and Human Services, Faculty of Education, Community, and Human Development
- Strumm, B. (2022) Reflection for well-being: The reflective practice experiences of social workers employed in global development, Reflective Practice, DOI: 10.1080/14623943.2022.2158798
Reflection for well-being: the reflective practice experiences of social workers employed in global development
- Sawkins, T., Strumm, B., Mancilla-Fuller, M. & Bolow, H. (2022, March 24 - 26). Images of Newcoming. [Workshop]. Metropolis Conference of Canada, Vancouver, BC
Images of Newcoming
Dr. Jon Thomas, PhD
Director, Esposito Family Centre for Innovation & Entrepreneurship (EFCIE); BC Regional Innovation Chair in Canada-India Partnership Development; Associate Professor, School of Business, Faculty of Business and Computing
- Park, A., Goudarzi, A., Yaghmaie, P., Thomas, V. J., Maine, E. Rapid response through the entrepreneurial capabilities of academic scientists. Nature Nanotechnology. 17, 802–807 (2022). Impact Factor (2021): 42.230.
Rapid response through the entrepreneurial capabilities of academic scientists