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Human Resources

Training & development allowance

The training & development allowance is a supplement to the UFV in-service professional development fund, and can be used for approved professional development activities. As a permanent employee of UFV, you have access to a training and development allowance which will be prorated to the full-time equivalent of your employment contract.

You can submit a claim for the following: 

  • Internet connection fees
  • Computer purchases (once every three years)
  • Approved research expenses eligible under UFV guidelines for non-in-service professional development

If you submit a claim for the reimbursement for the purchase of a computer, you will be confirming the computer is for your use and it is the property of UFV for three years as per Canada Revenue Guidelines for this non-taxable benefit.

Submit your claim

Submit your claim through the Chrome River Expense Management System

You can find instructions on how to use Chrome River here.

Frequently asked questions

To access training and development funds for a professional development activity, you must first submit an in-service professional development application and indicate on the application form if you wish to use your training and development funds in addition to your professional development funds. 

All training & development allowance claims must be received in Human Resources by March 31st in order to be reimbursed from the current fiscal years’ funding. Any claims received after this date will not be eligible for reimbursement.

If you experience an issue with Chrome River or have any questions, you can submit a service ticket here and we will assist you promptly.

For additional information regarding the training & development allowance, contact

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